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Your Dentist Will Have a Field Day with Your Kids.

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  • Your Dentist Will Have a Field Day with Your Kids.

    Working at the convenience store, I sell a lot of candy on a daily basis. For the most part it's not so bad, though it can get kind of annoying when people ask for large amounts, like $3 worth for instance ($3 worth of candy at 6 cents a pop = a lot of candy), but today I had the king of all candy sales.

    A customer came in wanting to know if I could sell him a box of gummi bears, explaining that his kids really liked them. I told him that I couldn't, as we sell candy by individual pieces here and I didn't have a box of them in the store. He decided to just buy a dollar's worth of them instead.

    As I was bagging the candy a woman behind him told him that if he wanted a box of the bears he could go to the local grocery shop and get it there and that it would probably be cheaper than if he had purchased it here (which is true enough. Their prices on everything but cigarettes are cheaper than ours, and since we didn't offer whole boxes of candy for sale we weren't losing business here so I didn't care what she told him).

    I can't remember what the customer said to her, but he left the store with his candy. I served her and was straightening up the cigarette display when not one minute later he re-entered the store and proceeded to buy an additional $6.50 worth of gummi bears.

    I guess he decided that if I couldn't sell a box of bears to him he'd just buy all I had and get more or less a box's worth of them anyway. Amazingly enough, there were enough gummi bears to fill the order with some left over, though I'm surprised he didn't try to buy those as well.

    Now, for those of you keeping track at home, he ended up buying around 150 gummi bears overall. I didn't have a fun time bagging it all, I can tell you that.

    Why couldn't he have just gone to the grocery store? It would have been so much easier.

    ...oh wait. I'm using that pesky logic, aren't I? I forgot that's not allowed when dealing with SCs.
    my favourite author is neil gaiman. - me
    it is? I don't like potatoes much. - the chatbot I was talking to

  • #2
    What an idiot. He could get a big tub of gummi bears at any big-time grocery store for like $5.


    • #3
      I know. And that's what the lady behind him was trying to tell him. Some people are just hopeless.
      my favourite author is neil gaiman. - me
      it is? I don't like potatoes much. - the chatbot I was talking to


      • #4
        Ugh. I *hated* selling candy at camp. Simply because I was forced to stock some brands that did *not* sell at all! But, the main reason had to be the kiddies that would want an entire box of some candy bar. This stuff wasn't cheap--sometimes a box went for about $30 I like candy as much as the next guy, but $30? There are many things I'd rather use that cash for!
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #5
          It's times like that that make me glad I just weigh candy, I don't have to count out large amounts.


          • #6
            Most of the candy at the grocery store I used to work at costed nearly 6 or 7 dollars a pound! I have quite a sweet tooth, but I can't spend that much money on candy.......that's simply outrageous.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth blas87 View Post
              Most of the candy at the grocery store I used to work at costed nearly 6 or 7 dollars a pound! I have quite a sweet tooth, but I can't spend that much money on candy.......that's simply outrageous.
              Me either, at least now. But I remember as a kid running down to the local 7-11 with my $3.00 allowance and spending ALL of it on candy. Until I discovered Baseball cards, of course. And this was back when Topps still had the nasty bubblegum in them so I still made out ok.

              And on the brightside, at least Gummy Bears are fat-free
              Last edited by RentalRacer; 03-12-2007, 12:52 PM.
              If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


              • #8
                I wonder if he was using the kids as an excuse for doing this with them...


                • #9
                  Quoth RichS View Post
                  I wonder if he was using the kids as an excuse for doing this with them...
                  That is awesome!
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    Most of the candy at the grocery store I used to work at costed nearly 6 or 7 dollars a pound!
                    As I'm fond of saying at work..."I work here, which means I can't afford to shop here."
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Quoth RichS View Post
                      I wonder if he was using the kids as an excuse for doing this with them...
                      If he wanted them for something like that, he could have just told me so and I would have been more than happy to give him every last gummi bear we had.

                      Of course, now I want a gummi chandelier...
                      my favourite author is neil gaiman. - me
                      it is? I don't like potatoes much. - the chatbot I was talking to


                      • #12
                        How was the guy a SC? Sure his order was strange, but was he rude, demanding, or throw a fit when you couldn't sell him a box of gummy bears. Doesn't sound like he was a SC.


                        • #13
                          Quoth kibbles View Post
                          How was the guy a SC? Sure his order was strange, but was he rude, demanding, or throw a fit when you couldn't sell him a box of gummy bears. Doesn't sound like he was a SC.
                          He wasn't rude, but I still found it to be a sucky experience. The lady behind him had told him that he could get a whole box of bears at the grocery store while I bagged the original dollar and he left the store shortly afterwards.

                          And then, rather than going to the store to get the box, he came back in and bought that large second batch without so much as even an apologetic smile or thank you (and that worked out to be over 130 candies for the second order; around 150 overall).

                          I guess it's because I work at a convenience store and know myself how annoying bagging large orders of candy at once can be that I would at least show a cashier some sympathy if I asked him or her to sell me that much candy at once and then be sure to thank him or her properly for doing it.

                          It just bothered me that he didn't show the same kind of consideration.
                          Last edited by Miss Maple Leaf; 03-12-2007, 05:15 PM.
                          my favourite author is neil gaiman. - me
                          it is? I don't like potatoes much. - the chatbot I was talking to


                          • #14
                            Luckily, we have a scale for salads. We determined the penny candy weighs 1/135 of a pound each, so if some kid comes up to the register with a basket full ("How much is that?" "I dunno...") they just bag it, bring it back, and weigh it out at 1.35/pound. Takes 4 seconds rather than five minutes
                            I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
                            less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


                            • #15
                              ITA it was more of a sucky experience, instead of a sucky customer

