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A sucker born every minute...

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  • A sucker born every minute...

    And it isn't me.

    This was kind of the authorized dealer's fault, but also the customer's fault. In the end I hated them both.

    SC: I just found out there is a contract on this second line and there shouldn't be!
    ME: Okay, let's take a look at the line. I see here it was activated on 08/03/2006 at a store, and it was activated with a 2 year contract at that time.
    SC: Okay, look, here's the deal. I lost my phone in July. You people wouldn't give me a good price on a phone since I just got it last April, so I went to one of your booths at the mall and the kid told me all I had to do was activate a second line on the account and he'd give me a free phone.
    ME: Ok...
    SC: So he tells me he'll give me this plan and it will cost a little more and I have to keep the second line, but the phone was free so I didn't see any way I could lose (foresight, obviously, is not your strong suit. Nor is thinking in general). Then he charges me an Activation fee after he told me he wouldn't,

    (That's because he doesn't charge that activation fee. We charge it, and he has no say in the matter. But since you threw a big fit about it, we removed the charge as a courtesy back in September)

    so then the plan he put me on didn't work as well as I thought it would, so I changed to a higher plan. So why should there be any contract? All I did was get a free phone.
    ME: Right, but when he gave you that free phone, you would have signed a contract in the store.
    SC: Uh...I don't....remember that.
    ME (LIAR!): So, you went to the store and activated a line and got a higher plan just for the sake of getting a free phone?
    SC: That's right. I don't even need that phone! It's never even been used!
    ME: Hmm, well, I see here that it's being pretty consistently used every month. In fact, the last call was 10 minutes ago.
    SC: Oh, well, I uh, I use it occasionally.
    ME (more like daily): So...what can I help you with?
    SC: Look, my bill used to be $45 a month, now it's close to $90 a month. Ever since I got this phone, my bills have been higher. I just want to get rid of it and go back to what I had before.
    ME: Right, but if you do that, you'll be charged a termination fee.
    SC: But that isn't fair! Why should I have had a contract for a free phone that I don't even want?
    ME: Because the dealer offered it to you free with a contract on a new service activation and you accepted it.
    SC: No I didn't!
    ME: Yes, you did. Service cannot be activated without a contract, except for prepaid.
    SC: This isn't right!
    ME: I can't help but realize that had you upgraded when you called us in July for the $59.99 for the phone you wanted, this entire situation could have been avoided.
    SC: Why was I going to pay for something when I could get it free?
    ME: Because the "free" phone came with a new line and a higher plan. You do understand how many times you've paid for that free phone since August, don't you? Free phones don't pay the bills.
    SC: Yeah, well, something is definitely wrong here. I can't believe you would take advantage of a good customer like this. I'll be talking with the Better Business Bureau, and I know you'll be sorry!

    Then came the click that was music to my ears. Sorry, but I can't fix a mess that you made. Was the dealer wrong in signing him up for a second line he didn't need? Yeah, but who was dumb enough to fall for it? You made your bed, now sleep in it. You went looking for a "deal" and it bit you in the arse. Not my problem.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    And the Better Business Beareau will say: Mmmhmm...well I'm sure if we discuss this rationally we will all come to a better realization and peaceful resolution in all of this.

    Sucky customer will say: I can't believe you people! I'm going to the Attourney General!

    And thus will begin an eternal cycle of suckiness.
    Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


    • #3
      That customer is nothing more than a freaking dipshit! He thought he was smooth trying to scam the system and it ended up biting him in his SC arse! Then he tried to cry victim? Gotta love it!


      • #4
        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
        That customer is nothing more than a freaking dipshit! He thought he was smooth trying to scam the system and it ended up biting him in his SC arse! Then he tried to cry victim? Gotta love it!
        Yeah, people think they have us "beat," only to find out they succeeded in shooting themselves in the foot. What I liked most about this guy was that it took him 7 months to realize what it took me 2 seconds to realize: that he really, seriously screwed up.

        I'm on my second break now, and I just got off the phone with a woman who was canceling a line because she didn't need it anymore. I saw she activated a new line a month ago, and when I asked her about this she said that she wanted a new phone, so she got a new line since her contract was up on 1 of the other lines today. Unfortunately for her, she had changed her family plan that very same day which renewed the contracts on both the old lines, and she'd had the new line for more than 30 days, so she was stuck with a termination fee on any line she canceled. Then she wants me to feel sorry for her?
        "You are loved" - Plaidman.


        • #5
          LOL that is too funny. So tell me, how did she try to spin it to make it your fault?


          • #6
            That one actually wasn't my fault. She just wanted me to take pity on her for not understanding what she was getting herself into when she accepted a contract. Wah, wah, boo-hoo, next time maybe she'll try to find out all the details and won't blindly agree to a contract when someone waves a free phone at her.
            "You are loved" - Plaidman.


            • #7
              Quoth ominousoat View Post
              And the Better Business Beareau will say: Mmmhmm...well I'm sure if we discuss this rationally we will all come to a better realization and peaceful resolution in all of this.
              I've never had to have any contact with the BBB. If anyone has complained to them about the companies I've worked for, the story never filtered down to me. I wonder how many claims they simply turn away for sheer stupidity... And even if it's a legitimate complaint, can the BBB really do anything significant to the company in question or for the complaining customer?
              I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
              - Bill Watterson

              My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
              - IPF


              • #8
                When I was taking karate my instructor had the BBB threatened on us. Why? Because he was banned from practice fighting after he broke the instructor's arm. Our gym was in a small cramped place and you had to look where you were kicking or punching. He wasn't looking at all, and kicked the instructor's arm right into the elbow, giving enough force to break it.
                The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                • #9
                  Ha, that kid may not have been right to convince the guy to get a new line, but he sure was smart. All the customer said was that he wanted a"free phone," and he got it. Nothing is ever free, though, and the customer was just too blind to see that! I say kudos to that kid for seeing that sucker from a mile away.
                  ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~

