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  • OUCH!

    Yesterday, I started my first FULL shift as Manager of ABC Paintball...

    And what happens: I get shot

    In rolls a group of kids, spending their post-christmas cash on markers and games. I got through my standard spiel about paintball, etc. Their first game went okay, a bunch of newbies

    Second game, two of the regulars joined in(I love walk-on's), and Carl(our temp ref) had to call out since he couldn't keep anything down, so I took over.

    So the second game goes well, when all of sudden I hear the cry of this "I CAN'T SEE, MY MASK!"


    I run over to lead the guy off, when *WHAP*...paintball to the back of the knee, i go down, and go down HARD. I actually tackled the faulty mask kid.

    And now comes the sucky part; I'm limping off the field when his two friends starting bitching about my "treatment" of their friend.

    I told them to "take it up with the owner"

    The Kid felt so bad, that he decided to buy some more stuff, and got a year's league pass.
    Frying pans! Who knew, right?

  • #2
    "I used to be a manager, then I took a paintball to the knee..."


    • #3
      At least the Kid realized it wasn't your fault, and followed instructions.

      He could actually turn into a regular, and a good customer.

      Paintball hits in winter sting. I got nailed in the back of the leg one time when I was actually facing my opponent. He jumped out of the brush at me, and I fell back onto my back while popping off rounds at him. I lit him up: but a shot hit me in the back of the leg as I fell because I lifted my knee up towards my chest as I fell, exposing it. So we were both out.

      It stung like a bitch, and left a big bruise.

      It was so worth it
      They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


      • #4
        AHHHHH! Theshadow, I was TOTALLY gonna say that until I scrolled down to see your post.


        • #5
          Better than the time I went paintballing, I got hit in the balls by a rogue paintball, from two freaking fields away!

          Speaking of the time I went paintballing, I have to share the story of my most badass feeling moment.

          It was a game of Capture the Flag, most of our team were hunkered behind a shed, trying to work out what we'd do next (the other team were defending) So I had the bright idea of pulling out a smoke grenade, and being a smartarse and throwing it so it'd go through the sheds window, out through the door facing the defenders and bouncing so it'd cover the approach to the flag. Of course, it didn't work out that way, I flubbed the throw because of incoming fire and it ended up in the middle of the shed. I went "oh shit" ran through the door on our side, slid across the floor of the shed, and threw the smoke grenade out of the door on their side as i slid past it. Not only did that work, and I didn't get shot, I also made it land ontop of the flag so our runner could charge in and get the flag.

          Funniest thing of that day was one guy had a psycho marker,that would some how go fully auto randomly, hearing the rapid phutphutphut and then the guy go "FUCK" because he'd just totally unloaded his entire hopper, was freaking hilarious.
          I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


          • #6
            OUCH. I feel your pain, I've been nailed in that region before, and it's never a fun experience.

            and pull that shit at my field, and I'll nail your picture to the wall under BADASS.

            Sounds like he was trying to ramp and it got away from him.
            Frying pans! Who knew, right?


            • #7
              Quoth paintballworker View Post
              OUCH. I feel your pain, I've been nailed in that region before, and it's never a fun experience.

              and pull that shit at my field, and I'll nail your picture to the wall under BADASS.

              Sounds like he was trying to ramp and it got away from him.
              I know it was from 2 fields away, because they were hte only other guys playing.

              It was great to turn a fuck up into somehting good (although nobody really saw it because it was in the shed etc) was pretty awesome

              As for the rampant marker, it wasn't him doing anything, it was just psychotic, It'd just go off fully auto randomly, a couple of times with him not even touching the trigger. It got to the point where when it went off between games (although he was safety concious and always held it not pointing to anyone and unloaded when not ingame) one of our guys, would scream "HIT THE FUCKING DECK" and we'd all drop to the floor, taking the piss and start laughing our asses off at him. I think he even swapped markers and it happened too.
              I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


              • #8

                We had a A-5 renter like that....I swear it was taunting me.

                Got revenge thou, the thing burst a O-ring, so I went "Office space" on it.
                Frying pans! Who knew, right?


                • #9
                  Another funny thing about that day was, I held off an entire enemy team....with an empty marker, I'd run out of paintballs, didn't notice at first (and they didn't notice either, even after i did) so standing behind cover I would now and then fire, making the sound, keeping them hiding, because they thought I still had ammo, until about 5 minutes later they finally caught on and got me. I know the refs saw me, I think thy were just amused at the whole thing and seeing how long it'd take the enemy guys to realise I was out.
                  I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                  • #10
                    I have two fun and deceptive practices when paintballing:

                    1-Kamakaze runs
                    first wave, has no ammo, the smaller and/or fastest runners, run screamming in a line to draw fire/waste ammo of the defenders.

                    Second wave, has all of first waves ammo, and all the "hiding spots" are known, and low on ammo.

                    2-Bystander effect
                    casually walk along about two feet inside range(on the "in play" side of the field), just chatting, until you get close to the "bunker"-then unleash fury. everyone assumes since your just casually walking(and not shooting at anyone), you're not active, they pay no attention to WHERE your walking.
                    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                    • #11
                      I oughta give paintballing a try some day.

                      That 'kamikaze run' is a good tactic, I think. Reminds me of my usual tactic while doing lasertag, which is to charge ahead with my full six-foot-two, 275-pound frame, firing and screaming a berserker fury, which usually sends people running.
                      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                      • #12
                        *snicker* Reminds me of the only paintball game I got near... unfortunately, heat + migraine = migraine winning, so I was sitting in the "base" listening to the radios the refs carried with them.

                        My friends, 5 males and one female other than myself, gear up, get the lecture that ends with, "And whatever you do, don't shoot the refs! If you do, we'll call the game ended!" and thump out into the woods. Mind, I couldn't see the firefight, but I could hear most of the reports and knowing each person's mentality, I could get a rough idea of what was going on by the refs chatter. The guys in the group apparently had forgotten little things like stealth, planning or even don't blow the whole load in one go... But my female friend hadn't. She took the approach of a proper little sniper and stealth through waiting for a target.

                        Well, the game is going rather well, the boss and I are listening, chatting about what each person is up to.. and we hear one of the refs yell, "OOOOOOUUUUUCCCHHHH!!" which also echoed really nicely through the forest side of the playing field. "I've been hit, round 'em up!" I look at the boss and say, "She got him." He goes, "How do you know?" "Because she thought she saw J earlier and was stalking him in the same direction Ref A reported in from."

                        Sure enough, she'd seen J and was stalking him, heard a rustle, a bit of white t-shirt and aimed, nailing the ref in the shoulder. And it was the only shot she'd taken the entire game! Ref A was amused, but that looked like it HURT worse than his ouch had let on.
                        If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


                        • #13
                          I got The Fella and The Kat paintball vouchers for Xmas. They love it and can't wait, take the vouchers to the rival company that accepts other company's vouchers... *blush* Well, that company IS better, they say.
                          Is it Asshole Day or what? - MoonCat
                          It's ALWAYS Asshole Day. - Jay2KWinger


                          • #14
                            Wow...this brings back a story out of my past....

                            Several years after desert storm, during Clinton's administration and Old Buddy(OB) came back from 10 years in the army, he was a freaking bonna fide war hero. He had been in the Rangers and was a freaking badass. When OB got back he was a quiet type, keep to him self, worked hard, settled down and got married, but....

                            OB liked to go out and get rowdy, and he would drag me along as the voice of reason as I had no problem dragging him out of a bar or a party if I knew he might do something stupid.

                            Then OB got this brilliant idea to try paintball. ...OMG...

                            OB drug me along as I wanted to get out and away from my now ex wife and I figured, Hell I would just watch as I didn't feel inclined what-so-ever to get hit with a paintball. He rented a marker and a mask and I watched this guy play the first time....

                            It was not pretty. OB tried to handle it like it was a military maneuver and he got hit and was out within a minute or so of starting. I had warned him, this is a game, they don't behave like they would if it were life and death.

                            OB was pissed, and the fat fuck who was one of the local pros decided to talk smack, OB picked his ass up and slammed him down like a sack of flour and proceeded to explain in great detail how paintball was different from a firefight and that if fat fuck ever forgot it, he would happily rearrange his internal organs.

                            OB never played again as far as I know, but every time he gives me shit, I ask him "Feel like paintball today?"


                            • #15
                              Quoth paintballworker View Post
                              ME: "KEEP IT ON, HEAR ME! KEEP IT ON!"

                              I run over to lead the guy off, when *WHAP*...paintball to the back of the knee, i go down, and go down HARD. I actually tackled the faulty mask kid..
                              I guess it's time for this link again...

