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Gather Round For the Collected Tales of a Pizza Guy

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  • Gather Round For the Collected Tales of a Pizza Guy

    Hello all. You may call me the Pizza Reverend. I've been lurking on this site probably longer than a lot of you have been members. At least 6... maybe 8 years. Always enjoyed reading other peoples stories and rants, always considered signing up, but never did until recently. (And then, even when I did, I was far too lazy to actually post). But now, it is time. Come listen to my tales of woe, and take lesson from the experiences of this one poor sinner.

    I worked at a Restaurant that from here on forth shall be named Pizza Castle (Not it's real name, and should there happen to be a place named Pizza Castle, I apologize and do not mean to take its name in vain). I began while I was at Little Community College, and worked there for two full years before moving on to Big Peoples College a good far distance away. While at Big Peoples College, I studied and pondered and did no work to focus on my schooling, walking away with two Nice Shiny Degrees that I soon realized were utterly useless without Bigger Peoples Graduate School, which I could not yet afford. So I returned home, aiming to get a job and head off toward Bigger Peoples Graduate School.

    And then the Economy tanked. I went two years without a steady job (couldn't even get a terrible job at McDonalds and the like) and finally, I gave in, and returned to Pizza Castle. Since then, I've skyrocketed to the ranks, becoming an official Baron (or Supervisor, if you prefer), even impressing our new franchise owners to the point where they started transfering me around between various Pizza Castles to Supervise, but Bigger Peoples College still is far off. For the time being, at least, I shall remain a Baron of Pizza Castle.

    So that is my sad tale. Now, one thing you must know about Pizza Castle: We are expensive. Our Pizza is DARN GOOD (in all my years I've only found one other pizza that can really compare, at a Pricy Sit Down Restaurant), but for the goodness, we charge double what Cheapos Pizza or Dice Pizza and more than even Big Daddy's Pizza. We know this and most of our customers know this, but that doesn't stop some people from having problems...

    But despite that Obvious Recipe For Disaster, 98% of the customers I handle are very nice. My always sunny disposition and excellent customer service skills (that was all the boasting you'll get from me) often help, but as all of you know, there's always a few...

    So now, let the stories begin.

    Worst Customer I Ever Had
    We'll start out with the big one, such at it is (though it's clearly no War Story). This is way back from when I was Brand New at Pizza Castle - the first time. Barely a month of employment under my belt. We get a call, and as I was programed by the Little Sheet of Paper which all shall follow, I go through the motions.

    Me: Thank you for calling Pizza Castle, Dine In, Take Out, or Deliverly?

    WCIEH: Delivery. Phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx

    As programed, I type it into the computer, which brings up her name, address, number of orders, ect.

    Me: And is this WCIEH at XXX Lovecraft Lane?

    WCIEH: ... I can't believe you just did that.

    ME: Pardon?

    WCIEH: How DARE you read my number out! Get me your manager! How long have you worked here?

    Me: Uhh, a month-


    At this point, being less than a month into the first job I've ever had, I'm in tears. So my Supervisor comes over and talks... and talks... and talks... while I go hide.

    Eventually, they arrange a take out. It turns out this lady was a 'key witness' in some sort of trial, and by reading her name and address out loud (which I did (and still do) for every customer), I put her in SEVERE RISK. She drove to our restraunt, but hid in the car and demanded the supervisor come out and give her the pizza personally.

    Fortunately, my supervisor, being a mostly sane person, gave her what she wanted and sent her away, with no recriminations on my end. Still, that brush is what I would consider my Worst Customer I ever Had.

    Like I said, no war story. My customers are mostly pretty chill. But we still get some good ones...


    About a year ago, I was still in my most local Pizza Castle and now a Supervisor. Now, there are two Pizza Castles in my home town, both owned by different franchises. This causes problems, mainly because they handle the East Side of town, and we handle the West Side. It's also nearly universally agreed that East Side Castle is crap and their pizza sucks.

    So one of our newer employees who was not aware of our poorly defined boundries took an order for delivery that landed in the East Side's territory. We caught it pretty quick, and because it was a busy night already, I told her to call her back and let her know she has to place the order with East Side. This happens from time to time, and as long as we're quick about catching it, it's not usually a problem. But not for this lady.

    A few minutes later, newer employee comes up to me, shaking, saying the lady is demanding to speak to a manager. Since I'm in charge, that's me. What followed was kind of hilarious. I wish I could remember this one word for word, but I can't, so I'll just try and get the gist of it across.

    Me: "Hi, this is the supervisor. I'm very sorry for the trouble, but my coworker didn't realize that you were out of our territory. East Side will be happy to-

    Crazy Lady: No! You listen to me! This is America, this is a free county! This is not Cuba, it is America! It is a free country and you should deiver to me!

    Me: I'm sorry maam, but you're on the opposite side of town. East Side can get you your pizza much quicker and-


    It went on like this for 10 minutes. Eventually she decided to pick up. I was dreading her arrival, bracing for a much longer rant, but all she did was take her pizza, 'hrrumph' and leave. Presumably not to Cuba.

    That night had a worse customer who lost his crap at me because his Pizza got lost in the shuffle and was delayed (like I said, it was absurdly busy), and still wanted to yell at me after I gave him a refund *and* his pizza. He was obviously looking for a fight, but I've found if you don't give them one they usually just end up leaving.

    We Hate Your Old Boss You Never Met
    So several months after returning to Pizza Castle, a corporate store, we were bought out by the Powers That Be, a new franchise that got hold of all the Pizza Castles in the immediate area (except, ironically, East Side). While being a franchise made some things harder, it ended up being a blessing, because the Powers that Be took notice of me, and really liked me. After the Powers That Be decided I was awesome enough to go to other stores, I ended up working at two different Pizza Castles. Castle Hawk is a big, nice Pizza Castle with an awesome crew in a good location that for some bizzare reason, can not manage to find ANYONE locally to work there (Seriously, 3/4 of our crew commutes). Castle Dove is a tiny little Castle with a bad reputation. See, before it got bought out by the Franchise, it was owned by the Terrible Old Man. I never met the Terrible Old Man, and I hopefully never will, because he was so bad, he drove the sales at Castle Dove to virtually nil. It wasn't a big store to begin with, but he was really bad. Apparently he was doing things like charging customers for bags (!), yelling at customers, telling people we don't deliver AT ALL (!!) and hiring some not so great people.

    As a result, Castle Dove is slow as heck. The reputation lingers however...

    While working a shift at Castle Dove, a little girl walks in and asks me for a plastic spoon. Being a pizza place with no need for such cutlery, I offer her all I have - a plastic fork. She happily takes it and skips out.

    A few minutes later her mom comes in with a big glare on her face.

    Mom: That nasty old guy still work here?

    Me: Pardon?

    Mom: That nasty old guy! He was terrible! As long as he works here, I'm never coming to this restraunt.

    Me: There's no old guy on staff with us at the moment. We were recently bought out by a franchise and most the staff is new-

    Mom: GOOD! He was a nasty old bastard and I won't come here as long as he works here! (She sees my cook) HEY! Did you work here with the nasty old guy!

    Cook: *shakes head*

    Mom: Good, I might come back here. But not today. I hope for your sakes that nasty old guy is gone! *leaves*

    Me: Well.... that was different.

    Pizza Reverend Is Watching You!

    A lady walks into Castle Dove. This is a very small store, so she was in the store for less than 15 seconds. This is important.

    Me: Hello, how are you today?

    Lady: *walking* I'mjustgoingtothebathroom... *stops* ... Is that OK?

    Me: Yeah, of course-

    Lady: HMPH! *walks out*

    This whole exchange takes less than 30 seconds. Twenty minutes later...

    *Same Lady walks in*

    Lady: You know, you have a staring problem!

    Me: I'm sorry?

    Lady: I know you're supposed to greet people but you shouldn't stare. I sometimes stop here to go to the bathroom but you shouldn't stare.

    Me: Err... I'm sorry?

    Lady: You know, maye I shouldn't stay here. You have a staring problem.


    Apparently making cordial eye contact counts as 'staring'.

    You Should Get a Better Job

    Castle Dove seems to get most the crazies I have to deal with. I get a call about 4 hours into my shift:

    Crazy Dude: Hey are you a manger?

    Me: Yes, what can I do for you-

    Crazy Dude: I was here two hours ago, I had a beer and ordered a pizza, and it was terrible! There was no sauce on it at all. My wife thought it was terrible too. It was just terrible!

    Uhh, there wasn't anybody here at all during my shift. There was a guy when I came in for hours ago... is it him? Either way, I know the only cooks we've had to day are Awesome Cook and Excellent Cook, both of whom make darn good pizzas...

    Me: I'm very sorry to hear that. WOuld you like me to credit-

    Crazy Dude: Now I don't want anything or anything. I'm just calling to let you know you guys have terrible pizza. I can't believe it was so expensive and yet so terrible!

    Me: I'm sorry-

    Crazy Dude: It was so terrible I can't believe it. Now I don't want anything but, man, you need to get yourself a better job.

    Me: I'm sorry-

    Crazy Dude: I mean, the pizza was so expensive and so terrible, but you should just get yourself a better job. I mean, the pizza was so expensive and there was no sauce.

    Me: I'm sorry-

    Crazy Dude: Now I don't want anything, I just want to let you know that your pizza was terrible and you lost a customer. But if you want my advice, you should get yourself a better job. *hangs up*

    This is the condensed version of this conversation. My cook cracked up after the call, demanding to know what it was, because "You said I'm Sorry like 16 times!"

    This is not necessarily sucky customers, this is just some of my pet peeves and things I hate that customers do.

    •People who say "What are your specials" when they mean "Is what I'm want/planning to buy cheaper?" Bonus points if I tell you our 1 special (I always say 'Our only special is) and you say "You don't have any specials on Peperoni Pizzas?"
    BEST EXAMPLE: "Do you have any specials on Peperoni Mushroom Pizzas?"

    •People who begin a phone call with "Hi, I want a Large Peperoni Pizza" without any consideration of how we're going to get it to you, what your name is, where you're located, or anything. This one isn't most peoples fault, but our computer won't let us put in an order without a type of order (Dine in, take out, or delivery) and a phone number.
    BEST EXAMPLE: "I want to pay by Credit Card!" (Lovely. What, exactly, do you want to use that card to pay for?)

    •"Do You have any Coupons?" "We have them online and we send them out regularly." "Oh... well can you give me a discount?"
    BEST EXAMPLE: "Well I don't have a printer and I didn't get any! Can you give me a discount?"

    •"Oh my God it's so expensive! We're leaving!" Look, the menu is RIGHT THERE. You should check your prices before you order!
    BEST EXAMPLE: A guy who ORDERED ONLINE, put in his CREDIT CARD, APPROVED THE ORDER and THEN asked why it was so expensive.

    And that's all for the moment. More shall come as it comes back to my addled and tired brain.
    Last edited by MadMike; 04-13-2013, 01:46 AM. Reason: Fixed style tag

  • #2

    We have brain bleach, bacon, various adult benverages COOKIES and other assorted bizzaro things.

    OH and I guess you have heard of Rule #1 already as you have been lurking for several years now.

    I can relate to all of your post. This may sound bad but Been there Done that.

    PResently I am a pizza delivery driver for the Red Roof pizza company (more than a few years now). Many many years ago I too was a Supervisor (not a GM but an AM) for said company (different franchise and area) when thing were better (product wise and such).

    The person in the witness protection program I think was just a little too paranoid

    In my town there are 5 Red Roof pizza places 2 on my side of town and 3 on the other. The other one on my side of town is constantly getting THEIR delivery area WRONG. Meaning they send THEIR customers over to us.

    I am "informed" on a regular basis that I "should get a better/real job".

    Your hates sound veeerrryyyy familiar since my pizza place seems to cater to the lowest common denominator el cheapo customer but constantly running really chap promos or coupons or deals and indulging in the cheap crap product of the month product runs.
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


    • #3
      I find it a bit bemusing that people only consider "white collar" jobs "real jobs"

      What would happen if all the pizza company workers were in "real jobs"? They would probably bitch because there was nobody to make their pizzas -.-
      Violets are blue,
      Roses are red,
      I bequeath to thee...
      A boot to the head >_>


      • #4
        Quoth Racket_Man View Post

        We have brain bleach, bacon, various adult benverages COOKIES and other assorted bizzaro things.
        Cookies? Are you the Dark Side? Because I can't associate with the dark side!

        THanks for the welcome!

        OH and I guess you have heard of Rule #1 already as you have been lurking for several years now.
        That's why I didn't relate the story about the Chain Saw.

        I can relate to all of your post. This may sound bad but Been there Done that.

        PResently I am a pizza delivery driver for the Red Roof pizza company (more than a few years now). Many many years ago I too was a Supervisor (not a GM but an AM) for said company (different franchise and area) when thing were better (product wise and such).
        Fellow Pizza Maker, know your pain is shared by all your brethren! Thank you for the kind words, and may we both find comfort in our mutual misery.

        The person in the witness protection program I think was just a little too paranoid
        I've always wanted to know that if she was so afraid of her address getting out, why did she order delivery in the first place?

        In my town there are 5 Red Roof pizza places 2 on my side of town and 3 on the other. The other one on my side of town is constantly getting THEIR delivery area WRONG. Meaning they send THEIR customers over to us.
        The worst part is that I've done that too. Our Delivery System is woefully outdated (it's been known to claim new developments right around the block are Out Of Territory and mad us five towns over...) and doesn't have the faintest clue where the boundries are. The only way to be 'right' is just to know. It sucks.

        Your hates sound veeerrryyyy familiar since my pizza place seems to cater to the lowest common denominator el cheapo customer but constantly running really chap promos or coupons or deals and indulging in the cheap crap product of the month product runs.
        We have the opposite problem. Our Pizza is expensive so EVERYONE is trying to get it cheaper because it tastes so darn good. The real problem comes when El Cheapo has their heart set on a Pizza Castle Pizza then finds out it's $20 bucks.


        • #5
          Quoth Kagato View Post
          I find it a bit bemusing that people only consider "white collar" jobs "real jobs"

          What would happen if all the pizza company workers were in "real jobs"? They would probably bitch because there was nobody to make their pizzas -.-
          This. Sooooo much this. Food service is the most unhappy line of work. Yesterday someone complained to my coworker that the popcorn was dry and salty. The popcorn was dry and salty. I was like, "and...?"
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            I also like that bit of karmic justice when someone who just spent quite a bit of time ridiculing another person in an unglamorous blue-collar job for not doing *real work* that *anybody* could do realizes that they can't do it themselves.....

            Okay Miss Fancypants, here's the keys to the truck, you can tow your own car to the dealer. You should be able to do it, there's only three switches you need to flip inside, a smart person like you can figure that out no problem! Oh, and try not to scratch it........ see you there!
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #7
              The key witness in the trial... I think she may have been the defendant. What I mean is.. someone probably had to deal with her nasty attitude, threatened her life, and she's still exhibiting the same behavior that got her in trouble in the first place. Am I alone in thinking this?

              Otherwise I would have piped up and said, "I'm not a mind reader m'am, and you never said 'please do not read my address out loud', so this falls on you..."


              • #8
                If "Pizza Castle" is the chain I suspect, you guys rock. I'm just sayin'.

                As for witness lady...why not use an alias if you're that concerned about your privacy? Hubby uses one for food orders just because people always screw up his real name.
                Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                • #9
                  to ! ...Uh, formally ^_^

                  I used to work at "Big Daddy's" around a decade ago, followed by a tiny little Italian joint which has since gone the way of the dodo, but had pretty much the best bread/dough I've ever had (literally made by a lady who came in at 4:30 every morning to make it fresh).

                  Delivery area nonsense -- We had our delivery zones established by contract with other stores in the city. Crossing those borders would, at the very least, get us a nasty call from the "owning" store if we were violated them, and potentially even a lawsuit for Breach of Contract if the area belonged to another franchisee. Not that it will readily convince the sorts of winners you were dealing with, but maybe "We would deliver to you, but losing a lawsuit will cost us much more than losing YOU as a customer" will get the message across.

                  Quoth Pizza Reverend View Post
                  •People who say "What are your specials" when they mean "Is what I'm want/planning to buy cheaper?"
                  Ugh. Been thru plenty of that.
                  •People who begin a phone call with "Hi, I want a Large Peperoni Pizza" without any consideration of how we're going to get it to you,...
                  One of my all-time seething hatreds >_< Especially because our computer system was set up in such a way that we literally could not enter ANY data without putting the phone number in FIRST.

                  Me - Hi, thank you for calling DaddyJim's on GenericRoad, where we have <special du jour>, may I please get your phone number?
                  SC - Yeah, large pepperoni and cheese sticks...
                  Me - I'll be glad to get that for ya - May I please have your phone number?
                  CS - And also I want a works, no olives, peppers, or pepperoni, half of it add extra italian sausage & beef, on the other half add anchovies and double banana peppers (or worse, trying to split it into 1/4's, which we could not do, or the ultimate evil -- 'leave off <six ingredients> and add <three other ingredients to make it identical to another special pizza>' because only the works is on sale)
                  Me - Sure thing, could I get your phone number first, please? The computer won't let me...
                  CS - *cutting me off* And make sure to put a note on there to tell the driver we don't have a house number you can see from the street, we're right next to the big white house. Here's my credit card number...

                  There is one more supreme evil, which only the drivers themselves have to deal with...People who don't leave their outside lights on at night, on streets with few, if any, street lights -- really ritzy areas were the worst offenders for both of these (and they wonder why they get robbed..). There's a reason we began packing high-power halogen flashlights in our cars...
                  Quoth Food Lady View Post
                  The popcorn was dry and salty. I was like, "and...?"
                  I'd be upset if it wasn't (OK, I wouldn't want something like cinnamon popcorn to be salty...). I can understand complaining about popcorn being STALE, but dry is standard x.x
                  "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                  "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                  "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                  "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                  "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                  "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                  Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                  "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                  • #10
                    Forgive me Reverend, for I have sinned. It has been two years since my last takeaway, and over a year since my last delivery. I have also [mumblemumble] made my own pizza at home many times.

                    Welcome aboard. I've worked a couple of premium pizza places (as well as the dives/chains) and know the peeves it brings on all too well. The up side is it is pretty easy to keep the smile on one's face when someone grips about the price as they pay it because you and they know it's a good product. The smile may be a smug one, but they don't have to know that.


                    • #11
                      Quoth EricKei View Post
                      Delivery area nonsense -- We had our delivery zones established by contract with other stores in the city. Crossing those borders would, at the very least, get us a nasty call from the "owning" store if we were violated them, and potentially even a lawsuit for Breach of Contract if the area belonged to another franchisee. Not that it will readily convince the sorts of winners you were dealing with, but maybe "We would deliver to you, but losing a lawsuit will cost us much more than losing YOU as a customer" will get the message across.
                      I don't think our'd competing stores would do that (thankfully), though I'm pretty sure the same kind of paperwork is in place. My bigger concern is the people we'd delivered too once (because we didn't realize it was out that far in time) and then they throw a tantrum every time they call back and we say we can't....

                      Ugh. Been thru plenty of that.
                      One of my all-time seething hatreds >_< Especially because our computer system was set up in such a way that we literally could not enter ANY data without putting the phone number in FIRST.

                      Me - Hi, thank you for calling DaddyJim's on GenericRoad, where we have <special du jour>, may I please get your phone number?
                      SC - Yeah, large pepperoni and cheese sticks...
                      Me - I'll be glad to get that for ya - May I please have your phone number?
                      CS - And also I want a works, no olives, peppers, or pepperoni, half of it add extra italian sausage & beef, on the other half add anchovies and double banana peppers (or worse, trying to split it into 1/4's, which we could not do, or the ultimate evil -- 'leave off <six ingredients> and add <three other ingredients to make it identical to another special pizza>' because only the works is on sale)
                      Me - Sure thing, could I get your phone number first, please? The computer won't let me...
                      CS - *cutting me off* And make sure to put a note on there to tell the driver we don't have a house number you can see from the street, we're right next to the big white house. Here's my credit card number...
                      The Flashbacks! The Flashbacks! Aggggghhhhhhhhh!

                      There is one more supreme evil, which only the drivers themselves have to deal with...People who don't leave their outside lights on at night, on streets with few, if any, street lights -- really ritzy areas were the worst offenders for both of these (and they wonder why they get robbed..). There's a reason we began packing high-power halogen flashlights in our cars...
                      Oh lord. I only did driving for about a year before I became a Supervisor (I was too young the first time I worked at Pizza Castle) and it was almost exclusively Daytime Driving, but the few night shifts I ended up having I dreaded. My Night Vision isn't great already, and those older houses without lighted numbers were an absolute nightmare to deliver to. I don't know how all my evening Drivers do it.

                      Speaking of Driving...

                      More Things I Hate

                      •People who pay with 100 Dollar Bills, either on Delivery or Early in the Morning. I, personally, believe our company should stop taking 100 Dollar Bills, and that city law should make it a crime to pay with 100 Dollar Bills. At two of the three stores I worked at, a 100 Dollar Bill at the wrong time could wipe out all the change we had for a day. Argh. I have unrestrained loathing for all people who carry exclusively 100 Dollar Bills on them. They are Bad People.
                      BEST EXAMPLE: A guy who ordered for Delivery (30 bucks IIRC) and then handed me a 100 Dollar Bill when I got there. DIdn't tell ANYBODY. And it was my first Delivery of the day, which meant NO POSSIBLE WAY TO MAKE CHANGE EXCEPT TO DRIVE BACK TO THE STORE. ARGH.

                      •People who tip by giving us giant bags of Quarters. You think you're funny but you're not.
                      BEST EXAMPLE: Someone who paid for a 20 Dollar order entirely in quarters.

                      •Speaking of Quarters, parents who give their kids 20 dollars in quarters to use our game machines and then ignore them for two hours. Yes, we have some game machines. The first time I worked at Pizza Castle West, we had a decent selection of 4 different types of games , so it wasn't to bad. But when I came back, the management had replaced all the games with idiot toy-dispenser type games, and THAT was a nightmare. Prizes getting stuck, little plastic prize cups everywhere... When I started going to Castle Hawk, the first day I got there, I was estatic. There were three games, one of which was one of those top down jet fighter games which are my favorite arcade games in the world, and one other game and one crane that had stuffed animals in it, and that was it. Perfect. TWO DAYS AFTER I GOT THERE, the Powers That Be Replaced them - fortunately not with idiot prize games, but still! I coulda been playing that jet fight game! Jerks!
                      I had a point when I started that, but I suspect it was not a compelling one.

                      •Youth Sports Parties. For reasons beyond me, this only really applies to Pizza Castle West. While Castle Hawk and Castle Dove have had these occaionally, it has yet to get back. But at Castle West, sports parties are met with dread and fear, with good reason. They are NIGHTMARES. The first time I worked at Castle West, there was one team in particular we dreaded... THe running trend was that the parents would all come in and buy a ton of beer, and then ignore the kids for the whole night. It was awful. THe parents of these Sports Parties clearly are only doing it to drink beer, and don't actually care about said Sports Parties. True story: One night the beer tap wasn't working. The party walked in, found, out, then left. A KIDS PIZZA SPORTS PARTY was cancelled because... the beer was broke. Astounding. (And that's not even the Best Example...) Every time we had one, the side rooms we have are left as a disaster zones. And it's usually only the Sports Parties that do this. Birthday Parties, Fantasy Football Leagues, Spur of the Moment Prom Night Parties (when that many high schoolers walked in, I just about had a heart attack - while they were there late, they were very nice, considerate and clean, God bless them!) no one else ever caused as much destruction as your typical SPorts Parties...
                      BEST EXAMPLE: After one of the worst by that worst team, we were cleaning up the destruction left behind. I walked into the Mens Bathroom, stared, and then just started laughing as all Sanity departed. The kids had ripped the dividing partition between the urinals from the wall. My manager wanted to know what was so funny, saw what it was, and it took all her willpower to keep from slapping me. That was the first time I worked at Pizza Castle, and they never did replace the partition.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pizza Reverend View Post
                        That's why I didn't relate the story about the Chain Saw.
                        No reason not to do that; just put a "Don't eat or drink anything while reading this" warning at the beginning of the story. Or not. See how many monitors and keyboards your story messes up.

                        to We look forward to more of your stories! Oh, and if you haven't seen it already, you might like this site: Remember to Tip the Pizza Delivery Guy.
                        Last edited by XCashier; 04-13-2013, 06:30 PM.
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Pizza Reverend View Post

                          Me: Thank you for calling Pizza Castle, Dine In, Take Out, or Deliverly?

                          WCIEH: Delivery. Phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx

                          As programed, I type it into the computer, which brings up her name, address, number of orders, ect.

                          Me: And is this WCIEH at XXX Lovecraft Lane?

                          WCIEH: ... I can't believe you just did that.

                          ME: Pardon?

                          WCIEH: How DARE you read my number out! Get me your manager! How long have you worked here?

                          Me: Uhh, a month-

                          WCIEH: WELL I THINK THAT'S LONG ENOUGH.

                          At this point, being less than a month into the first job I've ever had, I'm in tears. So my Supervisor comes over and talks... and talks... and talks... while I go hide.

                          Eventually, they arrange a take out. It turns out this lady was a 'key witness' in some sort of trial, and by reading her name and address out loud (which I did (and still do) for every customer), I put her in SEVERE RISK.
                          This is her own damn fault. If it's so important her identity and address be kept secret, she shouldn't be doing anything that requires verification of her address and identity.

                          What, she thought the computer would say "PERSON IN WITNESS PROTECTION" when you typed in the phone number? Really?
                          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                          • #14
                            Quoth Pizza Reverend View Post
                            Cookies? Are you the Dark Side? Because I can't associate with the dark side!
                            Only some of us, and we don't share the cookies, we have them though.
                            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                            • #15
                              re: the top down shooter game -- one from the Raiden series, perhaps? I've always been a fan of SHMUPS, and that's one of the best. It's also one of the few vertical shooters that was in arcades.

                              As for hundreds, we had a policy that no driver was allowed to carry more than $20 in change, and we advertised this wherever feasible, reminded customers of this if they were paying in cash, etc. Most complied and did their cash drops like they were supposed to. One, in particular, a world-class Snake (saw to it that he got the best runs even when he wasn't supposed to take them, using manager passwords to bypass the computer's objections -- he never got any of mine due to my predilection for using intentionally-misspelled Japanese words as the basis for my passwords. Even when I caught him watching me enter my pass, he never did figure it out ), ALWAYS kept all of his money on hand, as well as writing his sales down, then ran the numbers before he left for the night so the manager wouldn't know how much he really made in tips (because that would have made it all the more blatant that he was Snaking -- I would have said that the fact that the Exception Report (tracks password usage) was always double the normal length on nights that he worked, and often included passwords for managers who weren't even working those nights, would have been a clue...)
                              "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                              "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                              "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                              "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                              "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                              "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                              Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                              "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me

