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invisible Facebook friends

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  • invisible Facebook friends

    *Not sure if this really counts as "tech" problems or no.......wasn't sure where to post this exactly*

    Not too long ago, I'd sent a musician a "friends request", never received any confirmation that he had accepted it, but as of this past weekend, his status posts have been showing up on my wall. Where this gets rather odd is that he doesn't show up on my list of friends, and when I looked at a mutual friend's list, he wasn't listed on that person's page, either.

  • #2
    When you look at the person's page that you requested, does it still say friend request pending? I find that in that state their status updates do tend to show up on your wall.
    Great YouTube channel check it out!


    • #3
      Quoth telecom_goddess View Post
      When you look at the person's page that you requested, does it still say friend request pending? I find that in that state their status updates do tend to show up on your wall.
      Yes, it does still say that - I guess I just find it odd because I'd sent the request some time ago, and it's only been recently that his status posts are showing up.


      • #4
        If he has too many friends (I believe 4K is the limit), you won't be added to his list (nor him to you), and you can't comment on his posts, but you'll still see them.


        • #5
          The friends limit would make sense, except that I think he's only got a little under 500 people on his list. And I'm having the same weird glitch with another musician whom I sent a request to, and that person only has about 20 people on his list.


          • #6
            Hm. I wonder if it has anything to do with the attempt to switch most celebrities over to pages instead of accounts. I don't know whether that would have any effect.

            Did you contact FB help?


            • #7
              That happens with "normal" friends too. You just see their whole activity stream as if you were a friend until they accept or deny the request.


              • #8
                Quoth KellyHabersham View Post
                Yes, it does still say that - I guess I just find it odd because I'd sent the request some time ago, and it's only been recently that his status posts are showing up.
                well if he hasn't posted anything until recently that could explain it.

                I once had a friend who got angry with me "because I refused her friend request"

                I hadn't, i'd just not posted anything in the week since I accepted, not everyone posts on FB daily...

                see if you can get them to confirm that you are on their list or not, (i don't know whether you can go to their profile page and have a look at their friends list or not, or even if you'd show up on it as I can't remember off the top of my head and can't access FB at work)
                "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

                CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
                Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


                • #9
                  there was a recent thing with facebook about your post settings of what you see on your wall to where it shows only the people you most recently interacted with.

                  Try this.
                  Scroll ALLL the way to the bottom of the news feed page
                  There will be a blue bar that says older posts with a down arrow and on the right Edit options
                  you will want to change the "show Posts from:" options to "All of your friends and pages". as it MAY be on the "friends and pages you interact with most"

                  if thats not the issue or problem then i dunno

