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Do we need a bigger sign

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  • Do we need a bigger sign

    Every time I work this happens to me. A person begins writting a check when we do not accept checks. At every register, facing the customer, we have a BIG, Bold sign that says, "We do not accept checks". Yet I still have to tell these people that we don't accept checks. Most of the time the person just gets out their credit card or cash, but sometimes a person will complain.

    Me: Sorry, but we don't take checks.

    SC: Well, why not?

    Me: The store decide that they don't want to take checks, but we can take cash or a card.

    SC:Why don't they want to take checks?

    Me: Well, I dont know, but we dont, sorry.

    SC: *Well thats stupid babble while I scan their credit card*

    Here's another

    Me: Sorry, but we dont take checks

    SC: Well, you should have a sign

    Me: Umm... We do. *Points to sign in front of lady*

    SC: It should be bigger

    Me Thinking: Its almost as big as a sheet of paper, what does she what a billboard.

    Me Talking: I'll tell a manager about that.
    Life could be wonderful if people would leave you alone
    - Charlie Chaplin

    The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.
    - Captain Jack Sparrow

  • #2
    I remember right after I got out of retail for good -- late '89 -- I was doing some Christmas shopping. Around this time, credit cards were not used nearly as much as they are now. Some department stores took them, and a few restaurants, but no grocery stores or fast food places.

    This was at a department store. They took credit cards, but only at certain registers. Ever register had a sign "cash, check, or credit card", or "cash or check only." Meaning that only certain registers were set up with card readers. But of course, we know how people can't or don't read signs.

    Since I didn't have a credit card yet, I was in one of the cash/check lines. It was only a matter of time before the line got held up because of some idiot trying to pay with a credit card. A manager had to be called over so that the order could be moved to another register. And of course, a few of the customers in front of me were blaming the cashier for the holdup. Since I was no longer in retail and didn't have to remain silent, I told them it wasn't the cashier's fault that people are too stupid to read the signs.
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


    • #3
      A bigger sign wouldn't work.

      It could be as big as the sky, with flashing lights, ginormous speakers capable of razing a skyscraper to subatomic particles by turning on, broadcasting "WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS" non-stop 24/7, with laser beams tattooing "NO CHECKS" across their eyeballs, and people would STILL claim they didn't see it.
      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


      • #4
        The SC's will read the sign, see the words "accept checks" and ignore the rest.
        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


        • #5
          Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
          A bigger sign wouldn't work.

          It could be as big as the sky, with flashing lights, ginormous speakers capable of razing a skyscraper to subatomic particles by turning on, broadcasting "WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS" non-stop 24/7, with laser beams tattooing "NO CHECKS" across their eyeballs, and people would STILL claim they didn't see it.
          This. No matter what you do - all of the above, even if you included a unicorn that came over and said "We don't take checks" to every customer coming inside... they would STILL find something wrong with it.

          Why? Because their egos cannot accept either of the following:

          1) That an employee told them "no"
          2) That an employee proved them wrong by pointing out the obvious sign.

          Therefore they will find some way to criticize the sign, employee, store, whatever... in order to feel "vindicated"


          • #6
            I have to ask, in this day and age, who still writes checks to pay for stuff at a store? If you have a checking account, you get both checks and a debit card. Why would you write a check unless you absolutely had to? I was in line at the supermarket the other day, and was shocked to find the person in front of me writing a check. WTH? I hadn't seen anyone write a check in a supermarket in literally years.


            • #7
              You mustn't go to the supermarket all that often! I work in one and can attest they're still relatively common. Especially in the express lane, oddly enough.


              • #8
                Just write "Free" on it, and they'll notice it much more easily.
                Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                • #9
                  I see this at Costco all the time.. In the Self-Serve lanes, they have signs on them that tell you "No cash. American Express or Debit cards only" And never fails, all most ever time I'm there, I see some Bozo standing there trying to figure out where you put in your cash to pay'
                  Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                    A bigger sign wouldn't work.

                    It could be as big as the sky, with flashing lights, ginormous speakers capable of razing a skyscraper to subatomic particles by turning on, broadcasting "WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS" non-stop 24/7, with laser beams tattooing "NO CHECKS" across their eyeballs, and people would STILL claim they didn't see it.

                    I love it.
                    Great YouTube channel check it out!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                      A bigger sign wouldn't work.

                      It could be as big as the sky, with flashing lights, ginormous speakers capable of razing a skyscraper to subatomic particles by turning on, broadcasting "WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS" non-stop 24/7, with laser beams tattooing "NO CHECKS" across their eyeballs, and people would STILL claim they didn't see it.
                      I've always said pretty much the same thing. There could even be those flaggers that flag for planes that motion to it with their little glow sticks..and people would STILL claim not to have seen it.
                      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                      • #12
                        The other week I did self checkout at the grocery store, same store I go to all the time. This time after I scanned my order the machine told me no cash.

                        First thing I did? Check the register to make sure I hadn't missed a sign.

                        I hadn't, so I at least felt a little better.


                        • #13
                          One of my favorite stories about check writing was when a customer asked if we could take a check and I said "No, but you could use your debit card." The customer explained that there wouldn't be any money in the account until Monday. I guess they were just going to write me a bad check.


                          • #14
                            sort of yes, sort of no. What the customer was hoping was by the time the check cleared, she would have the money in the account. It's the reason Check Kiting is even possible ( as a matter of fact, this technically IS Check Kiting- it's called Playing The Float- basically, using the check as a form of credit. I don't know about the legality of Playing the Float, but Check Kiting is definitely illegal. ( I don't know if Playing the float is illegal because there, there is the intent to honor the check)


                            • #15
                              Quoth PhoneManager View Post
                              One of my favorite stories about check writing was when a customer asked if we could take a check and I said "No, but you could use your debit card." The customer explained that there wouldn't be any money in the account until Monday. I guess they were just going to write me a bad check.
                              Actually, that was a pretty common thing for anyone living payday to payday back before checks cleared instantly, and took a few days to physically get to the bank and get processed. So if you knew your paycheck would be put into your account on Friday, and you needed a few groceries on Thrusday nite, you knew you could write the check, and the money would be there to cover it when it was processed. Yep, it was technically writing a bad check, but with the system in place at that time, you knew it would be covered, and was most often done out of desperation. Not saying right or wrong, just that it was done, and why, and that it normally worked with no one losing any money.

                              Madness takes it's toll....
                              Please have exact change ready.

