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Your time is coming up...(I call upon the laptop gods)

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  • Your time is coming up...(I call upon the laptop gods)

    My Little Sony Laptop.

    (mods feel free to move if this isn't in the right spot)

    Laptop Gods! Hear my plea!

    My ancient laptop that...over 8 years old is gonna be retired for a new one. This thing is *looks at it's system*

    Intel(R) Pentium (R) M processor of 1.20 GHz with 502 MB of memory and 55.8 GB hard drive. (from what I know)

    The width of the laptop is almost 11 inches and the screen is 9 inches and 1/4 (hence the nickname) And it has Windows XP OS

    Right now I've been looking at laptop and did some homework and narrowed it down to two.

    A Toshiba

    and another Sony VAIO

    I've been leaning towards the Toshiba at the beginning but then after getting an opinion from a friend on how good the sony is and that I just have a really old one. It is true that I do have an old one Sony but I couldn't help but glare daggers at it for slow loads, pages being unresponsive, not smooth video feed when watching youtube sometimes and the sound dying out on me 3-4 years ago. I have headphones now for that. Oh and it's size, I've been hunch over that thing for years and my wrists get so sore.

    Despite all that, it NEVER died on me. It only bluescreened on me once but that was me having too much stuff going on.

    So I honestly have no idea what to pick. I can afford both but I want one that's gonna last me for a good few years. ESPECIALLY whenever I fly. I'm not particularly gonna play any games, cept the facebook ones..heh..but I also want to have the built in webcam, which little laptop doesn't have.

    So Laptop Gods! Give me wisdom to aid me in my next purchase.
    Last edited by Caffienated_Caramel; 06-09-2012, 01:04 AM.

  • #2
    The Sony is the more powerful of the two, but is also refurbished with a 90-day warranty. The Toshiba has a little less power and storage, but is brand new with a 1-year warranty.

    I think that it really depends on if you want to sacrifice on the warranty and chance on a refurbished machine for a bit faster processor and a little more storage. I haven't heard bad about either brand, but I have worked with both and have had no problems.


    • #3
      Looks like I'm gonna have to hold off on getting one now >< Due to a possible cut back on hours.

      Thanks for the advice though


      • #4
        My only concern with the Sony is that it's a referb. I won't say that it is bad. I have had bad luck with referbs, and have seen some truly spectacular problems come from them, usually right after the warranty is up.
        OTOH, i have seen some pretty spectacular out of box errors.
        If you can afford it in the future, look at getting a new one and find out if the Manufacturer can supply an extended warranty.
        To ensure it does not happen again, we have changed our slogan to "F%#k you, I'm eating!" ----- Irving Patrick Freleigh


        • #5
          If you do end up getting one I would vote for Toshiba. I have a Toshiba Sattelite, had it for a year and a half now and it hasn't given me trouble even once and still runs great. I love it.

          Great YouTube channel check it out!


          • #6
            My only problem with Toshiba is lately their product quality is getting bad. My case started to turn black from heat on my last Toshiba laptop...

