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The Complaint

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  • The Complaint

    So there I was, finishing up my shift on Monday, and gearing up to get into celebratory mood for Tuesday, which would mark my six year mark at The Bar. And then, out of seemingly nowhere, my Rockin' Manager tells me that I had recently had a complaint against me. And it was a serious complaint, as it made its way all the way to the Owner.

    Well, fuck! What the hell now? What had I done?

    RM didn't know the details, but suggested I talk to the general manager, aka Big Boss Man. My first instinct once I clocked out was to call Big Boss Man and ask him what had happened, but as he had left for the day, I didn't think it would be the best idea to call him at home, or wherever he was. So, as much as I hated the suspense, I let it go to the next day, as Big Boss Man was scheduled to be the MOD Tuesday.

    And I spent much of Monday night being paranoid, depressed, angry, etc. Not the way I had envisioned things.

    So, Tuesday morning rolls around. I pull Big Boss Man aside and ask him about this complaint.

    And he just starts laughing. He continues laughing, and says, "Don't worry. It was nothing." Um, great. But can you tell me what the nothing was, and why it got all the way up the chain to the owner?

    Well, it seems that on Friday, one of my guests had gone up to Big Boss Man as he and his party were leaving, and said that I was "weird." Not rude. Not inappropriate. Not obnoxious. Just...."weird."

    So I looked at Big Boss Man. "And?" He just chuckled. "That was it, dude. He just said you were weird." Ooookkkkkaaaay....but this is Key West. Aka Key Weird. "Yeah, Jester, I know. That is why I didn't really pay it much mind. Plus, this wasn't exactly news to me."

    So then, why had this gone all the way to the owner? Well, it seems that the complainer is friends with Luke, a guy Owner recently hired to oversee all of Owner's properties, as Owner now owns several bars and restaurants in KW. And since the complainer apparently said something to Luke, and Luke tells Owner everything, Owner found out about this "complaint."

    Okay. I can see that. But Boss, what was Owner's reaction to this? Boss Man just chuckled some more and said that Owner had said, "We already knew that about Jester!"

    So, yeah, basically everyone's reaction to this so-called complaint was, "Yeah....and?"

    So I texted Rockin' Manager the basic gist of this, and her reaction was, "Who DOES that?" Meaning, who the hell complains about their bartender being weird, especially in a funky town like Key West? My response was, "Apparently, idiots who happen to be friends with Luke."

    So the thing I was worried about ruining my semi-big day turned out to be a complete fizzle, a nothing, a punchline. Hilarious! And this from the same day that produced the Guinness drinkers who blamed me for the "Canadian" style high prices of their beers. What a weird day Friday was!

    Oh, wait...better not call it weird. Someone might complain.

    On a more positive note, both Owner and one of his sons were in The Bar Tuesday morning (for other reasons), and both congratulated me on the six year mark. I jokingly said to Owner, "Sorry about the last six years." He laughed and said, "That's alright....just make the next ones better." And I joked with many of my customers about how The Bar had hired me six years ago, and they haven't been able to fire me since. And, as a nice little bonus, Big Boss Man gave me a $50 gift certificate to another bar in town. Sweet!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Your job has some pretty terrible customers, but it sounds like your awesome colleagues and bosses even it out.
    Fiancee: We're going to need to do laundry. I'm out of clean pants.
    Me: Sounds like a job for Gravekeeper!
    Fiancee: What?!
    Me: Nevermind.


    • #3
      Let's hear it for Awesome Managers and Awesome Owners.

      And may the guy who thought you were "weird" be stuck at the back of the crowd, even when there isn't one, and completely unable to catch the bartender's eye.
      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


      • #4
        I came in here expecting this big long story about an SC who would not give up and kept pounding the drums.

        Though I feel a bit guilty now for being disappointed that it was so anti-climatic.
        My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
        It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


        • #5
          What's wrong with being weird? I live in a weird town and wouldn't have it any other way!
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            "My darling girl, when are you going to understand that being normal is not necessarily a virtue?"--Aunt Frances in the movie Practical Magic
            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


            • #7
              Are they sure the guy was complaining and not offering a compliment?

              And Luke sounds like a busy-body.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                As my gf/semi fiancee says, "Everyone is someone else's weirdo."
                To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                • #9
                  Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                  As my gf/semi fiancee says, "Everyone is someone else's weirdo."
                  I have that song... By Marilyn Rucker...
                  She’s always throwing Chaucer and Milton and Shakespeare at me
                  And when I tell her she needs help
                  She says “What idiot begat thee?”:
                  Everybody’s Somebody Else’s Weirdo
                  Everybody’s somebody else’s fool.
                  You may think you’re normal
                  Or at least somewhere in range,
                  I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                  Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                  Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                  • #10
                    Quoth MoonCat View Post
                    Are they sure the guy was complaining and not offering a compliment?
                    No, Big Boss Man made it clear that this guy was definitely complaining. This despite the fact that he and his group left me a 20% tip on a large bill. Yeah, I don't get it either.

                    Quoth MoonCat View Post
                    And Luke sounds like a busy-body.
                    Not in the slightest. It is part of his job to oversee the operations of all of Owner's KW businesses; the sports analogy would be VP of Operations, as it were. And it is also part of his job to report anything that comes his way to Owner. Hell, each day at the end of their shift, the managers file an email report about the shift to Owner. He knows what goes on, at all of his properties. He doesn't micromanage, but he does make the bigger decisions, and likes to know what happens in the places that he has a financial stake in. Honestly, if I ever open my own bar, there are many lessons I would take from Owner's example.

                    But back to Luke; great guy, to be honest. Do I always see eye to eye with him? No. But that's nature. As for the complainer, HE went to Luke, not the other way around. So again, no, Luke is not a busybody. Hope I cleared that up.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      What, exactly, did he expect your boss to do? Pay the shot for years of therapy?

                      If "weird" was a firing offense, the entire editorial department at the weekly I once worked at would've been let go.


                      • #12
                        That reminds me of the time when I worked at the Shire horse stables, and a member of the public complained to the boss about my pink hair. He just replied that since I was shovelling horse shit, it didn't matter what colour my hair was as long as I did my job well. XD
                        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                        My DeviantArt.


                        • #13
                          But back to Luke; great guy, to be honest. Do I always see eye to eye with him? No. But that's nature. As for the complainer, HE went to Luke, not the other way around. So again, no, Luke is not a busybody. Hope I cleared that up.
                          OK, makes sense to me.
                          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                          • #14
                            70% of the pharmacy I'm in would have to be let go, too, if 'being weird' was a fireable offense

                            Kind of like the guy from last week who threatened to cut my hair because I 'look like something from outer space'. I almost said "Thank you!" because frankly, comments like that will be accepted as compliments. Normal is overrated.
                            The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                            • #15
                              Hell, we're all weird in our own little ways. I agree with everyone else-normal is overrated. Frankly, I'd rather be uniquely weird than just like everybody else.
                              I'm sorry, but I've reached my maximum allowable exposure to stupidity limit for the day. I'll have to get back to you tomorrow.

