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Yeah, We've NEVER Heard That One...

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  • #16
    Quoth Jules Of All Trades View Post
    "I accidentally ran over my laptop with my car (yep, really happened)".
    I have one better. One of our employees had to get a new laptop because it got run over by a truck. The thing is, our employees work on mine sites for the most part, and his laptop was sitting in the cab of his ute (pickup truck for the Americans in the audience) at the time.

    The mine truck drove over the top of his ute, crushing it flat, along with the laptop (and everything else inside it), without the driver even noticing.

    Luckily no one was in the ute at the time.


    • #17
      One time at Circuit City, this guy tried to return a 57 inch projection TV because he said it was defective. We all had to go look at it after he left it out front (denied a refund). The screen itself was inside the cabinet, and all the mirrors and projection guns, the circuit boards, pretty much all the internal parts were missing. It had pretty much been gutted. He said it just fell apart, and oddly enough, that it worked fine when he first got it. Strange, considering that the innards weren't even in there.
      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


      • #18
        Quoth HalloranElder View Post
        The thing is, our employees work on mine sites for the most part, and his laptop was sitting in the cab of his ute (pickup truck for the Americans in the audience) at the time.

        The mine truck drove over the top of his ute, crushing it flat, along with the laptop (and everything else inside it), without the driver even noticing.
        Yikes! Glad nobody got hurt! I do hope the mining company paid for the damages?
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #19
          Surprisingly, despite working in a bakery, I got one like that!

          A woman bough sum buns and came back complaining they got rotten. She got a refund (Cuz well, if anybody knows the hairycake story, you know) and then had the face to say "I don't know what happened, I only left them on my dashboard since I bought them."


          Dunno what happened, you left buns in a hot, humid car.

          Didn't do it on purpose, that's why you rubbed the date off to insure a refund...
          Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

          "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


          • #20
            Quoth XCashier View Post
            Yikes! Glad nobody got hurt! I do hope the mining company paid for the damages?
            Yep. The mining company even changed their policies so that it never happens again.

            What happened was that our guy was doing an inspection of the site. He got to where he needed to be, parked his car in the parking lot and got out to do the inspection. One of the hugs mining trucks was also parked there, facing where he parked.

            The driver of the big truck came along, climbed into the cab (and with how high those things are off the ground it's definitely a climb) and took off without actually looking.

            Company policy is now that the driver must do a full walk around of the vehicle before they are allowed to climb in so that they can actually see if anything is around them.


            • #21
              I have a friend who does laptop repair. One of his annoyances is laptops being broken due to charger cords being stepped on and taking a flight. He's lost count of how many laptops have been broken due to people not looking where they were going and wishes that those who make laptops for PCs would take Apple's idea to heart.

              What Apple did was make their chargers magnetic so this sort of thing couldn't happen. If you step on the cord or trip over it out comes the cord and your laptop is safe. Been a savior for me ever since I got my laptop.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

