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Read me

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  • Read me

    This is the section where the technically minded can help those having problems with electronics etc. Post a question and hope someone answers. Whenever possible, please include all specifications (operating system, model of components, brand, etc).

    However, there are things to note. By posting in this forum, you are accepting the terms of the forum - to whit:

    You will be describing the problem and the people attempting to help will be doing their best without seeing the situation. There is no guarantee that your understanding and theirs are going to marry up. If it doesn't work, tough. They tried their best.

    In no way does you taking someone's advice mean they are financially liable to you if something goes differently to what they expect, nor is the site and its owner or moderators liable. You take the risk by asking for free support from volunteers. We suggest you wait until another technically minded person backs the first opinion up.

    These terms and conditions are likely to change as necessary to preserve the community on here.

    That being said, the techies who frequent this board face the ravages of SCs on a regular basis and are hardened in battle, so they're generally willing and able to help.

    On your own head be it, but ask if you need help.

    Last edited by Rapscallion; 04-14-2010, 05:24 PM.

  • #2
    Added a little something. Please check the highlighted parts.


