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The prices are not going to be the same everywhere

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  • The prices are not going to be the same everywhere

    These aren't super sucky but I'm just so over this place. I put in my two week notice on Tuesday so I just have to keep reminding myself that it's almost over.

    So yesterday I had a guy come through the drive through and his meal was lets say, 5.10. He tells me that it is only 4.90 in a certain town about an hour and a half away. I just apologize because I don't really know what to say. Does he think I control the prices or something?

    Today he comes back with a receipt from the other place to show me that it's 20 cents cheaper. It's not that I didn't believe him, it's just that I'm not sure what he wanted me to do. Did he expect me to price match or something? I mean, the town is an hour and a half away. I thought it was common sense that there will be a little bit of a price difference in different cities. That's not all though. After he paid he left without getting his food. I guess he was just too preoccupied with that 20 cent price difference to remember.

    The other day I accidentally told a guy to go to the second window instead of the first. This is what he says to the guy at the first window: "She said the second window instead of the first. She made a mistake. You're a team. When one of you make a mistake you all make a mistake." He was serious too. Oh well, I think I can live with that mistake.

  • #2
    Second guy:

    How does he know that you made a mistake in telling him to go to the second window instead of the first? When I worked at the Golden Arches if someone was being trained on first window at the drive thru they'd send everyone down to me at the second window for payment and food so the person could get used to taking orders over the headset. Then we'd do every few cars would go to first window, then we'd slowly up it to all the cars so that the could get eased into taking money while taking an order at the same time.

    So he can STFU and DIAF.
    My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
    It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


    • #3
      wait, he whined and complained about how much you guys were charging for food and he pays and then leaves before getting the food?? wait a min....

      omg, lol so basically he paid to whine and moan at you. awesome!!!
      there's some people with issues that medication, therapy or a baseball bat just can't cure


      • #4
        People are just stupid. Plain and simple. And they don't listen. I had a customer last night who was like that. she turned out to be nice ,but in the beginning i wanted to throttle her. she was asking about sale prices online v. in store. Now unlike some stores, our prices are idnetical, but the difference is the prices online already reflect any additional discount. But when they see them in store, its higher, as we take the extra off when we ring up. so whilethey think online is better, its really the same.

        So if something is 59.99, with 60% off, the online price will be 23.99, but the ticket in store will still say 59.99, but when we ring them up, and deduct the %, it comes out to 23.99. She just wasn't getting that. OMG I had to repeat myself 900 times.

        and our "online CLEARANCE outlet" is 90% off. which is different from our "regular" sale. the reason its so cheap is its older stuff, AND final sale. but i still had no less than 4 people tell me that they got an email, etc. saying 90% off. and I had to explain.

        I will say, we did at one point have signs in store that said "UP TO 80% off" which means with the markdown, and 60% off, it COULD BE up to that much off the original, but not every item. Corporate must have gotten too many complaints as they told us they were "confusing" and had us take them down. Thank god since iwas tired of telling people no, its not 80% off, its UP TO, blah, blah blah


        • #5
          Ok so it's cheaper elsewhere. Go there then.

          Hell, around here I can shop in 2 states even so prices can REALLY vary depending on where I go - both in price AND tax.

          or hell look at gas stations. Those are always priced based on company and LOCATION.


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            Ok so it's cheaper elsewhere. Go there then.
            Or tell them your prices ARE the same, but you have to charge them a "convenience fee" because they don't have to drive all the way to that other store to get it.
            PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

            There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

