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  • W.T.F MOFO?!

    I've been working with cell phones now for a good year or so now, so I've built up something of a rep. Everyone automatically wants to come to me for help, including management, because they all know I know what I'm doing. Well, apparently not EVERYONE thinks so...

    DA stands for dumb ass, by the way....

    ME: Hi. What can I do for you?
    DA: This is a pain in the ass. I bought this phone the other day and this card, and I can't get it to work. Now if you can't help me, I want to speak to someone who can
    ME: Okay. Well let's see what I'm working with here... *takes the phone and the card* Uh, ma'am, this is a Tracfone and you have a Net 10 card. This isn't going to work but if yo--
    DA: That's bull crap! I was told by the person who sold me this phone that I can use this card!
    ME: Well, ma'am, whoever sold you this card misinformed you. You have to use a Tracfone card with a Tracfone cell phone. These are not compatible. Now what you can do is get a Tracfone card or a Net 10 phone
    DA: I don't want either. I like this phone and I prefer the unlimited card. I don't like those Net 10 phones
    ME: I understand that but thes--
    DA: Don't give me any 'buts', kid. I know what I can do. I'm going to call Tracfone and get this taken care of since you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about. You can leave now
    ME: You know what? I actually do know what I'm talking about. I wouldn't be in this position if I didn't. So when you are told, again, that what you have won't work with your phone, I'll be standing right here to get you the card that will work...

    So at this point I walk away to do other things I needed to get done. And about thirty minutes later, I happen to look over to see this same woman at the register exchanging the Tracfone for a Net 10 one and mumbling under her breath. I just smile to myself and go back to my task
    Last edited by TechieGirl87; 11-30-2012, 06:42 AM.

  • #2
    She was pissed because in her little world, it works the way SHE wants it to & no dumb ass peon is gonna tell her otherwise...LOL!


    • #3
      Awesome comeback! I wish I knew who said it here, but someone said one of the better comeback lines too.

      An SC threatened to talk to someone else or a higher up when the SC wasn't getting what they wanted or didn't want to hear, and the OP replied, "Please [go talk to them], and when they do talk to you, don't take it personally..."


      • #4
        GREAT comeback! I'll bet when reality finally smacked her hard enough, she made it a point not to go back to you for the exchange.


        • #5
          Great comeback! Also great that she didn't go to a manager and blame you for the wrong card and tell them you were rude
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #6
            That right there is a special kind of stupid. I mean, seriously, a five-year-old kid could have told her she needed the right card for her phone.

            And I don't think the person who sold it to her told her it would work. She decided that all on her own.
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Oh my dog....I work with a bunch of people like that.

              They are NEVER wrong.

              And they won't stop arguing.

              If by some miracle, someone with a lot more years on them comes around and is able to bring them down a notch, it's pouty pouty time for the rest of the shift.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                What I find really funny is that they think the first person that they talked to HAS TO BE RIGHT and that everyone else is wrong.
                Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
                Save the Ales!
                Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


                • #9
                  The first person told them what they wanted to hear. That is why they were convinced in the rightness of it.

                  And just for good advice, most people here disguise where they work. When I worked for Wal-Mart, I used to call it the Little Shop of Horrors, personally.
                  Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                  • #10
                    Sometimes I just feel like reaching over the counter and smacking people upside the back of the head


                    • #11
                      The only point in the SC's favor is that with some phones, it's possible to contact the service they belong to and get a code to make them SIM-lock free. I know - I did so with my old Verizon phone before moving to the Netherlands, where I stuck a T-Mobile SIM in and all was fine.

                      However, even if it was possible, there are far better ways to communicate this request.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Hanzoku View Post
                        The only point in the SC's favor is that with some phones, it's possible to contact the service they belong to and get a code to make them SIM-lock free. I know - I did so with my old Verizon phone before moving to the Netherlands, where I stuck a T-Mobile SIM in and all was fine.

                        However, even if it was possible, there are far better ways to communicate this request.
                        That had to be a really old phone from the air touch days or something uber advanced because to my knowledge Verizon is CDMA and not gsm.
                        (most CDMA carriers dont use sim cards, hence my brain going DAFUQ)
                        If anyone breaks the three pint rule, they'll be running all night to the pisser and back.


                        • #13
                          except i'm pretty sure the SC wasn't skilled enough to unlock her phone ... if she was then she would have already known how to put minutes on with another carrier.

                          although personally im a bit surprised they processed the return for her.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Hanzoku View Post
                            The only point in the SC's favor is that with some phones, it's possible to contact the service they belong to and get a code to make them SIM-lock free. I know - I did so with my old Verizon phone before moving to the Netherlands, where I stuck a T-Mobile SIM in and all was fine.

                            However, even if it was possible, there are far better ways to communicate this request.
                            If this was a contract phone we were dealing with, that would have been possible. It would just have to have a SIM card slot. But you can't cross a pre-paid phone card from one pre-paid company to the phone of other. You can do that with a phone number, but the person would have to wait until their service days in their old phone wore out because, say, a Straight Talk service isn't compatible for a Net10 phone.


                            • #15
                              Quoth TechieGirl87 View Post
                              Straight Talk service isn't compatible for a Net10 phone.
                              /\ THIS. I swear to Dog Almighty, if I have One More Moron come into my store asking for a StraightTalk card, I will blow an aneurism. Sure, TracPhone, Net10, and StraightTalk is all owned by the same parent company but that doesn't mean you can cross the streams! StraightTalk is proprietary to Wallyworld only, you can't even get it from Club of Sam's. It says so on their commercials, radio spots, brochures, website, and the phones themselves.

                              Well, maybe not written on the phone itself, but you get my point. It's kinda hard to miss that kinda info.

                              I'm pretty sure I'm starting to suffer from brain damage from all the times my head has hit the counter due to the stupid.
                              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.

