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What part of "you do not have to do anything different" do you not understand?

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  • What part of "you do not have to do anything different" do you not understand?

    a.k.a. when clients over complicate things

    I told one of my clients I needed to change a few things on her computer. It wouldn't affect her in any way and she wouldn't have to do anything different.

    Basically, I was replacing the BAT file that one of her IE favorites pointed to with an updated one, same file name etc.

    Of cours,e ,she has to ask me how should she run that program (web based app) now. I said, again, she didn't have to do anything.

    Then, she asks if she needs to use a shortcut that was placed on her desktop. Of course, I responded, again, that she didn't have to do anything different, just run it from her favorits like she always did.

    Has her login changed? Rinse and repeat.

    How about her password? Rinse and repeat.

    What about how she uses the application? Rinse and repeat.

    Always repeating...
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    You're mistake was saying that you were making a change. You should have just said you had to run an update.

    In the end luser mind it usually works like this:

    Change = different=bad

    Update = improvement=good

    It will save questions in the long run, even if it's not true.


    • #3
      I'm the IT manager for all three storesfronts, as well as the store manager for one location. This is entertaining, when it isn't frustrating, given the general lack of technical competence I'm surrounded by.

      I recently updated our register/inventory software, in preparation for setting up a network between the stores. Nothing really changed, though there are a few more options available, not that any of the tech-blind people here will use them.

      One of my bosses (I have three) came in one night just after the update finished, and asked me to show him what changed. When I said that nothing really had changed, just that things were a bit more streamlined now, he said 'That's ok, you can show me another day if you're too busy to show me now.'

      Meanwhile, another of the bosses is completely tech-ignorant (though she admits it, and is very happy to try and learn more - she's actually a joy to teach), and the third is either not around at all, or completely misunderstanding how certain features work. Because of that lack of understanding, she inputs new inventory in a very time-consuming way, and there are a hundred redundancies in our procedures, because effort is duplicated on both ends of the network.

      I feel your pain.

