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Same law for all states? (sorta long)

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  • #16
    ooh geez. we got strict on the laws but we don't EVEN do the logbook think how redundant is that? man...
    I agree, Texas is stupid...but I wouldn't leave it for nothing its all I know.


    • #17
      Smurfing is a term that's been used in online gaming for a while, and is the practice of pretending to be a new player so as to score easy victories on newbies.



      • #18
        Yeah, urban dictionary listed that version of smurfing as well, along with a couple NSFW versions. The only one I've ever heard used in real life is the meth one.


        • #19
          All these laws, yet the drugs are still readily available. *Sigh* Parents now need to break the law in order to get a resonable supply. When families from out of town come in once a week, two packets just aint gona cut it. Getting a perscription if retarded and overkill as well.
          "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


          • #20
            Living in Missouri, Meth capital of the World, you cannot buy more than 3 of any kind of cold medicine and in order to even get that you have to show ID and sign a paper. I feel like such a criminal when I have the sniffles..


            • #21
              We had a woman here throw a fit over the Psudophrine law and walk out (with the product which was paid for) without filling in the log book. my boss dosn't quite get it and has told some cashiers that the front doesn't have to fill it in, only if they buy it in the pharmacy. But if they bring it up front, the pharmacy doesn't have them fill it out. I told the cashier do it anyways, don't risk it.
              I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

              This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.

