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Way to go Sprint PCS

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  • Way to go Sprint PCS

    They made my day! If it weren't for Barby V. from SPCS, the whole day would have sucked.

    Last month, I had to order a new cell phone. I got a Sanyo Katana II, online at Sprint's website. I got it 2 days later. The phone is awesome (except for the little tiny speaker).

    Anyway, I got my ebill this week, and I noticed it was really high. Well, I did change my plan, and the phone was charged to my bill as well. But it was still too high. So I took a closer look at my receipt, and Sprint didn't take off the extra $50 for ordering online.

    I emailed SPCS, told them what was up. Barby V. emailed me back, telling me I needed to scan in my invoice and resend. I don't have it. It's lost in this holiday mess. So I emailed .bmp files of my receipt and of the phone on their site.

    Barby V. emailed me back, said it was cool and credited my account. Not only for the original $50, but another $50 on my next bill for the trouble.

    So I emailed her back, telling her how awesome she was for taking care of this so quickly and with out hassle, and asking her where I can send an email telling her bosses how awesome she is.

    I have been with Sprint for 8 years, and NEVER had a problem with them. To me, Sprint is the best.
    Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

    "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

  • #2
    Ugg I'm glad someone has good service with Sprint. I was with them for 4 years on my mother's account and could NEVER get reception. Also, I was never offered any kind of upgrade, leading me to have a phone (with a blue screen, none the less!) for those 4 years! Also, somehow a ring tone gets applied to my bill every month and we have no idea how it got there since my old phone (now my younger brother's) could not receive text messages.

    Though I will admit, everyone I've ever talked to on the phone about my service has been nothing but nice, so that's always a plus. But I've switched to AT&T, vowing never to return to Sprint, I just can't do it.

    Glad to hear you're getting good service though.


    • #3
      Cell phone companies giving good customer service? That's crazy talk!

      Maybe I should switch from T-Mobile...


      • #4
        they've been bad too... can't say i've always been a good customer to sprint but...

        i still remember when i had my phone number changed ... it was done all nice and easy like, until i saw my bill and was like "um that's not my calling plan"

        i finally found their email for customer service (had to use google cos it wasn't on the website openly) and they told me they could not put me back on my old plan because they no longer offered it.

        I wrote back that "I didn't realize you were allowed to change my plan on me without my permission."

        They changed it back instantly. (cos yeah, it's called breaking contact).

        that being said... i currently love my new cell phone company & their rates... Soft Bank, white plan. About 900 yen a month (less than 10 bucks!), free calls to other soft bank phones from 1am to 9pm (yes.... 20 hours a day).

        ... only problem we have is that some people don't read the fine print about web surfing.... it's per packet, not minute.... heard about a gal running up a $40,000 phone bill one month ...and since it was stated in the contract (and in english) she has to pay the bill.

