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One plus one equals eleven...

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  • One plus one equals eleven...

    I was thinking about this the other day, after reading a few of the "They can't be that stupid" threads. I wonder sometimes if it's just not thinking that causes the moments. "Brain Farts" as Brad (old friend) used to say.

    While working at Lowe's, I remember a collossal one that took all my strength not to laugh at the customer right then and there. Even now, looking back, I find that I scritch my head trying to figure out just what the lady wanted from me.

    Setting: Returns desk, very close to Reppy's time to leave for vacation. Just minutes left. There's a few customers there, and another associate about to relieve him. A customer walks in, a look of determination on her face.

    C: Puts a small object down on the counter. Then puts the rest of the object down. It is, in a word, broken. Trust me, whatever it was I sure doubt it was supposed to look like that.

    R: (Stupid question time) "So, whatcha got. Looks broke. (Did I just ask that?)

    C: Water spigot. It broke off when my husband tried to screw it into the pipe.

    R: (blinking but ah, I'm being nice today. And, since it's only worth a few dollars I'll give it back to her no questions asked.) Ok, got your reciept?

    C: Hands over reciept and then points to where it is. Yes ma'am. I can read. Hukd un fonix and all. "Right there" she says.

    R: Taking just a few minutes, I process the return. Taking out her five dollars and...woah that thing cost that much? Probably cause it's brass or something. Whatever. She gets five something back. "If you could sign here?" I point to the paper.

    C: Signs the paper and then stands there, giving the money a funny look and then looking at the reciept. Back and forth. Me, I'm guessing she wondered how she got so much back for a little bit of junk in the first place. After a moment though, she looks at me. "You shorted me."

    R: Taking a look at my copy, I see the cost and then look at how much money she laid out on the counter. Yep, they match. "Sorry ma'am. That's five something there, and that's what the ticket says you paid for that part. So, that's what you get."

    C: Looking up and speaking slowly...(why is it they do this? Talking slowly isn't going to change the fact that I can't help you.) "No. You shorted me. See. Down here, it says I paid twenty five dollars. You only gave me five back."

    R: Blink blink. "'am? You paid twenty five total. That's for everything. That part only cost you five something though..."

    C: Looking at me with hate. "BUT I PAYED TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS!"

    R: Backing up just a bit. "Ma'am. Did you bring the rest of the stuff with you to return?"

    C: NO. It's installed at the house. Why would I return it?

    R: Oh, I don't know. Maybe to get the rest of the money? (I did not say this. Wanted to...but no, I was nice.) I did say this: "Ma'am. I can't give you twenty five back for this one item if you kept the rest at home. You paid twentyfive for all of it. Not just the one part. Look, you bring it all back..."

    C: (staring at reciept) "But it says twenty five dollars..."

    R: Yes, I did snap at this point. "Look. I'll make it simple. You bring me the rest of the stuff on that list, and I'll give you your twenty five dollars back. Don't bring it, and you don't get it back. Understand?"

    C: Now staring at me. "I want my..."

    R: "Twenty five dollars. Yeah. You said that already. Look, I could give you the twenty five (she perked up at this) but then I'd have to call security because you'd be stealing. Do you really want to have to explain this to them?"

    After that she just read the reciept again and actually seemed to debate that before just snatching up her money with the ever popular "I'm never shopping here again." I was in rare form, and my brain filter could not prevent me saying "Can I have that in writing?"

    Well, that's it guys. Likely my last post for a long time. My work is moving along pretty well, and I'm having to stay later and later to get anything done. Usual slow down is around July, so I should pop in around then again. I'll still be lurking around some, so you never know when I might drop by.

    See y'all round.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    Awesome story! Really brightened my mood!

    What makes it so great is even though you pointed out what was confusing her she still wanted to argue the point with you.

    Well, when I finally have enough in the bank to buy my 60 inch plasma tv, I will be sure to buy a DVD with it. This way I can return the DVD the next day and get my $4,000 back


    • #3
      I had a guy come in with two receipts and a bagful of items to return. Our system lets you scan in both receipts, and then we just scan the items being returned and the computer sorts it out for us. Problem was, one of the receipts' total was about $35.79. The total of this guy's return was something like $33.99.

      So, I give him his $33.99. He then tries to argue that it should be $35.79 like his one receipt says (did I mention that he didn't speak English very well either?) We go back and forth for like, 10 minutes. Finally I took every item he returned, showed him which receipt it came from one by one, and added the prices up on a calculator and came up with $33.99. He finally left but you could tell he thought I was scamming him.
      My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


      • #4
        I am amazed that some people can walk upright...

        I try to talk to people like that about their insurance..... "but what is a deductible"..


        • #5
          You actually said "Can I get that in Writing?"

          Day-um you rock

          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


          • #6
            I would get that all the time when people would buy 2 of the same item. If it was 5 bucks, the line on the right would say 10 and show that the person bought 2 of them.

            People would bellow in about how they were overcharged, shown their receipt, and would say "oh" and walk away.


            • #7
              Quoth BDbuddy23
              I would get that all the time when people would buy 2 of the same item. If it was 5 bucks, the line on the right would say 10 and show that the person bought 2 of them.
              I got that all the time too. The way the receipt is set up I always had to explain; the item is on the left, the amount they actually are paying is on the right, and any discount or quantity is shown under the item name, with the original price. Say an item is $10

              Item name
              2 @ 10.00...............20.00

              and if it was discounted, say 20%:

              Item name
              10.00 - 2.00............8.00

              and it's really fun when you have a dollar amount discount on the total transaction, because the computer takes off an equal amount on each item, rather than just showing it at the bottom. The only way you know the discout was applied is the "coupon $ off" at the top, and then you have to show the customer how it took off a dollar from each of their 10 items (but of course it's never that simple). And half the time they look at you like they still don't quite believe you. grr.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                Well, when I finally have enough in the bank to buy my 60 inch plasma tv, I will be sure to buy a DVD with it. This way I can return the DVD the next day and get my $4,000 back
                Fantastic! Another great idea.
                I'm learning all sorts of things this week. Might I draw your attention towards the following thread in case you've missed it:
                There's really no reason why we should ever have to pay for anything ever again.

                If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                • #9
                  I get crap like this all the time as well, except instead of it being because the SC didn't return every item on the slip, it's bcause they used a coupon, and utterly fail to grasp the concept of "NO CASH/CREDIT BACK" with a coupon. Therefore, you use a $3 coupon on a $10 item, then return it: $7 refund. Because you PAID $7, not $10.

                  Needless to say, that's far too difficult for SCs to understand.
                  "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                  RIP Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

                    and it's really fun when you have a dollar amount discount on the total transaction, because the computer takes off an equal amount on each item, rather than just showing it at the bottom. The only way you know the discout was applied is the "coupon $ off" at the top, and then you have to show the customer how it took off a dollar from each of their 10 items (but of course it's never that simple). And half the time they look at you like they still don't quite believe you. grr.
                    I deal with this at work ALL the time, and 9 times out of 10 they argue with me about it. In all the time i've worked there, i only had ONE time where i explained to the person how the coupons worked, and she believed me. With all the others i had to end up calling a manager and letting them explain to these idiots that we're not ripping them off.
                    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                    • #11
                      Back when I worked at Chesterfield (not so much at West County, because we had stopped scanning the reward card and cashing in certificates, as the store was definitely going to close, we just didn't know when) we would get people bitching and moaning about why their receipt didn't show their reward certificate they'd cashed in.
                      RJ: *point at the bottom of the tally on the receipt, where it said GC redeemed, -(multiple of $5.00)* It most certainly does show the reduced price.
                      SC: *would usually go, 'Oh', and leave*
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        Glad I'm not the only one that's had this. And I really shouldn't be on now (I mean, not like I can fire myself for shirking right? Uh, wait, check that I'm getting angry with myself now...*JK*)

                        I'll see y'all again around July. Be good...and remember, you may want to, but you really can't kill the customers. No matter what the voices tell you.

                        Also, it's a royal pain to get blood out of carpet.
                        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                        • #13
                          Everybody knows that 1 + 1 = 10

                          (it really does)


                          • #14
                            Quoth repsac View Post
                            I'll see y'all again around July.
                            Be good. We'll miss you. Don't work too hard!
                            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                            • #15
                              Quoth trunks2k View Post
                              Everybody knows that 1 + 1 = 10

                              (it really does)
                              10 kinds of people...

                              *sticks out tongue*
                              "I call murder on that!"

