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As we all know, No=Rude

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  • As we all know, No=Rude

    For the first few hours this morning, it was busy. We had 2 regular cashes open and 2 self scans, but it was still busy. Some people made comments, but no one was too bad, until this one.

    She comes to me and says I need to call my manager to open more cashes.

    Me: I'm sorry, but there's no one available to open more cashes.
    Her: Is that how it really is, or is that just what your manager told you?

    Ok seriously? We can't pull people away from their jobs in other parts of the store. Even if they knew how to run a cash register, and most don't, the system won't let them log on because they're not hired as cashiers.

    So it eventually gets around to her turn, and she's got a clear attitude as she's throwing her stuff on her conveyer belt. When she's done, she demands a manager.

    So i call the cash manager down and he talk to her, but for a fairly brief time. Apparently, she asked for his manager, and he came down and had a fairly long talk with her.

    I asked later what happened, mentioning that she'd complained to me that there weren't enough cashes open. He just said "Yeah, and she didn't like the answer you gave her." So it seems like the managers just came down and told her the same thing I did.

  • #2
    Hey kids, remember back in the 80's we read stories about Russians standing in line for hours to just buy a loaf of bread? I think this woman's head is so far up her ass, I'm surprised she isn't biting her own liver.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.


    • #3
      Quoth BuryMe View Post
      Me: I'm sorry, but there's no one available to open more cashes.
      Her: Is that how it really is, or is that just what your manager told you?
      "Yes. It's all a giant conspiracy. We're covering the fact that aliens have abducted the spare cashiers that we keep in the back. As a reward, we get to listen to you whinge before they eat you.


      "Why would he lie about how many cashiers are available?"

      which would make a lot more sense, but might not quite fit the SC's paradigm.


      • #4
        Quoth sms001 View Post

        "Why would he lie about how many cashiers are available?"

        which would make a lot more sense, but might not quite fit the SC's paradigm.
        The stupid thing is, the manager doesn't need to tell me who's available. I can see them. If a ashier is scheduled to come in, they have them working cash. There will never be some one in the store who can open a cash, but won't.


        • #5
          Is that how it really is, or is that just what your manager told you?
          And what difference would that make? What did she want you to do, ask your manager if he was lying about it??
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            Ah, makes me grateful I work at my store. *Everybody* is trained as a cashier and has their own number to log on, so if it gets busy we can call down employees from the shop floor

            Doesn't stop people moaning though. Our policy is that it's acceptable to have one person being served and one person waiting at each till. Any more than this, and we call more people down.

            I regularly see people moaning that there are no empty tills, even though there are plenty with only one person being served. They just want us to open another checkout so they don't have to wait less than 5 minutes :/


            • #7
              What I got to love is when every register is open and yet still hear people bitch about the wait.


              • #8
                Quoth Jaspar View Post
                Ah, makes me grateful I work at my store. *Everybody* is trained as a cashier and has their own number to log on, so if it gets busy we can call down employees from the shop floor

                Doesn't stop people moaning though. Our policy is that it's acceptable to have one person being served and one person waiting at each till. Any more than this, and we call more people down.

                I regularly see people moaning that there are no empty tills, even though there are plenty with only one person being served. They just want us to open another checkout so they don't have to wait less than 5 minutes :/
                It wouldn't quite work at our store. People always need help around the floor with different things, so we can't pull them all away. Then there wouldn't be people to customers to check out at all.


                • #9
                  Where I work, ie supermarket petrol, we can sometimes call for help from over the road, but not always cuz anyone who works in the petrol station has to be petrol trained. SCs however can't grasp this fact, and still whine if they end up having to wait.

                  "Why can't you get someone on the end till?"

                  Well, moron, in case you didn't notice, there are only two of us working here right now. That means that only two tills are going to be open. Do the maths.

                  "Waaah! There's no milk!"

                  Yes, cuz there's only two of us working here. Seeing a pattern developing? All we can do is call over the road and ask them to bring milk over, and if they decide they can't be bothered to do that, then we get no milk. Alternatively, you could walk over the road and get some yourself.
                  People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                  My DeviantArt.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Aethian View Post
                    What I got to love is when every register is open and yet still hear people bitch about the wait.
                    One place I worked (sold books, music, videos, video games, consoles), two days before Christmas, all 10 registers and the Guest Service register going, still had lines out the butt. Some bruja was pitching a fit about the wait, finally the store mgr (or asst mgr, I can't remember which) asked her just exactly what she wanted us to do about it. Amazingly enough, she didn't have any suggestions.

                    Quoth BuryMe View Post
                    It wouldn't quite work at our store. People always need help around the floor with different things, so we can't pull them all away. Then there wouldn't be people to customers to check out at all.
                    Same place as above, again, a few days before Christmas. They only had one person scheduled in books, music, and video to begin with. At one point, the books and video associates were called up and left me running the whole floor by myself. Then the genius AM (different one than above) got the bright idea to call me up. I could see him standing up at Guest Services, called him and said, "You do realize that if I jump on, there won't be anybody on the floor, right?" Doofus hemmed and hawed a little before the light bulb finally went on.
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Pagan View Post
                      Doofus hemmed and hawed a little before the light bulb finally went on.
                      It was one of those 7.5W Christmas tree bulbs, wasn't it?
                      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                      • #12
                        Quoth dalesys View Post
                        It was one of those 7.5W Christmas tree bulbs, wasn't it?
                        That's being generous by 7 watts. I don't know if that's a possible wattage, but it would've fit him!
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          Quoth dalesys View Post
                          It was one of those 7.5W Christmas tree bulbs, wasn't it?
                          No, Honey. That was more like a 4 watt nightlight.
                          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                          • #14
                            Actually, it's a mini-light from a string of Christmas lights - a "50 in a string" series-connected set.
                            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

