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The PDA thread...again

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  • The PDA thread...again

    We've done this before, but with every hack and every new we go through, we bring in more and more people with more and more stories to share on these let's hear everyone's favorite PDA customer stories.

    PDA as in public display of affection, of course....

    Customers who insist on making out at the cash register, young couples who can't keep their hands off each other's rear ends in public, couples giving each other hickeys in aisle 3..........
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    I stopped at my old store (Store2) one day...the fiction section runs along the windows on the side of the building, and I was parked in the front row along that side...with a front row view of 2 girls (late teens/early 20s, probably) in one of the aisles kissing and the one girl was holding onto the other's hips while they were looking at stuff (and she was wearing really low slung pants and cropped shirt). At least they were the kind of girls who, if I were a guy (or a girl who went that way), could fuel some fantasies...

    Then there's always the teens making out in the sex section. I mean, come on, at least be original..
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Hm, I have an extreme PDA story. Three kids walk into the pharmacy I worked at. One was a girl who was about 13-14, one was a guy who was about 12-13, and the third was another guy who was about 10-11. After walking around the store for half an hour, they finally come up to the register and throw a box of condoms on the counter. They pay for them, they leave, I thought it was done with.

      20 minutes later, my friend who was doing stock came up to me and told me he saw the girl making out with one of the guys next to the Foodtown behind the pharmacy. To make the day fun, we run out to my car and drive past it. We see them right behind the Foodtown, in broad daylight, going at it. I honk my horn at them and they take off. I've never seen kids run so fast with their pants around their ankles. But seriously, in broad daylight, and not even hidden by anything, and the street that runs next to the foodtown has a decent amount of people who drive on it. How did they not expect to be seen?
      "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


      • #4
        yeah they could fuel some fantasies... . BSE did they happen to be in the section of the store where they sell the Penthouse letters collections?


        • #5
          Oh my goodness the many cases of PDA you will see in a arena parking lot I have many.

          I posted about the guy who "was enjoying dinner'' with his wife and he was driving. Yes, he was driving.

          I've busted couples having sex in their cars so many times during the summer and winter.

          I was once witness to an orgy in the tree line at the party venue. I still feel bad for facility patrol.

          The numerous times I've caught couples going at it in the tree line at the party venue. Couples of all ages, 14 and up. ()

          I caught a couple making out in the bushes at the college venue.

          Oh I cannot wait till the college and party venue open, so much of that crap going on with 98% of it being fueled by alcohol and/or drugs.
          Then there's always the teens making out in the sex section. I mean, come on, at least be original..
          The philosophy section?

          Three kids walk into the pharmacy I worked at. One was a girl who was about 13-14, one was a guy who was about 12-13, and the third was another guy who was about 10-11.
          THAT YOUNG!?!?!? Holy shit. When I was that age sex was the last thing on my mind, good lord that's just wrong and disturbing on so many levels.
          Last edited by ArenaBoy; 03-16-2007, 09:10 PM.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6
            This isn't a SC PDA but it is a PDA while at a work.

            In one of my past lives I worked as an Air Traffic Controller at an airport that had a bike path on the other side of the runway. It was a public path and it had a bench right across from the tower.

            One day ( yes day ) , two teenagers biked up and sat on the bench. They proceeded to make out and soon were passing even that.

            All of this in view of friendly control tower and any landing / departing airplanes.

            Now, you may think that they were doing this on purpose but wait.

            We decided to have some fun with them. In the airplane landing biz, we have giant light guns that we use to signal to airplanes that have no radio. As you can imagine, these things are powerful and we had four of them in our tower.

            We proceeded to take all four lights and highlighted them, clicking the lights off and on and generally giving the the spotlight they so richly deserved.

            It took them a little bit to realize that something was up and a few minutes to find the source of the lights. They looked up at us with a look of shock and awe.

            We were all there, waving at them and still painting them with the lights. Let me tell you, once they saw us they took off at speeds that would make the tasmanian devil proud.

            Fun times.


            • #7
              Quoth po'drph View Post
              yeah they could fuel some fantasies... . BSE did they happen to be in the section of the store where they sell the Penthouse letters collections?
              Nope, sorry. They were in fiction. The sex stuff is on the other side of the store. Not near any windows, either. Though there's plenty of racy stuff in fiction and romance...
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                I caught my best friend fooling around with his at-the-time girlfriend in the ladies bathroom while he was supposed to be working with me. Yes, we're still best friends, but I tease him about it now though I was fuming at the time.


                • #9
                  My husband and I (then just dating) made out in a bank parking lot, near the drive up atm machines. Of course, this was at 3:00 in the morning just after we got off work (and I had to make the deposit) . . . I must say, the bank is located on a pretty main street . . . even though it was still early in the morning, there was still traffic (and you know how well lit bank parking lots are).
                  This area is left blank for a reason.


                  • #10
                    MY FAVORITE PDA

                    They have no inhibitions and make out at the register this is not
                    a peck on the lips, or a long kiss this is
                    mouth open tongues out hands groping

                    I stopped in the middle of the order called the manager and said OVER the PA system

                    "MRs. Manager please come to register 5 for improper conduct issue PLEASE!"

                    Improper being the code word for get yer behind down here
                    she came down to see the two oblivious teens making out and had to touch the girl on the shoulder to get their attention to say
                    "please leave the store your sex session is scaring away valuable customers. And for future knowledge curb your enthusiasms until you can get a room thank you bye now!"

                    She ended in that David Spaid/saturday night live skit "buh bye" dun care tone

                    apparently I was the last one to witness their fetish for making out in public before they were banned from the store

                    (not that I care about what people do and I'm as desensitized as the next person, -which is more than I should be- but if it bothers my customers it bothers me


                    • #11
                      My last job was at a restaurant. I stopped at the employee bathroom before heading outside for my break. As I sat there I heard the door open and close and a few footsteps followed by the sound of a zipper flying down. At the time I thought it might be someone who had to go really bad. I was going to ask "Joe" (the only other male employee on duty that night) if he made it ok but decided that male bathroom etiquette forbode this. Just as I was about to finish and flush, I heard what sounded like a female moan, causing me to peek through the crack between the wall and the door of the stall. I saw a couple in their late teens/early twenties, neither of which worked there, (I'm in the employee bathroom, remember?) having at it, her bent over holding onto the urinal. Ah, young romanticists! I quietly finished and waited until I heard them going at a fever pitch then flushed the toilet.
                      Last edited by bigjimaz; 03-17-2007, 08:09 AM.
                      This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                      • #12
                        The worse I have actually been forced to witness is one where the kissing is so loud and pronounced you are forced to look up in alarm because it sounds like a suction tube has come loose somewhere. And yes it did happen in an area were people were quietly trying to work.

                        Quoth ArenaBoy View Post

                        I was once witness to an orgy in the tree line at the party venue. I still feel bad for facility patrol.
                        I do believe this is called dogging

                        A close friend to this practice is cottaging, which often happens in laybys.
                        ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                        Quoth Gravekeeper


                        • #13
                          While I was working my gas station stint I once saw a middle aged biker couple dash into the ladies room together, they were in there for about 15 minutes, and then they came back out giggling.

                          PDA or drug use? You decide.
                          Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


                          • #14
                            At the Grocery store I worked at one of the Cashiers got fired because 4 customers reported that she was out in the parking lot in a car w/her boyfriend giving him...shall we say Oral Pleasure?

                            Even though she was on her lunch break(hehe we know what she had for lunch! ), she was wearing her uniform, and on company property, so they were able to fire her.
                            If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                            • #15
                              Quoth RentalRacer View Post
                              At the Grocery store I worked at one of the Cashiers got fired because 4 customers reported that she was out in the parking lot in a car w/her boyfriend giving him...shall we say Oral Pleasure?

                              Even though she was on her lunch break(hehe we know what she had for lunch! ), she was wearing her uniform, and on company property, so they were able to fire her.
                              If this was in broad daylight, no wonder they saw her. She should have at least had the self-control to wait until nightfall and do that in a different parking lot.

                              And I bet I can guess what she had for lunch . . . a hot dog.
                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

