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I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream to MOVE YOUR TRUCK

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  • I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream to MOVE YOUR TRUCK

    So, I was leaving the playground with my son last week. (SO much more fun now since he decided to start walking on his own!)

    I got him buckled into his car seat and got behind the wheel. As I started the car and threw it in reverse to back out, the ice cream truck pulls in, and with much beeping, backing and filling, manages to maneuver its way directly behind me.
    Now I was in the closest space to the playground, not counting handicapped spaces. I got out to talk to him.

    Me: Excuse me, I was just backing out when you pulled in and you're blocking me. Can you please pull up a bit and let me out?

    Him: (shaking his head and sighing and eye rolling) I was TRYING not to block anyone.

    Me: (not trying hard enough were you?) Well, I can't get out and I was literally about to leave, I have to get my son home.

    Him: (SIGH) I was trying to get as close as I could

    Me: (??) Look, sir, can't you just pull up, then you can have my space once you LET ME OUT.

    Him: (to kids approaching for ice cream) BACK UP. I NEED TO MOVE. I NEED TO LET THIS LADY OUT. MOVE.

    Asshole. He pulled up like 2 inches and I escaped. I guess being the ice cream man is a bitter soul sucking job (but someone has to do it...)
    "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."

    Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.

  • #2
    Quoth spookysonata View Post
    I guess being the ice cream man is a bitter soul sucking job (but someone has to do it...)
    This. Except the part in parentheses should be "but everybody needs to make a living somehow, and in this economy you do what you have to do to make ends meet".

    ETA - the ice-cream truck that parks on my street (lucky me, I live across the street from a playground) played CHRISTMAS CAROLS the last time it came by over the weekend. I let them listen to a bull-horn that plays a Chinese lullabye until the truck turned off its music and went to the other end of the street.
    Last edited by poofy_puff; 06-02-2010, 03:51 PM.
    I was not hired to respond to those voices.


    • #3
      Apparently Poofy hasn't ever had to listen to The Entertainer being blasted for 3 hours one afternoon....

      And yes, it sucked! I still don't know why, but as the ice cream truck was making its trip down my apparently broke down somewhere around the corner. For whatever reason, instead of shutting the fucking music off, the driver insisted on subjecting everyone to it Now, I am a Scott Joplin fan and I do enjoy his rags, but to listen to one song for 3 hours? It damn near made me want to strangle someone!

      With things like that, it's no wonder many local boroughs have actually *banned* ice cream vans from playing tunes of any sort.
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #4
        Quoth protege View Post
        With things like that, it's no wonder many local boroughs have actually *banned* ice cream vans from playing tunes of any sort.
        I wish our complex would do that. There's one that comes in and drives circles around the parking lot. And I have yet to actually see anybody buy anything.

        Of course, we also have signs as you come onto the property that say "No Soliciting" that I think the ice cream truck should be subject to.
        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


        • #5
          Our ice cream truck gets a fair bit of business, but plays "It's a Small World" with added sound effects....
          "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


          • #6
            Ours does the Sponge Bob Swuarepants theme opening.


            • #7
              I've literally seen ice cream trucks (with the music on) drive away from screaming, forlorn looking kids. And no, he wasn't going towards the exit of my neighborhood.


              • #8
                When I worked 12-hour nights, I would fantasize of shooting the hell out of the speakers on the ice cream truck during the summer. No one should have to wake out of a deep sleep to the tune of "Turkey in the Rye" played on what sounded like a badly tuned xylophone.
                Last edited by Geek King; 06-04-2010, 04:17 PM.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  Quoth Geek King View Post
                  No one should have to wake out of a deep sleep to the tune of "Turkey in the Rye" played on what sounded like a badly tunes xylophone.
                  I'm not sure that would wake me. When I sleep, I don't sleep. Rather, I'm in a sort of coma. The house next door could explode, and I'd sleep right through it
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #10
                    Quoth protege View Post
                    I'm not sure that would wake me. When I sleep, I don't sleep. Rather, I'm in a sort of coma. The house next door could explode, and I'd sleep right through it
                    You and me both. Heck, I've been known to do and say things in my sleep that I don't recall later, like nursing the baby or answering questions more than half-coherently.
                    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                      You and me both.
                      Same here, or I used to anyway. Slept through a fire alarm in college. Now, I wake up at any noise I don't subconsiously recognize. Horns, talking, music? No problem. My wife trying to quietly unzip a suitcase? Instantly awake.
                      "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


                      • #12
                        Quoth protege View Post
                        Apparently Poofy hasn't ever had to listen to The Entertainer being blasted for 3 hours one afternoon....
                        That's the song the local ice cream truck plays.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          Quoth Geek King View Post
                          When I worked 12-hour nights, I would fantasize of shooting the hell out of the speakers on the ice cream truck during the summer.
                          You mean like Booth did on "Bones"?
                          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                          • #14
                            Quoth protege View Post
                            I'm not sure that would wake me. When I sleep, I don't sleep. Rather, I'm in a sort of coma. The house next door could explode, and I'd sleep right through it
                            You know what, I'm like that myself, but I've trained myself to wake to music so I don't sleep through my alarm (anymore ). That ice cream truck was musical enough to wake me everytime.

                            Quoth pagan View Post
                            You mean like Booth did on "Bones"?
                            I'm not familiar with the show, other than by name, but if that's true, I salute the writers.
                            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                            Hoc spatio locantur.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Geek King View Post
                              I'm not familiar with the show, other than by name, but if that's true, I salute the writers.
                              It was hilarious! He shot the clown on top of an ice cream truck. Actually, it wasn't the music so much as how he feels about clowns. But, I hate clowns, too, so I thought it was a win-win.
                              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

