Alright, so this guy came in, wanting pall mall 100. (Keep in mind we rarely sell those). I do the standard thing and ask him for his ID. This is where it gets wierd....
Me: Me of course!
Guy1: Guy Uno ONo
Guy2: Guy two....
Girl1: Girl one
Me: May I see your ID please?
Guy1: Ahh man, my wallet got stolen, I'm 27, but its your job, I understand... *starts to leave, is at the door and looks at me* "You sure ya can't do it now???"
Me: Nope, sorry....
Guy1: *Flips me off* WELL F YOU!!!!!! YOUR A (Insert gay word) and storms out.
Few minutes later a younger guy2 comes in. Ask for same cigs. I shake my head and say no, cause it be a second hand deal.
Guy2: What are ya talking about!!! He is 24!!! I sent him to get cigs for me!!
Me: You should have came in then...
Guy2: WHAT IS YOUR GUYS F'ING PROBLEM!!!! YOUR ALWAYS CARDING!!! HE IS 24!!! I'M 23!!! WE'RE OVER 18!!!! STOP CARDING ME!!! YOUR A PUSSY! YOU <gay word at least a dozen times as he storms out*
Few minutes later a girl comes in. Asks for SAME cigs. I told her I need the first guy's ID since he was the first to ask.
Girl: Well I think he's 21 so its ok....
Me: Well that's the third different age I gotten so its not...
Girl: F you!! *Storms out*
Few minutes Later Guy2 comes back.
Insert four minute rant about how gay I am and what a pussy and need to stop carding him and that I'm Fing gay.
So as tired as I am, what do I do??
Making the smooching sound twice.
and winked at him. He turned about ten more shades of red, but stormed out nad left me alone.
It later dawned on me we've already kicked guy2 out for screaming at us for being carded, and stealing 2 one liters of coke cause he didn't want to wait.
Oh well.
Me: Me of course!
Guy1: Guy Uno ONo
Guy2: Guy two....
Girl1: Girl one
Me: May I see your ID please?
Guy1: Ahh man, my wallet got stolen, I'm 27, but its your job, I understand... *starts to leave, is at the door and looks at me* "You sure ya can't do it now???"
Me: Nope, sorry....
Guy1: *Flips me off* WELL F YOU!!!!!! YOUR A (Insert gay word) and storms out.
Few minutes later a younger guy2 comes in. Ask for same cigs. I shake my head and say no, cause it be a second hand deal.
Guy2: What are ya talking about!!! He is 24!!! I sent him to get cigs for me!!
Me: You should have came in then...
Guy2: WHAT IS YOUR GUYS F'ING PROBLEM!!!! YOUR ALWAYS CARDING!!! HE IS 24!!! I'M 23!!! WE'RE OVER 18!!!! STOP CARDING ME!!! YOUR A PUSSY! YOU <gay word at least a dozen times as he storms out*
Few minutes later a girl comes in. Asks for SAME cigs. I told her I need the first guy's ID since he was the first to ask.
Girl: Well I think he's 21 so its ok....
Me: Well that's the third different age I gotten so its not...
Girl: F you!! *Storms out*
Few minutes Later Guy2 comes back.
Insert four minute rant about how gay I am and what a pussy and need to stop carding him and that I'm Fing gay.
So as tired as I am, what do I do??
Making the smooching sound twice.

It later dawned on me we've already kicked guy2 out for screaming at us for being carded, and stealing 2 one liters of coke cause he didn't want to wait.
Oh well.