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Video editing software - what's the best?

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  • Video editing software - what's the best?

    I'm looking for a good, reliable, FREE video editing program. I already have Windows Movie Maker. The video that I have to edit is in .mts format, and I'll need to be able to save it in something YouTube-worthy.

    Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Just bumping this up - I downloaded free editing software, only to find that the final product will have the WATERMARK smack in the middle of the image!

    This really sucks. What freeware out there works, and works well, WITHOUT watermarks?


    • #3
      Quoth Eireann View Post
      I'm looking for a good, reliable, FREE video editing program
      Good luck, I never found one. Ended up getting Adobe's Premier Elements - it was well worth it and I ended up using it a lot more than I thought, it's about $100 or you can get that w/ Photoshop Elements for $150.

      Now, I use Adobe Premier which is *awesome*.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        How recent is your computer? If you have the right components, you might be able to turn it into a Hackintosh. The Operating system is only $30, but iLife is a bit more.

        There is a program called Pacifist that lefts you extract extra programs from operating system disks. For instance, I have my built Hackintosh, but I don't have iLife. I DO, however, have the Mac Mini DVDs that came with the computer (I gave my parents my Mac Mini so they wouldn't have so many viruses on their old PC). I used Pacifist to extract the iMovie and iDVD programs from the Mac Mini system discs. It all depends on how far you want to go with getting video editing software.


        • #5

          This site might be able to help you. Honestly, other than Virtual Dub or WMM, you pretty much get what you pay for with free video editors.


          • #6
            Honestly, when I needed a cheap video editor, I looked around for an older version going cheap at a local computer show. I ended up paying ten bucks for a two-version back editor that did what I needed at the time. Maybe you can find something cheap digging through Amazon or the like.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              I found a great one...

              ...and then discovered that unless you buy it, you're going to end up with a watermark in the center of the screen.


              • #8
                I've not tried it yet, but I believe Lightworks has been released as an open source project.

                This was a professional level package, but the publishing company folded. It looks like the creators have got control of the property and are putting it out for free use.

                I've seen claims both on their website, and in PC mags that it was used by a number of serious studios. It may be more complicated than you're after, but it's free.


                • #9
                  And now, I'm editing on WMM - how do I mute the sound of the raw footage? This video will be set to music.


                  • #10

                    Any of those are free, should not have watermarks, and should do what you want although some of them will do allot more as well.
                    "My experience has taught me one thing. A shaved cat is much angrier than an unshaved cat."
                    Chester Holiday Apartment


                    • #11
                      Quoth Eireann View Post
                      And now, I'm editing on WMM - how do I mute the sound of the raw footage? This video will be set to music.
                      First, make sure you're viewing the timeline, not the storyboard. There should be a little "+" sign next to the video track. Expand the track by clicking on the "+." You should now see "Transition" & "Audio" in addition to the "Audio/Music" & "Title Overlay" selections. Right-click on the "Audio" portion and select "Mute" from the menu that appears.

                      Not exactly easy, I know, but it is possible. If you intend to do other video projects, it really would be easier to look into other editors, in addition to the others listed, you could also buy Adobe Premier often comes in a 2-pack with Photoshop Elements. Well worth the investment, IMHO.


                      • #12
                        I've downloaded Lightworks, and imported files into a project. The files are in .avi format.

                        All I see is a green screen for each file. What now?

