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"It's so complicated!"

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  • "It's so complicated!"

    Only the easy things are "complicated" to customers. Such as when you see them writing a check at the check out counter (yes, there are some who still do this), and then they get upset when asked for ID. When it's explained it's for their protection, it's always "It's so complicated to buy things these days!"

    I remember a call once where a customer simply asked for me to provide a telephone number, and when I told them to call 411, it was, "It's so complicated!" I wasn't even in that department. I worked in billing where I had no access to a database of phone numbers.

    I can't imagine what these people say on the real complicated issues.

  • #2
    A few months ago, I had a woman call me at the bank and ask me for the phone number of a beauty salon located four or five blocks down the street. She said the phone book was too compliated.

    I looked in the phone book, and the salon was located where it should have been, with number and address. I didn't quite understand what was difficult about it. She spelled it out correctly to me over the phone.


    • #3
      Quoth greensinestro View Post
      Such as when you see them writing a check at the check out counter (yes, there are some who still do this), and then they get upset when asked for ID.
      I still do write checks and I understand why I get asked for ID, but what I find puzzling is it seems to be very inconsistent. Sometimes they ask and sometimes they don't. Is that maybe just a matter of employees not following procedure correctly?
      "Full price for gum?! That dog won't hunt, monsignor." - Philip J. Fry


      • #4
        The other day I was at a video store when another customer threw her hands up in frustration asking me "How does this work? How can you find anything here?" I just told her the obvious, that new movies are on the wall, under the giant signs that say "new releases" and everything is in alphabetical order. After years in the book store though, I knew full well that people like her will never understand what the alphabet is and just want someone to do everything for them.
        I *may* have made an unintentionally loud comment about my surprise that she was able to get into the store at all, what with the complicated doors. The kind you have to pull yourself, instead of being automatic.
        Ok, so it was intentionally loud, so what.


        • #5
          This woman never said the phone system was complicated, but it must have been.

          She called the parts department 3 times, looking for the service department! I tried to transfer her the first time, she hung up. The 2nd time service didn't answer, third time a coworker answered and the very pissed off lady finally got transferred.

          The kicker? When you call it says Press 1 for parts, 2 for service. How hard is it to press 2?


          • #6
            Quoth draftermatt View Post

            The kicker? When you call it says Press 1 for parts, 2 for service. How hard is it to press 2?

            Please! I can tell you a better one than that. When a customer calls in, say, on a Saturday before or after hours to customer service, the recording will clearly say something like "We are closed at this time, please call back." Repair is open 24/7, yet customers will press whatever number is needed to get transferred to repair. And when they get there, they want to talk to someone about their bill, or they are calling because on Monday, the phone company plans to shut off their service for not paying the bill. How hard is it for a customer to understand "We're closed, call back during regular hours"?


            • #7
              Quoth draftermatt View Post
              The kicker? When you call it says Press 1 for parts, 2 for service. How hard is it to press 2?
              That's the problem. The SC hears "Press 1" and does it before she hears "for parts, 2 for service."

              It's not that pressing 2 is hard. It's that waiting a few nanoseconds to hear the whole menu is hard.

              It's a theory.
              The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

              The stupid is strong with this one.


              • #8
                Quoth Dips View Post
                That's the problem. The SC hears "Press 1" and does it before she hears "for parts, 2 for service."

                It's not that pressing 2 is hard. It's that waiting a few nanoseconds to hear the whole menu is hard.

                It's a theory.
                I received an e-mail yesterday from a customer who was complaining that when the menu plays, it first says "For Spanish, press 1. For English, press 2". The e-mail was not exactly ugly, but the tone was not great either. "This is America, and the official language is English. Spanish should not be the first choice on your menu!"

                Unfortunately, the number this person dials is mainly a number for Miami, FL customers, and the majority of the customers down there are Spanish. I had to carefully explain to this customer that I would be glad to refer his complaint, but that is all being I do not have control over what the menu options are. I not once replied to his issue of English being the official language in the United States.


                • #9
                  Quoth greensinestro View Post
                  I not once replied to his issue of English being the official language in the United States.
                  I would have - I would have asked him where that was in law.

                  That tends to shut people up.



                  • #10
                    Oh calling 411 isn't always helpful!! I worked at a company once and there was a salon that opened up called "Bliss" NOTHING close to the name of the company I worked at. And also not located ANYWHERE near the place I worked. However, 411 had OUR phone number listed as "Bliss". I couldn't find anywhere on the website and they don't have anywhere on the phone message where you can let them know they have the wrong information. ANd we couldn't tell people "go call 411" or "look it up in the phone book". It was a new business - NOT in the phone book or online - actually I think online was 411 too and it came up as our number.... we had no clue how to help people get in touch w/ the salon...

                    I actually think I did find the salon's # once and called them to let THEM know that 411 had the wrong number. Still not sure what they could do about it though seeing as I couldn't find any way to report it.....


                    • #11
                      Quoth greensinestro View Post
                      I not once replied to his issue of English being the official language in the United States.
                      Heh. To truly make him angry, answer his e-mail entirely in Spanish!

                      On a completely unrelated topic, I think I'm going to hell.
                      I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                      Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                      • #12
                        How about this?

                        Me: "Hello, XXX office, Imal'sheva speaking."

                        SC: "Yes, is tihs XXX office? Who am I speaking with please?"


                        • #13
                          how is getting your ID out so that your check and info is NOT stolen sinc emost people's info is ALL on their check and SOME their Driver's license? oh yeah that's REAL complicated. no. whats complicated is the process you have to go through to get your money and IDENTITY back when its stolen because you left your check book out


                          • #14
                            Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                            On a completely unrelated topic, I think I'm going to hell.
                            I'm glad I swallowed my soda before I read that.
                            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                            • #15
                              Already there..Shall I make a reservation?
                              "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

                              Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.

