Got one of those old ladies who just want to bitch and whine and moan about all the bad experiances that they ever had with House of Crap. All I can do is apolgize because I don't have a TARDIS and can go back and fix it, (even if I did, I wouldn't anyway). She throws out the classic line "I am not going to shop here again". I was doing my best to move it all along, kept it pleasent.
Then we get to the title.
Her chief complaint was that our presentations are to fast, however it is going to see that way when you only see the last few minutes. I tell her if she can look up the products on our website if she has internet access. She reacted as if I said she was a fat lazy slob. Totally offended, she replied, "I can't walk". I sat there stunned, not sure what to say, I mean what can you say. She continues, "I can't walk, I have to get my wheelchair, I have to go the other room. I don't have my computer in this room."
Then the bomb goes off.
"You don't care about the disabled. By the time go online everything else will be gone. You just dont care, I am telling everyone how you treat the disabled".
It continued in that fashion for a few more minutes, and then she hung up on me.
You said that wouldn't shop here anymore, do you promise?