Nothing special to post here, really, just annoyances that have come up over the past week or two. Let's begin, shall we?
Skating Rink, How I Loathe Thee...
The local skating rink happens to be right across the street, diagonally, from the C-Store. Who goes to the skating rink? Apparently, the most ignorant, ill-behaved tween boys in town. Okay, so some of them are polite, but most of them... most of them, I'd like to shove right back out the door, onto their rude little behinds. They come in in groups, make noise, and end up buying candy or energy drinks. What annoys me the most is...the skates. Yep. They come in with their roller skates or rollerblades on, and ignore me when I tell them to take them off. Seriously, guys? We JUST redid our floors. Take them off, or GTFO! Oh, and CW R caught one trying to steal an energy drink the other night. Stupid little tween boy came in with a hoodie on, and thought it would look inconspicuous to leave carrying said hoodie clutched against his chest instead. Pffft. Busted!
That's Not Where You're Supposed To Stand
A lesson, ladies and gentlemen: You stand in FRONT of me to be rung up and pay for your things. In front. As in, in front of the counter with the cash register on it. Not beside it, to my left, where the lottery machine, EBT machine, etc are. How is this such a difficult concept? We have ONE register. It's not that difficult. Of course, one old bat tried to use that tactic to line jump so she could buy scratchers. She failed. I took the customers that were rightfully in line first. I saw an older guy stand on the side to pay for his gas today too...and there was no one in front of the counter, where he should've been. I just...don't get it.
If I Knew...I STILL Wouldn't Tell You!
Guy comes up to pay for his stuff. First question out of his mouth? A very gruff "When the hell are gas prices gonna change?" Cue me forcing myself not to twitch, and explaining that I really don't know until it happens. Cue him ranting about how he'd like to "shop local" but gas is cheaper in the bigger city fifteen minutes south, blah blah whinge bitch blah. Look, asshat, I honestly don;t control the gas prices. I just change them when I'm told, be it up or down. Ranting to me will do you zero good. Take your shit and leave now thankshaveagoodday.
No, That Is NOT Acceptable ID
Kid came in today, and wanted some cigarettes. Alrighty. As I'm grabbing them, he's getting his wallet out. As I['m about to ask for ID, he throws this gem at me: "Will my school ID work?"
Me: *once I get my brain to restart after the few seconds it stopped upon hearing his question* No. No it will not. Sorry.
Him: Oh. Okay. I have my license. It's just a pain. *gets it out and hands it to me*
Yes, he was old enough. Why the hell he would try with a school (and I mean high school, no real identifying info on it besides his name and a pic) ID when he had his actual ID there, I...don't know. I mean, I get it...the ID holder slot in wallets is a pain, but still...just...WHY?
I'm Sorry...I'm Not Superwoman!
Thursday morning, I was working on ringing customers through in the middle of a rush. My potato chip vendor was waiting for me. All in all, it was chaotic. When the line was gone, I quickly went to check the vendor in. As I did that, a woman came in, went to get coffee, and bitched that we were almost out. Cue me, looking at her as if to say 'seriously?', and telling her "You just missed the rush!" before going to make coffee. Really? I'm not Superwoman. My arms will not extend from the cash register, across the store, to make coffee while I wait on the twenty or so people in line. Sorry I'm just a mere human.
Like I said, nothing too exciting, but I'm on my *looks at schedule* sixth day out of eight in a row working, four of which I was at the store at four in the morning. Things add up and annoy the shit out of me. That's where this lovely place comes in. Thank you, and...goodnight. I'm exhausted! (And don't tell me TGIF, my day off isn't until Tuesday...bleh...)
Skating Rink, How I Loathe Thee...
The local skating rink happens to be right across the street, diagonally, from the C-Store. Who goes to the skating rink? Apparently, the most ignorant, ill-behaved tween boys in town. Okay, so some of them are polite, but most of them... most of them, I'd like to shove right back out the door, onto their rude little behinds. They come in in groups, make noise, and end up buying candy or energy drinks. What annoys me the most is...the skates. Yep. They come in with their roller skates or rollerblades on, and ignore me when I tell them to take them off. Seriously, guys? We JUST redid our floors. Take them off, or GTFO! Oh, and CW R caught one trying to steal an energy drink the other night. Stupid little tween boy came in with a hoodie on, and thought it would look inconspicuous to leave carrying said hoodie clutched against his chest instead. Pffft. Busted!
That's Not Where You're Supposed To Stand
A lesson, ladies and gentlemen: You stand in FRONT of me to be rung up and pay for your things. In front. As in, in front of the counter with the cash register on it. Not beside it, to my left, where the lottery machine, EBT machine, etc are. How is this such a difficult concept? We have ONE register. It's not that difficult. Of course, one old bat tried to use that tactic to line jump so she could buy scratchers. She failed. I took the customers that were rightfully in line first. I saw an older guy stand on the side to pay for his gas today too...and there was no one in front of the counter, where he should've been. I just...don't get it.

If I Knew...I STILL Wouldn't Tell You!
Guy comes up to pay for his stuff. First question out of his mouth? A very gruff "When the hell are gas prices gonna change?" Cue me forcing myself not to twitch, and explaining that I really don't know until it happens. Cue him ranting about how he'd like to "shop local" but gas is cheaper in the bigger city fifteen minutes south, blah blah whinge bitch blah. Look, asshat, I honestly don;t control the gas prices. I just change them when I'm told, be it up or down. Ranting to me will do you zero good. Take your shit and leave now thankshaveagoodday.
No, That Is NOT Acceptable ID
Kid came in today, and wanted some cigarettes. Alrighty. As I'm grabbing them, he's getting his wallet out. As I['m about to ask for ID, he throws this gem at me: "Will my school ID work?"
Me: *once I get my brain to restart after the few seconds it stopped upon hearing his question* No. No it will not. Sorry.
Him: Oh. Okay. I have my license. It's just a pain. *gets it out and hands it to me*
Yes, he was old enough. Why the hell he would try with a school (and I mean high school, no real identifying info on it besides his name and a pic) ID when he had his actual ID there, I...don't know. I mean, I get it...the ID holder slot in wallets is a pain, but still...just...WHY?
I'm Sorry...I'm Not Superwoman!
Thursday morning, I was working on ringing customers through in the middle of a rush. My potato chip vendor was waiting for me. All in all, it was chaotic. When the line was gone, I quickly went to check the vendor in. As I did that, a woman came in, went to get coffee, and bitched that we were almost out. Cue me, looking at her as if to say 'seriously?', and telling her "You just missed the rush!" before going to make coffee. Really? I'm not Superwoman. My arms will not extend from the cash register, across the store, to make coffee while I wait on the twenty or so people in line. Sorry I'm just a mere human.
Like I said, nothing too exciting, but I'm on my *looks at schedule* sixth day out of eight in a row working, four of which I was at the store at four in the morning. Things add up and annoy the shit out of me. That's where this lovely place comes in. Thank you, and...goodnight. I'm exhausted! (And don't tell me TGIF, my day off isn't until Tuesday...bleh...)