First, call me at 5:10 pm to find out till what time I am working. Find out that I am working till 8pm.
Tell me that you'll call me back as your phone is flat and you want to charge it.
Call me at 7:55pm for a modem setup via Bluetooth, when you're too dense to even know what type of Bluetooth software you have installed.
Die from the fiery flames my mind is sending to you.
Luckily this idiot realised 8:05 pm that it's past 8, it's hometime for me, and he'll call back later.
The kicker?
He did this to me on Saturday as well! Called at 3 to find out what time I knock off, I tell him 5pm. He calls me at 4:55PM!! WTF?
Tell me that you'll call me back as your phone is flat and you want to charge it.
Call me at 7:55pm for a modem setup via Bluetooth, when you're too dense to even know what type of Bluetooth software you have installed.
Die from the fiery flames my mind is sending to you.
Luckily this idiot realised 8:05 pm that it's past 8, it's hometime for me, and he'll call back later.
The kicker?
He did this to me on Saturday as well! Called at 3 to find out what time I knock off, I tell him 5pm. He calls me at 4:55PM!! WTF?
