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"How dare you behave like that outside of work!!"
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Quoth SCSlave View Post(I assume it's a just sounds like a complaint a bitch would make).
I got so sick of being hit on all the time at work, then being hit on when someone recognized me outside of work, that I was really glad to change careers. And I did worry that one of those male idjits would file a complaint just to get back at me for saying, "No."Labor boards have info on local laws for free
HR believes the first person in the door
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CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect
Aftershock? That stuff still exists? I love that is what I used to drink before I discovered the joys of Goldschlager. And yes, folks, despite my lean frame and unimposing physical dimensions, chances are better than even that I would bury most of you at a bar drinking Goldschlager. There is a reason people in Phoenix still refer to me by the nickname "Schlager."
Back on topic: I can, to a degree, understand an employer being upset about how an employee acts outside of work IF THAT EMPLOYEE IS STILL WEARING THEIR WORK UNIFORM. Because then you really are representing your company (assuming your uniform has the company logo/name on it. This does not apply to work uniforms that are generic, such as a shirt and tie or a plain colored polo shirt, etc.) In that case, the employer has what I consider a semi-legitimate beef if you are acting in ways that people might consider in appropriate while wearing the employer's name for all to see.
That all being said, if you are off duty, off property, and not wearing the company logo or name on you, anyone who complains about your actions is a raving asshole. And any employer that takes such complaints seriously is equally a raving asshole.
The above aside, there ARE instances where someone could be out of uniform, off duty, and off property, and still be behaving inappropriately and making the company look bad. For example, if a customer is minding their own business, and the employee walks up to them and says, "Hey! Aren't you the asshole that comes in to Rapscallion's Tavern every Friday and tips like shit?" That would be inappropriate. However, if said customer is harrassing said employee, and pulls the "Do you know who I am" card, and the employee replies, "'re the asshole that comes in to Rapscallion's Tavern every Friday and tips like shit..." that would be more on the head of the customer, as they employee was merely firing back and trying to enjoy their life off duty.
There is a reason I usually bring a change of shirt with me to work.
"The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is Still A Customer."
Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View PostMy boss got a complaint once about my behavior outside the the workplace.
Get this...I was [buh buh buh bummmmm] CROSSDRESSINGUnseen but seeing
oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
3rd shift needs love, too
RIP, mo bhrionglóid
Quoth Kitten in the box View Postshe wasn't in trouble or anything but was told "there was a better way she could have handled it..."Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Quoth ditchdj View PostYou think THAT is bad, try being a teacher or a cop. You screw up just once and someone complains and it's "career suicide" for you pal!
And if it happens in the United States, the union usually wont lift a finger to defend you either.
A years after I quit I was AT THE BEACH wearing a biking of all things! Oh the horror! I was tanning and laughing with my friends and enjoying myself. A parent of a kid I had came up to me (did I mention that I was at the beach in a bikini???) and started talking to me. It started off as a nice conversation, with me asking about her son (a nice kid) and how he was doing in high school. After a couple of minutes she kind of looked me up and down and said, "Um, you sure you should be dressed like THAT??" And she motioned to my bikini. I kinda looked at her and said, "I'm no longer a teacher. I'm a graduate student." And she, looked, I don't know, deflated, like I had taken the wind of out of her sails. She was exactly the kind of parent who would have gone to the administration and told them that I was being obscene at the beach. It was uncomfortable and she left after that. Weird.Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
T.S. Eliot
Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View PostI'm about to start waxing poetic on this jerkwad when my boss comes in and explains that 1. It's not his problem what I do off the clock as long as it's legal 2. I'm in a historical re-creation society, 3. I own a whopping big sword, and 4. to shut the hell up and leave us alone.
Person left and never came big loss."Jester, I have an opportunity for you." Uh oh. What does he want me to clean? "It 's a chance for you to make some extra money." Crap, it must be really gross!
Wow, now I feel rather lucky. The agents in my call center are a rather rowdy bunch, and actually well known at several area bars for our "antics" but no one at work seems to mind.I've actually seen one of our higher ups puke on the dance floor of the bar we had our holiday party at.
That was...well, shall we say, something to remember.
"In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case
“You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford
Quoth Jester View PostI can, to a degree, understand an employer being upset about how an employee acts outside of work IF THAT EMPLOYEE IS STILL WEARING THEIR WORK UNIFORM. Because then you really are representing your company (assuming your uniform has the company logo/name on it.Ehehehehe.... I kinda ran around the whole mall as a Zombie dressed in the previous Store uniform...That's like 3 store logos on my head, chest and apron... and IN character...
People seemed to love it, tho.Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!
"I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.
"Now my boss comes up to me and asks what was going on."
I think I'd have been reeeeeal tempted to tell him "none of your business." I can't believe some of the bosses in some of these stories with their "you could have handled it better." They can bite you if they don't like how you carry on off the clock on your own time.I mean, what if you HAD been crossdressing? They gonna fire you because of that?
The gall!
Why is it to most people, they think that employees should not have a personal life?
I've quote him before, I'll quote him in the future, and I'm quoting him now. Ladies and gentlemen (oh yeah, and you too Rapscallion), the wisdom of George Carlin:
"Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize....half of them are stupider than that!"
"The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is Still A Customer."
Quoth ditchdj View PostYou think THAT is bad, try being a teacher or a cop. You screw up just once and someone complains and it's "career suicide" for you pal!
And if it happens in the United States, the union usually wont lift a finger to defend you either.
At the school I'm at now we just forward any communication from students straight to our supervisor. We also have a list of bars and other social places posted up where we're warned that we might not want to go because 'pupils go there'. I can sort of understand that one, as the last thing I want on a night out is to worry about word getting around the school that I was getting drunk on mead, but still. The pupils are under eighteen, why should I have to worry about them being in a pub?Proactive Karma Engineer
Wow, saying merry christmas makes you a sexual predator?!
just like urinating in public!!!
Hmm, what happens if you say happy kwanza, is that instant jail time?
/sarcasm off
On a side note, that list is so screwed up. and the amount of liberties taken against people on it, make me sick. (How would you like to end up on it by mistake, while living at one place for 20 years, then get told you had to move because of some rezoning that made your area one of the areas people on the list cannot live at, even when you shouldnt be on the list in the first place?)
And as far as the representing work, If I was paid salary, and made enough to give a damn, I might feel that Since i was being paid for every minute of the day, then maybe i should act right in public. Otherwise, as far as im concerned, im off the clock, or on vacation time, well, thats my time. who is "my employer"? I dont work there.
Cyberpunk mayhem!
Same over here. I was encouraged to leave my first job at a school because (in response to some e-mails from the students, who had my e-mail address because the school listed me as the tech support contact) I sent an e-mail wishing some of the pupils Merry Christmas. They then tried to get me put on the sex offender's register. That was not a fun six months legal battle.
Was there some kind of animated gif that the parents didn't like or something?