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There are no sandwiches left!

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  • There are no sandwiches left!

    SC: I would like a sandwich
    Me: I'm afraid they have all sold out, we have plenty of other snacks, what about a Cuppa Soup or...?
    SC *cuts me off* Well that's not proper soup is it?
    Me: We have biscuits and chocolate...
    SC: No, I'll just have 2 bottles of wine.
    Me: Fine
    SC: This is disgraceful, I am going to make an official complaint!
    Me: Ok

    I didn't particulary care that we had no sandwiches. We were very busy flying out to Murica and we sold all 38. The airline/catering company chooses how many sandwiches we have. Most people complain about the food anyway. They have to pay for it. It was a 2 hour flight.

    Why can't people eat before they board? I have several pax moaning on that flight, we had other snacks in the trolley anyway. I wish they'd get some perspective and realise that there are many people starving in the world.

    One chavvy sort of woman looked at a vegetable and cheese tortilla wrap and wrinkled her nose and said 'that looks digusting.'

    I hate Costa del Sol Spanish flights. I end up hiding in the galley. Being the number 2 (second in charge FA) I was able to do so
    No longer a flight atttendant!

  • #2
    I can't believe that people would complain about the food (if they didn't bother to eat before boarding). Since 9/11, the number of flights I've personally been on that even offered food was so small that I would think most people would be grateful to get anything.

    But I guess I know people better than that.
    He loves the world...except for all the people.
    --Men at Work


    • #3
      Last time I went on a flight, I was worried about whether or not the meal would be edible so I brought a couple of chocolate bars along. My fears were groundless; it was fine.

      I get this at work too; even tho it's nothing to do with me, I still get people whinging, "There's no sandwiches left!" when it's 8 at night.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #4
        they offer SANDWICHES on flights? Dude, I'm lucky if Air Canada stocks soda and cookies! I've never been on anything longer than a 3 hour flight though...
        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


        • #5
          Someone was willing to pay for and eat airline food on a two hour flight?!
          I'd have to be trapped on an airplane for at least twleve hours before I'd even CONSIDER it.

          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


          • #6
            I'm not big into airline travel, mainly cause I never go anywhere, but let me get this straight. The passenger was disappointed because there was no crappy sandwich? Did his mood improve any after chugging 2 bottles of wine on a 2 hour flight? Probably not. I'm guessing he's not a happy drunk.
            "You are loved" - Plaidman.


            • #7
              Sounds more like a Costa del Asbo flight to me

              These are probably the same people who complain about not being able to check in because they arrived late.
              ludo ergo sum


              • #8
                Quoth rvdammit View Post
                Sounds more like a Costa del Asbo flight to me

                These are probably the same people who complain about not being able to check in because they arrived late.
                My favourite part of watching "Airline", that


                • #9
                  Air Canadalandia does indeed serve food on long flights. I've had some passable meals, considering the limited space available, on transpondlantic flights with them before. I even enjoyed waffles as we neared dear old Blighty last time, as mentioned in the write-up of the Canadalandia ski trip (posted on the front page under the fun link).



                  • #10
                    It would be nice if airline travel wasn't the miserable beast it is. they have managed to suck every ounce of joy out of traveling, other than the glorious feeling of getting the hell off that bucket o' bolts.

                    There was a time when you had a comfortable, even roomy seat. Travelers were nicely dressed and on their best behavior. The FA's served (if not gourmet) certainly edible meals and snacks.

                    Boy those days are over. Now you are shoved inside a tin can like a sardine. You better sit down shut up and grit your teeth for the duration of the flight. God forbid any of you are taller than 5'0 and weigh more than 85 lbs, because you will be spilling over your seat and onto your neighbor. Hopefully there will be no delays which trap you on the tarmac for 12 hours with non functioning toilets. And hopefully one of your fellow travelers does not have a psychotic episode and have to be restrained for the duration of the flight. And pray to the gods of flight that you do not have a 4 year old kicking your seat for 2 hours.

                    Can you tell I just love to fly?


                    • #11
                      Quoth CherryB View Post
                      Can you tell I just love to fly?
                      Not really CherryB, tell us what you really think

                      The last time I was on a flight it wasn't too bad, but then again this was years before the new bullmerde about liquids.

                      Frankly I'm wondering if my wife and I will ever be able to fly again now that she has to keep insulin with her at all times.

                      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                      • #12
                        Oh that passenger did become happier after 2 glassess of wine.

                        Argh why on earth did I become a flight attendant?
                        No longer a flight atttendant!


                        • #13
                          Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
                          Argh why on earth did I become a flight attendant?
                          The excitement of travelling around the globe and meeting SCs from different countries?

                          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                          • #14
                            Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
                            Argh why on earth did I become a flight attendant?
                            Because of the glamour, the high society, the suave men inviting you out for dinner and a night on the town after the flight...

                            I first read this thread after recently visiting the US air force museum. The first mental image that came to me at the start was someone in one of the Really Early Days biplanes offering the pilot a cuppa soup... OK, it was a weird image; you probably had to be there in my mind to appreciate it.

                            Either that, or someone in one of the B-2s. "This is your captain speaking. We'll be arriving above-- well above-- the Afghan/Pakistan border in a few minutes. If you look out the right side of the plane, you can see Japan-- whoops, just missed it, make that the Yellow Sea, at least for the next thirty seconds-- sorry, yes, the wing does get in the way of sightseeing, sorry about that, it's part of the plane's design. Anyway, we may hit some turbulence over the Himalaya Mountains, so we recommend avoiding the Cuppa Soup today..."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post

                              Frankly I'm wondering if my wife and I will ever be able to fly again now that she has to keep insulin with her at all times.

                              There's a difference between shampoo and insulin. You can bring medication on board (just make sure that it's labelled properly).
                              -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                              -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"

