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I can't bend any further!

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  • I can't bend any further!

    I am sick of bending over backwards for customers who are ungrateful and rude afterwards!

    There was this guy who came to my window and told me that he de-magnetised (I'm not sure if I spelled that right) his credit card and wanted to know if I could "run it back there."

    Me: No, sir. The only way for us to process anything is if the ATM machine approves your card. We don't have any kind of access to your account.

    SC: Well, I have a comdata truckers check, could I do that?

    Me: I'm not quite sure, let me find out.

    That was a new one, I've never been asked that question. I've never had to deal with a comcheck. The only comdata I know of is for our employees only.

    I go back and ask the supervisor and she is kind of puzzled too. But we both find out that a fellow co-worker knows how to do it. Weird, huh?

    So the co-worker goes out there to help him and all seems okay. She had to call a few places, get a code and what not. It took a lot of time. He seemed happy, flirted with her a bit and was on his way. I thought it was a nice ending. Wrong.

    He comes back again and the same co-worker had to show the next shift how to do it. I'm kind of like swing/grave so I get to see both shifts. All seems fine again.
    He gets his money and leaves.

    Now, around two in the morning he returns once again! He wasn't sucky before, not really but he sure turns into a real grouch.

    SC: Is so and so here?

    He expected the co-worker from earlier to wait on him. He was kinda irked when we said she had gone home.

    The graveyard supervisor and the cashier that was assisting him were having some trouble with the comdata check. The guy was getting impatient.

    SC: Come on, its not that hard! You saw her do it!

    He said this to the supervisor. I love this supervisor she reminds me of my grandma, she has a cheery laugh and its like killing a puppy if you're mean to her.

    Honestly we could've told him to take a hike. He even got to use our phone. Its hard to talk on the phone through bars. He couldn't press any of the options he needed or anything. (I'm a casino cage worker)

    SC: Read the numbers to me. (he commanded them to do this)

    I was rolling my eyes as I started to count out of my drawer.

    There was a dispute about where A was. A is one of our annoying co-workers who takes twenty min. ten min. breaks and is a huge flake. B (another cashier) needed her lunch and I was leaving. So that would've left one cashier up front. We don't like to leave one cashier up front by themselves.

    The supervisor asked where A was.

    Me: She's on her break. She's been on it for the last twenty mins.

    SC: Don't be narking! That's rude! Especially infront of me!

    He kept going on and on how I shouldn't have said that and what not. I wasn't talking to him for one and two, it was the truth. What was I suppose to lie to the supervisior as to where A was? Was I wrong in saying that infront of him? I didn't think it was something that would cause a conflict.

    SC: What, are you new or something!?

    Me: No, sir.

    I hate the "are you new" card.

    I guess they kept having problems because he was asking where the nearest truck stop was.

    C (our third cashier for the night) told him there's one in _____.

    SC: Can I walk there?

    C: No... It's like fourty-five mins away.

    SC: Then why are you tellin' me that? I need something I can walk to!

    C: I'm sorry-

    SC: No, just stop talking to me.


    SC: I don't want to hear you anymore.

    I couldn't believe after they did all that for him, he had the nerve to be a jerk! The transaction he wanted was a good fifteen mins. Honestly we're not really required or supposed to call anywhere for the customer. Not our problem but it was something nice and turned out to be crap. I hate that.

    I hate going over the top just to be kicked back down. Granted, he wasn't yelling at me but he was yelling at my co-worker and its like: You mess with one of us and that's it for ya buddy!

  • #2
    ComData Truckers Cheque more like an a$$hole incometence cheque. That's odd that only your co-worker knows how to process these things and Not your Supervisor who should have a list of some sort of any acceptable Payment. Is this guy Quite Irritably Creepy Anakah? I swear I would shoo him away if I was a Supervisor i wouldn't want to meet that bloke in a dark alley!
    Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


    • #3
      Quoth Anakah View Post
      C: I'm sorry-

      SC: No, just stop talking to me.


      SC: I don't want to hear you anymore.
      "Well Sir, I don't want to talk to you anymore, so I guess we both win then."

      Seriously, what a rude, ungrateful moron.
      I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
      another time, this world would fade away
      To find true love, is like no other joy,
      our choice is here
      be happy for today


      • #4
        I would have just started mouthing words at him without making a sound. but then, i'm a smartass like that.
        Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


        • #5
          Quoth katie kaboom View Post
          I would have just started mouthing words at him without making a sound.
          I do that when my customers have their stereo too loud. Works every time.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6
            I had one myself today. I asked if I could do anything else for her and she gave me an attitude of 'I won't bother you anymore. I'm done' and walked away. Turned out one of the cashiers got the same lady at the front of the store. I was friendly and I know she's never been rude to a customer so it's just like

