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Never provide a customer with your e-mail address!

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  • Never provide a customer with your e-mail address!

    This is a great rule for everyone out there to follow. Now, I do not provide any customers with my personal e-mail, but have done so with the company ones I use. I have one at work, and I have two yahoo accounts I use primarily for testing purposes when customers call about e-mail trouble. It's a huge mistake sometimes to allow customers to see this because once they have it, you're their personal servant.

    I had a lady, about two weeks ago, who called angry as hell, and demanded to speak directly to me. The moment I heard the name, I groaned, being I have spoken to this bitchy woman too many times. I did all I could to avoid her, but the rep said she insisted and would not hang up until I was free to speak to her. I finally took the call and was ripped a new asshole over it. She two weeks before, had been e-mailing my yahoo account, the one I used to test her issues with previously, that she was having new problems, and how dare I not get back to her right away. I advised her I had no idea she was trying to contact me, and asked why she didn't just call our number. "You gave me your e-mail, and told me I could contact you anytime with problems!" (Which, I did not tell her this, for this very reason). When she told me what e-mail address it was, I politely told her that address is one used only for testing, and it was not one I check on a regular basis for messages. "That's not what you told me when I called before!" I did not bite, just put on my professional smiling face, and told her I was sorry, but the procedure for this is to e-mail the link on our website or she can call in like all other customers do. "I never get what I want when I call in!"

    I was curious and checked the e-mail cache, found at least 10 long, nasty e-mails from this lady. It got to where I had to put her on my blocked list because they continued even after her issues were resolved.

  • #2
    You should post those emails (editied for security of course) for our viewing and commenting pleasure.

    You know you want to!
    Well fiddle dee dee!!


    • #3
      Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
      You should post those emails (editied for security of course) for our viewing and commenting pleasure.

      You know you want to!
      Oh yes...please do. I could use a good chuckle at the expense of a total retard.

      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #4
        Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
        You should post those emails (editied for security of course) for our viewing and commenting pleasure.

        You know you want to!
        Sorry, but I deleted those e-mails due to how ugly they were. And, it has been too long to where they are no longer in my trash folder either.


        • #5
          A loss to posterity *cries*


          • #6
            *sigh* Then I guess I better get back to work.

            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
              *sigh* Then I guess I better get back to work.

              Shit happens! Believe me, the conversation I had on the phone with this woman was much more interesting that the e-mails.


              • #8
                This thread reminded me of a call I once took when I still worked at Bingo-****. The call was a cancellation request (yummy) from a customer who had moved. The policy was if someone moved, we would reinstall their services at the new location free of charge. If they move somewhere we have no techs, they would have to find their own, and we'd credit their account to cover the cost.

                Problem is our lovely third-party field techs kept on not showing up (double yummy), and Bingo-**** could not give this guy a straight answer as to whether or not we had a tech in his new area or not. I felt sorry for the customer this time, he was going through this song 'n dance for 4 months. On the other hand, the call was passed to me from the dept that actually handled missed appointment issues, and there was nothing they could do to help this guy out. These are the guys who I was supposed to escalate to in missed appointment cases. I can only assume they weren't authorized to close accounts, or they wouldn't have gave this crap sandwich to me. How the hell was I supposed to save this account???

                The guy gave me a lot of attitude, but I took it in stride. But the best part came when I had to remind this guy he was still on a 2 yr contract, and broken contract dispute claims (and I did think he had a legitimate claim) can't be made until he's auto-billed for early termination. By now I can only assume I must have been a mass-murderer in a past life to deserve this fate.

                He started demanding that I send everything I had told him in writing to his email address. I reflexively took his info before realizing that our company email is myfirstname.mylastname@bingo****. Having trolled this site for quite some time, this set off alarm bells in my head. I consulted someone at helpdesk, and mercifully they took the call off my hands.

                After action report: an hour of my life I'll never get back, in a job where we're only supposed to take 10 minutes/call. I gave the customer some BS about how I'm not authorized to correspond by email (boy did that not go over well with him), so my identity was safe. The customer was probably just fishing for lawsuit material, but better to be safe. I'm sure I blew off a massive payload of bad karma, but I'm equally sure I earned a few extra grey hairs.
                Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                • #9
                  Aww, but I did share my email with a customer. But she was very nice, and seemed quite intriguing. We talked a lot about anime in the store. We got to be good friends in the store, and then we swapped emails. And became even better friends outside the store.

                  Ah, but then, she wasn't just a random customer, was she?
                  "I call murder on that!"

