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commercials that annoy

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  • #61
    My pomchi doggie wants a snuggie.But then again she'd sit in satan's lap if he had a fuzzy blanket.


    • #62
      I hate watching the animal shelter commercials. They always show those sad animals. It makes me cry and hug my kitties.

      My Meanie-Butt cat doesn't like those commercials. That means she gets touched and "OH NOES!!!111!! NOT TEH TOUCHINGS,PETTINGS,AND LOVINGS!!!111!!"

      We all change the channel when those come on. They also make us think about how our kitties were treated before we got them. We got Meanie-Butt from a shelter and saved Fuzzy-Butt from an abusive home.
      "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

      I belly dance with tall Goblins!


      • #63
        Quoth Becks View Post
        Have I mentioned yet how much I want a Snuggie?

        I do...and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

        So there.

        Ya know, I thought it was dumb when my mom and I saw the commercial, but she said: "C'mon, you know if you got one as a gift you wouldn't take it off EVER!"

        And she's proably right....

        I think the majority of Mickey D's commericials are dumb as well; but I do enjoy the "R&B McNuggets" one like Blas, and I also like the one where the boyfriend brings the girl a flower at work. He has a Big Mac for himself, and she grabs the Big Mac and says 'Awww, that's so sweet! Who's the flower for?" (Because I'd probably do the same thing).
        "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


        • #64
          Quoth Geek King View Post
          And mine sweeper is a perfecly valid game. There is skill and thought involved.
          Good to know. Because I absolutely SLAY at that game. No, really. I do.

          Quoth Giggle Goose View Post
          Ya know, I thought it was dumb when my mom and I saw the commercial, but she said: "C'mon, you know if you got one as a gift you wouldn't take it off EVER!"
          I have nothing against Snuggies, and could see how they could be useful around the house.

          I'd like to repeat that last part. Around. The. House.

          No sports fan with any self-respect would ever, EVER, EVER wear one of those things to a freakin' sporting event, no matter WHAT the commercial says. THAT is the part of the commercial that irritates me to no end. If it's that cold at a sporting event, WEAR A FUCKING JACKET LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! Let's not forget how mortified a kid would be if his parents came to one of his soccer games wearing those. "Hey, Dwayne, what's up with your family....did they join a monastery or something?" Kid would never live it down, would be ostracized by the other kids, and, with his self-esteem in the toilet, would probably turn to crime and drugs and die a penniless junkie, rain falling on his lifeless body as it lay, rain falling on its still form, in front of an inner-city crackhouse. And what kind of parent would wish THAT on their child?

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #65
            If you watch Food Network, you've heard this:

            "He may say, 'Wow, that sucks', but at least he'll say wow."

            *sigh* I LOVE Ace of Cakes, I really do. If I lived in their delivery area and had a spare grand or two (their minimum orders are $1000, I checked), I would soooo get one for my birthday. But I am so frickin' tired of hearing that! AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
            "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

            Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
            Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


            • #66
              I hate all the commercials that interrupt the few shows I watch on TV.

              About that pickle loaf....noticethe Koegel's Viennas hot dog at the top there?

              ....aaaaaand, Gutterbrain.
              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


              • #67
                ShamWow, I hate it but love it at the same time. Um... certain political ads (I know, fratching stuff, thats why there's no detailed info here)


                • #68
                  I saw one a while ago that ticked me off.

                  It was for some low fat snack food. (I think it was Quaker Crispy Minis.)

                  There's a couple at an amusement park, and the guy goes to share his fatty snack with the girl.
                  She starts doing all this rationalizing in her head of pros and cons for having a snack.
                  ("I walked the dog...but I had a donut...I sat all morning at my desk...but I took the stairs..." or something like that.)

                  She finally says, "I believe I will have a snack..." and pulls out her Crisoy Minis.

                  This is the part that annoys me...After starting out the commercial by offering his snack with her, he reaches for one of her snacks, and she pulls it away. Selfish bitch!
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #69
                    And how about the commercials for the hearing aids that look like a Bluetooth?

                    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                    • #70
                      Oi! I have one of those hearing aids that look like the blue-tooth thing on order!

                      Granted, the commercial is annoying as SHIT ("Her Body is AMAZING! I wish I looked like that!" No, dur, lady, you're THINNER than that lady!) but the product is great*.

                      *Dad has one, which is what prompted me to get one, he shoved it in my ear and HOLY SHIT I COULD HEAR AGAIN!
                      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                      • #71
                        I feel I have to defend Flo, the goofy girl from the Progressive Insurance ads.

                        Yeah, she's a goof. I think that's the point. And it doesn't make retail drones look like idiots. Rather, it portrays them (at least this one) as someone who truly enjoys life AND her job, and does not see a contradiction between the two.

                        Of course, the above also describes ME (other than the female pronouns), so perhaps that is why I have no problem with the ad campaign in question........

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #72
                          The thing that bothers me about her is that she's supposed to be the personification of a website. My nitpicky brain can't stop itself from asking questions like "HOW can she 'say it louder?' How can she annoy people with her self-made party-favor tunes when she's just some text on a screen? And wtf, did she just insure Santa Claus? Is applying with a company that will insure characters of folklore a wise decision?"

                          Man, I'm overanalytical.


                          • #73
                            Quoth Jester View Post
                            Someone mentioned Free Credit I have commented on them before. Especially because I work in a pirate-themed bar, and I DO sell chowder to tourists in t-shirts. No, really, I do.

                            And I find it insulting and offensive that he makes that out to be the worst job in the world that he got stuck with because someone stole his identity.
                            OK, let me start by saying, that yes, has taken the whole pirate bar thing way too far and have become sucky because of it... but the premise isn't bad. Even if working at a pirate themed bar was a great job doesn't mean that someone should be happy to work it. Using myself as an example, right now I'd enjoy working in said bar... however, if after spending thousands of dollars in college, working my ass off to get a degree, I apply for a job in my chosen field and am told that I'm not getting hired not because there just aren't enough jobs out there to hire someone straight out of college when there are people with experience ready for the positions applying too but rather because some jack off hacked my information and ruined my credit score so I don't pass credit check for whichever firm I've applied for... oh yeah, I'd be pissed working at that pirate restaurant... not because it's a bad job, but because my multi thousand dollar investment in my education has just gone down the drain.
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #74
                              Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                              but the premise isn't bad.

                              Even if working at a pirate themed bar was a great job doesn't mean that someone should be happy to work it.

                              ... oh yeah, I'd be pissed working at that pirate restaurant... not because it's a bad job, but because my multi thousand dollar investment in my education has just gone down the drain.
                              The premise is horrible for those of us that choose to work in the service industry because we like it.

                              I AM happy working in my bar, thank you very much.

                              And anyone would be pissed to be in a job they HAD to take rather than one they WANTED, but that is NOT what the commercial was saying or implying. That is clear from the very opening lines. "They say a man should dress for the job he why am I dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant?"

                              Yeah, feel free to try to rationalize this commercial if you want. Me, I have only two words for that yahoo and his cronies, and they are NOT "Happy Birthday."

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."


                              • #75
                                Quoth Danno View Post
                                The thing that bothers me about her is that she's supposed to be the personification of a website. My nitpicky brain can't stop itself from asking questions like "HOW can she 'say it louder?' How can she annoy people with her self-made party-favor tunes when she's just some text on a screen? And wtf, did she just insure Santa Claus? Is applying with a company that will insure characters of folklore a wise decision?"

                                Man, I'm overanalytical.
                                If you look close at one of the commercials, she shows how much the lady can save by switching.
                                "That's a new pair of shoes"
                                "Or a tricked out nametag"

                                The difference between companies was something like $300!

                                Ok, I can see some compulsive consumer woman maybe buying a REALLY expensive pair of shoes, but unless her nametag is an OLED display with WiFi internet access, I can't see it costing $300!!!

                                And who really needs $300 pair of shoes? My most expensive were $79 Nikes, so I could have gotten nearly 4 pair.

