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How does your pet charm you for treats?

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  • How does your pet charm you for treats?

    How does your pet beg for treats?

    My pet, Kitty, usually charms me. The scenario is usually this:

    Me: *typing on my computer*
    Kitty: *jumps up on my desk* Mrrrp! *does the "catwalk" where he goes back and forth in front of me* Meowwww
    Me: Kitty what're you doing? You'll get no treat from me! You're already too fat! You don't wanna be a fat cat, do you?
    Kitty: Mrr?
    Me: Plus your belly is so big! It look like you're going have kitty kittens! *jiggles his belly* And you're a boy cat! A tom boy cat! You can't have kitty kittens!
    Kitty: Prr!
    Me: So don't even try! Plus yesterday you didn't let me sniff your coat! You're sweet little smelly coat! You remember that?
    Kitty: Prr? *tosses himself on my desk and wiggles about on his back*
    Me: OH! So cute! Belly rub! *rubs speckly belly* Oh fine. I'll get the bag. But only because you're so cute! Yeah! You're the cutest kitty in the world! This is what cute kitties get!
    Kitty: :3

    I know I shouldn't but he is so cute! I DARE anyone to be as cute as he! Darn you kitties for being so adorable!!!! But he really is too fat. I only give him half treats now.
    Can't reason with the unreasonable.
    The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

  • #2
    Reminds me of a classic...even if it is a doggy joke.
    "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
    "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
    "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
    "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
    "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
    "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
    Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
    "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


    • #3
      Bowie (our 5 month old lab puppy) grabs our socks and tries to exchange them for treats.
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #4
        Hetfield, my boy cat, doesn't get treats often because he likes to take his time sniffing everything first, and the girls just dive right in. (He does like peanut butter, though. Too bad the man of the household eats it all at once and MIGHT let Hetfield lick the jar.)

        When he thinks his food bowl is too empty, though, he'll come up to me, sit until he has my attention, meow and then headbutt my leg until I get up.

        The girls (Nella and Valentina)...if they even think that you're looking towards the kitchen, they'll run in there and sit by their bowls.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          I....wouldn't say that my cat charms me. He yowls like he's dying. He knows the word "dinner" and if I say it he will yowl and run to the kitchen, weaving like a drunk, looking over his shoulder every few steps to make sure I'm following.

          He loves junk food, although I don't give this to him on purpose. He steals it. Yes, I have cleaned up cheez-it colored cat puke. He yells at me and anything that upsets him. If I catch him on the kitchen counter, he jumps down and meows at me in a cranky tone. Once, when the town still allowed plastic bags, I had left a bag on the counter and all that was left inside was a couple small onions. My cat reached up, caught the bag with his claws, and pulled it down on himself. This upset him, so he proceeded to chastise it with a series of short meows. He's a very vocal cat.
          Replace anger management with stupidity management.


          • #6
            My Maggie seldom begged for treats, or bothered trying to charm me. She just helped herself, and if I moved her, or the food, she just moved back and continued to help herself.

            The only way I could get her to let me eat in peace was to grant her a share - at a size of her choosing, not mine.
            Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


            • #7
              He would just sit in front of you and stare at you trying the Doggie Jedi Mind Trick.
              I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
              -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

              "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


              • #8
                We have had several dogs over the course of my life.

                The first, Goldie the Golden Retriever (we didn't name him) used to follow you around if food was a possibility and sit there and just... look at you. Have you ever seen a Retriever look pathetic? Goldie could have won the Looking Pathetic Olympic category. Of course, if you didn't share, you'd then get the Goldie Sulk. He would plonk himself down in front of you, give you an incredibly dirty look, do a sniff-and-head-toss combo, then turn around and sit with his back to you. Every so often he'd look back over his shoulder and do the sniff/head toss combo again. If you moved, he would follow you and repeat as necessary. He would do this for a good hour after you didn't share. In the end, it was easier to just share whatever you were eating. He was also the dog we had to build Fort Knox on the vegetable patch for, as he used to love digging up the root veg and eating it.* He was a very strange dog, but we obviously did something right as he was nearly 25 when he eventually passed away!

                Shadow, our giant-sized German Shepherd, would sit by the table and quietly slouch down so he could rest his chin on it. He would then give the most soulful look I've ever seen at whatever you happened to be eating. The important thing was to never turn away from your food; he once slid in under my elbow and nicked a pork chop in the 2 seconds it took me to pass the salt to my sister. He got a thorough telling off and was banned from the table for the next few weeks, until mum (once again) buckled and let him back over. Shadow was at least polite if you didn't have anything to give him, though; he'd just heave a rather dejected sigh then go curl up in his basket.

                Bonnie, the little Black Labrador we had at the same time as Shadow, was a mischievous little pest; she rest her head on your knee and try to joggle your elbow in the hope you'd drop something. She was also far too smart for her own good, and worked out that if she flinched if you told her off (verbally, I hasten to add!) my mum (who is an incredibly soft touch for our dogs) would give her a treat and fuss her. She also ruled Shadow with a rod of iron, despite being about 1/3 of his size.

                Our current dog, Troy, is an Italian Maremmano Shepherd He is, again, far too smart for his own good, and knows exactly how to manipulate my mum and stepdad into feeding him. He was a stray before the rescue centre picked him up, so my mum gets moonie-eyed and keeps feeding him treats. Troy's trick is to lay his head on your knee and dribble. How long you hold out on giving him a treat depends on how soggy you can bear your knee getting.

                As you can see, the common theme in our household pets is being a bit too smart and knowing exactly how soft-hearted my mum is with dogs.

                *In case you're interested, here's the sequence of events. Please remember that he was about 20 at the time, and a bit overweight and stiff.

                We first started out with a cane-and-netting fence around the sides that weren't guarded by next door's fence and the greenhouse. He pushed down the wobbliest cane and waltzed right in.

                We replaced it with a fence made out of old packing crates on one side and an un-mortared brick wall at the bottom of the patch. He climbed on the compost heap, knocked the first few rows of bricks down, and used it as a ramp to get in and out.

                We then put some old doors behind the brick wall. He somehow squeezed his rather portly body through the tiny gap between the greenhouse and the neighbours' fence.

                We then put a mini-fence up to block the gap. He somehow shouldered open the very stiff sliding door of the greenhouse and knocked out one of the panes of glass on the vegetable patch side.

                We then drilled a hole in the top runner of the greenhouse door, and dropped a skewer through so you had to take it out to get in the greenhouse. This finally beat Goldie, who then got his revenge by biting the head off of every single flower in the 100-odd foot garden. Every. Single. Flower. Needless to say, when he passed he was buried in the corner of the vegetable patch!
                "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

                Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

                The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


                • #9
                  Sheyn, my yellow lab/pit/who knows what else mix, will look at the box of treats then look at me with this really hopeful expression. Baby, my black lab mix, just follows Sheyn's lead and tries to look as cute as possible.
                  Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


                  • #10
                    Chessie can howl like a wolf cub. You're a cat, you silly girl!

                    Millie gives me the Oliver Twist "Please, sir, can I have some more?" look. Then nudges me with a paw. Then looks even more pathetic. Then a whining meow. Tries to get Chessie in on the act, and succeeds more often than not. Repeat until fed.
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                    My LiveJournal
                    A page we can all agree with!


                    • #11
                      Dad, my heater doesn't work...

                      I didn't really need those eyebrows...
                      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                      • #12
                        My Yorkie will either sit or stand and just stare at me. Sometimes she'll look at me, then look at her treat area, then at me etc etc. She just has to look cute to be honest.


                        • #13
                          It's easier to show you than describe. This is Goofy thinking he's being ignored. Well, this is the G rated version. He also has this porn star version that I won't show.

                          At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


                          • #14
                            Quoth greek_jester View Post
                            The first, Goldie the Golden Retriever (we didn't name him) used to follow you around if food was a possibility and sit there and just... look at you. Have you ever seen a Retriever look pathetic? Goldie could have won the Looking Pathetic Olympic category. Of course, if you didn't share, you'd then get the Goldie Sulk. He would plonk himself down in front of you, give you an incredibly dirty look, do a sniff-and-head-toss combo, then turn around and sit with his back to you. Every so often he'd look back over his shoulder and do the sniff/head toss combo again. If you moved, he would follow you and repeat as necessary. He would do this for a good hour after you didn't share. !
                            I think Buddy my Golden Retriever could have given yours a good run for the money. then throw in the attempted Doggie Jedi Mind Trick.......
                            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                            • #15
                              Quoth notalwaysright View Post
                              I....wouldn't say that my cat charms me. He yowls like he's dying. He knows the word "dinner" and if I say it he will yowl and run to the kitchen, weaving like a drunk, looking over his shoulder every few steps to make sure I'm following.

                              He loves junk food, although I don't give this to him on purpose. He steals it. Yes, I have cleaned up cheez-it colored cat puke. He yells at me and anything that upsets him. If I catch him on the kitchen counter, he jumps down and meows at me in a cranky tone. Once, when the town still allowed plastic bags, I had left a bag on the counter and all that was left inside was a couple small onions. My cat reached up, caught the bag with his claws, and pulled it down on himself. This upset him, so he proceeded to chastise it with a series of short meows. He's a very vocal cat.
                              lol. One of the things that my Kitty would do as well is to look cute from the doorway, and then when I would go and pet him, he would lead me to his bowl and rub his face all over it. He thought he would get his din din but all he got was a belly rub. :P Once he managed to snag his treat bag (I don't know how, it was in a closed cupboard) and bite a hole thru it and ate most of them. Cats are more clever than they give them credit for. And they probably think about treats all day.

                              Quoth greek_jester View Post

                              Shadow, our giant-sized German Shepherd, would sit by the table and quietly slouch down so he could rest his chin on it. He would then give the most soulful look I've ever seen at whatever you happened to be eating. The important thing was to never turn away from your food; he once slid in under my elbow and nicked a pork chop in the 2 seconds it took me to pass the salt to my sister. He got a thorough telling off and was banned from the table for the next few weeks, until mum (once again) buckled and let him back over. Shadow was at least polite if you didn't have anything to give him, though; he'd just heave a rather dejected sigh then go curl up in his basket.
                              Aww. I used to have a GSD too and he would stare at us soulfully during dinner time. Just STARING and STARING sadly w/o a blink. My mom would order him back to his den and he'd go, but look over his shoulder like we were the most horrible people for banishing him. LOL RIP in doggy heaven where you get lots of foods.
                              Can't reason with the unreasonable.
                              The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

