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upndown at wally world

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  • #16
    Lady: well he's worked there about 9 months so I doubt he's still considered the new guy. He starte as a regular CSR and then got to be a CSM and was supposedly on his way up and climbing the food chain and all that. But then the store had a management shift from the district down and thigns went to hell in a handbasket. And yeah I've head other say that the more you make at wally world the more harrassed you get until you get to a certain level. They hope you'll quit so they wont have to pay ou unemployemtn and they can replace you with a lower paid individual. One of those keeping costs low always low thigns they do.

    He is lying or being unclear about the time clock
    Do not say my son is a liar ever again. Just one warning. He knows that lying to me is not a good idea and he has no reason or motivation to lie to me or otherwise be unclear about this. I do not work at his store and neither do you I bet so shut it about him lying. Corporate wally may have thigns the way you say they are but his store may not be doing everythign the way corporate does. Judging by the amount of lawsuits and complaints wally has had against them for abusing their employees with managerial approval I do not doubt him.

    I also sincerely doubt that his manager does care or would care. Corporate wallyworld has a history of not caring about anything other thn their bottom line but anythign in depth about tha and their affect on american social structures and economic policy is a debate for fratching. As you say he has managed to escape from there and is doing somethign good and useful for others so I am quite happy and pleased with him and for him.

    urn: I'll definately agree with you that retail dosnt deserve tax breaks but then again I'll also say most companies dont deserve tax breaks as they get away with too much as it is anyways.


    • #17
      Quoth Rahmota View Post

      Walmartcartguy: Do not say my son is a liar ever again. Just one warning. He knows that lying to me is not a good idea and he has no reason or motivation to lie to me or otherwise be unclear about this. I do not work at his store and neither do you I bet so shut it about him lying. Corporate wally may have thigns the way you say they are but his store may not be doing everythign the way corporate does. Judging by the amount of lawsuits and complaints wally has had against them for abusing their employees with managerial approval I do not doubt him.

      I also sincerely doubt that his manager does care or would care. Corporate wallyworld has a history of not caring about anything other thn their bottom line but anythign in depth about tha and their affect on american social structures and economic policy is a debate for fratching. As you say he has managed to escape from there and is doing somethign good and useful for others so I am quite happy and pleased with him and for him.
      I said lying OR(note the or) being unclear. do you really think a manager is going to risk their job to make life hell for their hourlies? when they get a big bonus for coming in under budget on payroll?

      the lawsuits are largely frivolous. any working off the clock now is, there are policies against it.

      quite contrary to your assumption of them not caring, wal mart is deathly afraid of lawsuits, district and regional managers will overturn a termination that is not a complete slam dunk, 100% undeniable proof that they repeatedly committed a terminable offense.


      • #18
        Your comments where taken as to call him a liar. As for what I think managers at wally world would or would not do. Yes I feel that the managers and corporate culture at wallyworld would sell employee's kidneys during break time if they could get an extra bonus for it.

        As for the lawsuits from what I've seen i wouldnt exactly call them frivolous. And there is still the fact that wally (and by extentions) corporate america needs to relearn how to properly treat employees and customers and should be slapped down repeatedly until they do so.

        Anyhow I dont think we have anything further to say. Good day.


        • #19
          you are painting a horrible picture of the company who prints my paychecks, while treating me great, and you are incredibly wrong about how they treat people, managers don't get bonuses for violating company policies, they get fired for it, and something as easy to prove as programming the time clock is simply not going to be done. if the district or regional pokes his head in to see all the things you're claiming the store manager would be fired and not even rehireable as a people greeter, they simply can't all be true the way you typed it out, also was your son an exemplary employee? if he was one of the barely skating by people, and exaggerated the reaction of his manager, the rest is believable

          if a hiring freeze is on that means they are overstaffed, which means sales are down, which means the managers are in trouble, which means the managers are stressed. they have to trim the fat(bad associates) to get expenses down and remain profitable, wal mart does not operate non profitable stores, if the store stops making money it closes, and everybody loses their jobs


          • #20
            They gave me hell for the past year, absolute hell. I was just starting to make more money as a cashier, and I was due for another raise this coming Spring. They didn't treat me with "respect for the individual" at all, and I ended up having to quit.

            They used baseless hearsay against me in their promotion decisions too.

            I worked my butt off at Wal-Mart and they refused to promote me, while they promoted people I trained who would sneak off to the bathroom to chat on their cell phones instead of me.


            • #21
              Quoth Rahmota View Post
              He got the home health aide job with better pay and more chances to actually help people.
              This is a field that desperately needs competent people. I'm told it can be difficult work, because the clients are in pain and have lost their independence. But you should be proud of him for choosing this field - and even more proud if he develops a way to cope with the stresses of the job and sticks with it.
              Seshat's self-help guide:
              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


              • #22
                AKwalmartcartguy... I'm happy to hear that you work at a good wal-mart... but keep in mind, they are not all as good as yours. It has a lot to do with the management. Good management can make a crappy job great, and bad management can make the best of jobs suck big donkey cajones. So hopefully they keep up the good treatment as you stay there longer and start making more money...

                Rahmota, it's probably the management lying to your son, not your son lying to you, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Good luck to your son in the health care aid field! I have a friend who does that and loves it. I hope he finds it a much better job (I think it would be hard not to find it a better job than w-world).

                As for lawsuits, Wal-Mart, like any corporation, is only afraid of tarnishing their reputation. They have enough muscle power that they can keep small lawsuits out of the courts and settle them through various means. They are deathly afraid of large lawsuits, ie class action, like the one they had where many of their female managers claimed they were getting paid less than their male coworkers. Those cost millions of dollars in payouts, plus they cause bad press, and something of that magnitude can't be covered up or explained out easily, thus it could hurt profits or stock prices. Once a company damages its reputation to the point where they are losing large amounts of money, it takes a very large amount of money, time, and effort to fix it, and it's not guaranteed to work. Look at Mariah Carey. She got back on track and re-established herself. Look at Michael Jackson. He will never be able to do that, but he has far more money than Carey.

                As for how they treat their coworkers, well, we've all heard horror stories, and there are many different publications out there that say how horrible the company is. I don't think we really need to go into that any more.
                Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                The Office


                • #23
                  I understand that they aren't all as good as my store(although when our store manager gets promoted our district manager will be getting so many calls he'll need another secretary, but the current co will do a bad job and get fired/demoted, and hopefully my current assistant will end up as store manager) but there are company policies and you can climb the ladder until you find someone to care if it's one of the things that there are policies in place for. something like violating the attendance policy is simply too high of a risk with basically no reward, managers don't wake up in the morning and say "you know, I'm going to see what terminable offenses I can commit to fuck my associates with no personal gain for me today", they wake up and say "how can I run my area/store/district/region better to make my bonus check grow and get another promotion sooner?" I'm not saying wal mart is perfect, or that they don't have some real asshats managing their stores, my store is pretty close to the average store, numbers wise, and we have 7 salaried managers, if you take 7 times 3500 stores that is 24,500 salaried managers, there will be corruption, and the best way to get rid of the corruption is to open door them, if they are following policy you have to wait for them to take over the store and show if they are good or bad at running a store. if you don't have the respect of your workers you will probably not run a store to the same level of performance as will be expected from my co, he is so screwed when he gets promoted, and it won't be long, my store manager deserves a promotion, and has been considered for 1 or 2. back on topic, there will be asshat managers who are running stores well enough to get away with it, but they will be expected to follow the policies(knowingly asking someone to work off the clock is a terminable offense, allowing OSHA violations is a big one, they can get reamed for minors working too early or late, wal mart pretty much doesn't look for the stuff, but if someone complains they'll come down on you), and if they violate policies they will be taken care of, hopefully they will be brought to corporate's attention before it gets out of hand.

                  Wal Mart is reactive, not proactive, if you have a problem bring it to the HMFIC(Head Mother Fucker[s] In Charge) and it will be taken care of, and they have had their share of problems in the past, but they are fixing them, most have been dealt with quite firmly by policies and possible punishments
                  Last edited by AKWalMartCartGuy; 10-26-2007, 10:57 AM.

