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upndown at wally world

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  • upndown at wally world

    My eldest works at wally world. He has had an interesting weekend.

    On Saturday he was 2 minutes late to work. His manager went off on him atomic style. So he makes a point to be there 5 minutes early sunday. This he said required him waiting until the timeclock would let him clock in. Well his manager saw him standing around and went off on him again. So he explained to her that he was waiting to clock in. Apparently though so was she and made sure she clocked in before him.

    Apparently the manager was having a mood or he didnt tell me everything but he went in monday and was demoted from CSM to cashier. He went in today and was back at the CS desk but as just a regular CSR.

    Now he has had car trouble (I know because I tried to help him fix it but sad to say it was too far gone) and so has had to get rides until he could get some new (used) wheels fixed up. However this has not been an issue as he has made sure to be there on time. (I know I've made sure of that a couple times myself personally) and he says the managers are all getting very bent about minor stuff with everyone. but still would be nice if they got their head together about this.

    Another thing going on with this place is that over the past week they have had 12 people quit or get fired. But there is a hiring freeze on (according to my son)and they have the application machines turned off.

    I do know that its been almost 5 years since they came to town and they only got a tax exemption for 5 years. So maybe there are strange changes afoot with the local super wally world? I sincerely hope they dont do the hermit crab thing around here like they have in a few other places I know of in SW ohio.

  • #2
    This is extremely typical, Rahmota......I feel for you and your son. Little things like being 2 minutes late and car trouble are inevitable. For managers to go apeshit over such small things and for mass firing and quitting to be going unhealthy for the workplace and so stressfull for everyone else.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Why... for the love of all that's holy... would a city give a tax exemption to a retail establishment? It's not like it's hard to convince them to park a store in your town. Sometimes, the problem is making sure you don't have too many (the town I grew up in has many, many partially or fully deserted strip malls and big-box places that have been abandoned or converted into really tacky things). And if they threaten to set up shop just outside city limits, well, things like city police and city water/sewer are just that.... city.

      Tax exemptions are, at best, for businesses that produce real jobs.


      • #4
        Blas: SO I've noticed about wallyworld. Sad to say though there are not a lot of jobs a kid straight out of high school can work and go to local college and all that in around here. So he does what he can. Hes young enough hes flexible though so he applied for and is most likely goin to get a job as a home health aide. That way he can actually help people who need it and not deal with the stuff at walland hes told me about.

        Gurn: I have utterly no idea why they did it. They did the same thign for the Lowe's when it came into town. Apparently its not an uncommmon thing for communities to do so in the region though either. I suppose they are paying for it now with the depletion of the budget for the city for the year. Thats right my local county seat is now flat busted broke for the year and cannot spend any more money without going into deficit spending unless they can beg some from the state which themselves is not doing too well. Oh how lovely this economic boom we are living in is/sarcasm


        • #5
          Quoth Rahmota View Post
          I do know that its been almost 5 years since they came to town and they only got a tax exemption for 5 years. So maybe there are strange changes afoot with the local super wally world? I sincerely hope they dont do the hermit crab thing around here like they have in a few other places I know of in SW ohio.
          That's a term I'm not familiar with - what do you mean by "do the hermit crab thing"?
          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


          • #6
            Quoth Rahmota View Post

            On Saturday he was 2 minutes late to work. His manager went off on him atomic style.
            if this was his department manager(the only one that would have to clock in) then he should DEFINITELY report it to his assistant manager(unless he meant he was 17 minutes late, 2 minutes tardy, but the rest of the post doesn't suggest that), because Wal Mart company policy allows you to be 15 minutes late before anyone to do anything to you(if Lee Scott walked in and saw you clock in 14 minutes late he couldn't say anything under policy) or if it was a salaried manager he should go a step above them, whether it be co, store, or district manager, and apparently his time clocks aren't as lenient as the ones at my store, I clock in 3-5 minutes early pretty frequently and no one has said anything.


            • #7
              Quoth wolfie View Post
              That's a term I'm not familiar with - what do you mean by "do the hermit crab thing"?
              I believe they meant leaving, while leaving the shell(building) behind


              • #8
                Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                Why... for the love of all that's holy... would a city give a tax exemption to a retail establishment? It's not like it's hard to convince them to park a store in your town.
                Gurn, most of Ohio does have a problem getting new stores to move in, especially here in the southwest near the Indiana and Kentucky borders due to the higher-than-our-neighbors state tax rate. Communities have taken to waiving the local taxes to woo companies, especially manufacturing, if the jobs are needed.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  The thing behind waiving taxes for a certain period of time is to entice them to come to town and spend the money on the building.for any and all improvements they would need to open.

                  The taxes that get waived are the local property taxes. Which cover the following:
                  1: The value of the land, if they own the land and do not rent.
                  2: The value of the building and any and all improvements made to make it ready for occupancy, things such as adding a garden center, upgrading the parking lots, etc are considered part of the improvements (technically you are taxed on the bare property+improvements).
                  3: Business property such as equipment: Forklifts, shopping carts, registers, computer systems, shelving, racks, etc, etc.

                  What they do not get a tax break on is sales tax. They are usually offered the property tax break to bring the business to town so the city/town/county can hopefully gain more money in its coffers thru the sales tax that would be generated. Places like Lowes and Walmart do generally generate a lot of taxable sales.
                  My Karma ran over your dogma.


                  • #10
                    digilight has got the reason I found out today. I ran into one of the township trustees and he said basically what digi said so myth confirmed as adam would say!

                    Wolfie: To do the hermit crab thing is to come to town build one building then as the tax exemption ends go build a new building due to expansion then a few years later go build a new one for updating and expansion again instead of just expanding and remodelling the old buildings. This has happened in several places in the greater cincy area that I am aware of.

                    akwalmartcartguy: He said it was his direct manager so I dunno. He has alsosaid that climbing the food chain at wallys just gets you slapped down as the management doesnt care about the peons and people who complain too much are labelled as troublemakers and moved into unpleasant shifts or positions. This is all from him and all but I dont think he would have a reason to exaggerate things as I've heard/read about similar things at other wally stores on the web. So basically he's just ducking and covering until he can bail out. Which is according to him Monday. He got the home health aide job with better pay and more chances to actually help people.

                    Supposedly at his store you cannot clock in until 2 minutes before and then up to 5 minutes after. If you're not in that window then the clock wont work unless a manager punches in their code to make it work.


                    • #11
                      Um, unless they've changed things since giving me the almighty (but oh-so-welcome0 boot, there is actually a 15 minute window during which you can clock in, though they might have changed it to five. But two? Geez.

                      A question though, how long has your son been working there? The store I used to work for has had a huge turnover, even for WalMart, and that's saying a lot. It seems to me and some of my former coworkers that the company was making life particularly difficult for anyone who had worked there for a considerable amount of time, meaning of course that their hourly pay rate is higher than that of the part-time newbies. It was just a hunch that we had, but we noticed that none of the newer people were getting nitpicked to the point of grief.
                      The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Geek King View Post
                        Gurn, most of Ohio does have a problem getting new stores to move in, especially here in the southwest near the Indiana and Kentucky borders due to the higher-than-our-neighbors state tax rate. Communities have taken to waiving the local taxes to woo companies, especially manufacturing, if the jobs are needed.
                        Giving breaks to manufacturing I can see. No problems there. Office and many other professional buildings? Not a problem, either. Retail, though? The stuff spreads like those broad-leafed things with the runners in my yard... fast and everywhere, and impossible to kill. Why are we offering them incentive to spread?


                        • #13
                          Quoth Rahmota View Post

                          akwalmartcartguy: He said it was his direct manager so I dunno. He has alsosaid that climbing the food chain at wallys just gets you slapped down as the management doesnt care about the peons and people who complain too much are labelled as troublemakers and moved into unpleasant shifts or positions. This is all from him and all but I dont think he would have a reason to exaggerate things as I've heard/read about similar things at other wally stores on the web. So basically he's just ducking and covering until he can bail out. Which is according to him Monday. He got the home health aide job with better pay and more chances to actually help people.

                          Supposedly at his store you cannot clock in until 2 minutes before and then up to 5 minutes after. If you're not in that window then the clock wont work unless a manager punches in their code to make it work.
                          Direct manager usually means your assistant manager, if his co and store managers don't care the district or regional will.

                          He is lying or being unclear about the time clock, you do not need a manager punch to clock in late, as long as it's still during the time you were scheduled I think my time clock lets you in 10 minutes early, but that is probably left up to the store manager

                          but, you said he's out of retail into a better line of work, so good for him, and this doesn't matter to him anymore


                          • #14
                            Quoth LadyBarbossa View Post
                            Um, unless they've changed things since giving me the almighty (but oh-so-welcome0 boot, there is actually a 15 minute window during which you can clock in, though they might have changed it to five. But two? Geez.

                            A question though, how long has your son been working there? The store I used to work for has had a huge turnover, even for WalMart, and that's saying a lot. It seems to me and some of my former coworkers that the company was making life particularly difficult for anyone who had worked there for a considerable amount of time, meaning of course that their hourly pay rate is higher than that of the part-time newbies. It was just a hunch that we had, but we noticed that none of the newer people were getting nitpicked to the point of grief.
                            wal mart wants you to move up or out, someone who's been there for 15 years isn't going to be $6-8(40 or 60 cents at each eval is what the raises are at my store) an hour more productive than someone who's been there 1 or 2 doing the same job. if you pay attention, new assistants always nitpick the courtesy clerks, until they realize they can STFU and we'll do the same work.

                            it is still 15, I've showed up 13-15 minutes late 2 or 3 times and I didn't get tardies


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                              Giving breaks to manufacturing I can see. No problems there. Office and many other professional buildings? Not a problem, either. Retail, though? The stuff spreads like those broad-leafed things with the runners in my yard... fast and everywhere, and impossible to kill. Why are we offering them incentive to spread?
                              because most people prefer 50-60 mil stores to 120+ mil behemoths, slower stores make them feel less rushed, and smaller stores mean less walking

