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Damn you, Nintendo

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  • Damn you, Nintendo

    Will this Wii crap EVER end ? If I had a dime for every phone call I get, Bill Gates would easily be usurped in the Forbes 400. What in the world is so facinating about this thing that people feel the need to become complete a**holes in the hopes of getting one ? I can't count the times I've been yelled at, both on the phone and in person, because we (and every other retailer) don't have any.

    Some of my favorite SC comments....

    "You don't have any Wii's ? Well, why the f**k not ?"

    "I know you're hiding them in the back for yourselves"

    "I hate you and your crappy store !!"

    "I've been looking since Christmas. This is ridiculous. "

    Yes, it is ridiculous. Yet it does not stop you from calling every day (and coming in sometimes) to harass us about it.

    In summation....

    No, we don't have any.

    No, I do not know when they're coming back in.

    No, I don't care whether you get one or not.

    Does anybody else have these problems ?
    Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer

  • #2

    This is one of the reasons I'm glad I'm no longer at EB. At least it's not as freaking insane as it was at Christmas time. We had people spend HOURS in our store every day hoping for a shipment to come in.

    Every time I drop by my local wal-mart I check the display cases to see if any Wiis are in stock. ONCE they had One left in the case, but everty other time nada. Not to mention no Wii-motes or Nunchuks either.


    • #3
      I admiiiit, I stalked La Source till they got mine~But I wasn't an ass about it~

      I am wondering why it takes so long to get a nunchuck and smooth Moves tho.
      Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

      "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


      • #4
        I am a gamer. I interact with a lot of other gamers. The people you have to deal with are probably either non-gamers (there are a lot of non-gamers picking up Wiis, for various reasons), or the type of gamer who will call themselves "hardcore" and never admit in public that they have ever even considered touching a Wii, much less owning one.

        I don't have a Wii, yet, but when I am ready to get one I plan to wait until some local place has a special, then arrive at the store about 20 minutes before it opens. A lot of shops (such as at least one Circuit City) are holding back stock for when they have specials, probably in order to comply with laws regarding advertising and stock issues.

        But there are a lot of psychos around the whole console market.

        One of the people on a gamer forum I frequent told of how she was able to purchase the last Wii in one shop right before Christmas. She actually required a security escort to her car because there were some guys who were actually making physical contact with her while they told her things like she couldn't be a real gamer because she was female.

        It all makes me depressed to be a gamer.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          I also admit, I waited about 3 or 4 hours outside of Futureshop for my wii.

          Don't these people know what the term "shortage" is? sorry I forgot that would require a brain.


          • #6
            Quoth wj_737_700 View Post
            I also admit, I waited about 3 or 4 hours outside of Futureshop for my wii.

            Don't these people know what the term "shortage" is? sorry I forgot that would require a brain.
            Well yeah, I mean... When people tell me they got none, I tend to believe them. I know that screaming and flailing like a chimpanzee won't land a next gen console in my lap.

            I think SCs still believe in Santa, in a bad way. They always need the thing for Christmas, if you dun have one to sell to them, they think they can summon magical santa to make you fart out a wii or something...
            Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

            "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


            • #7
              I am still wanting mine. But I am just going to wait for another month or so, and then buy it. Might even be cheaper then, who knows.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                I've told the kids, when we come across one we'll get one. Until then, heck, maybe the price will go down.

                "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                • #9
                  Nope, in all actuality, the demand was MUCH higher than Nintendo, and their suppliers of their parts expected! My co-worker and I who are both gamers believe you will see supply problems until about the summer time, in which the demand will level out with the supply.


                  • #10
                    Sorry..the sad part is that this won't end until the next latest and greatest console comes out....Wii I believe either did this on purpose or screwed up. they advertize and advertize but don't make enough consoles, therefore giving SC's a reason to tread all over the game business employees....
                    its the same with a popular product, large corp did not see the mass amounts that people would want and did not make enough....

                    hopefully it should be over soon


                    • #11
                      Quoth LexiaFira View Post
                      Sorry..the sad part is that this won't end until the next latest and greatest console comes out....Wii I believe either did this on purpose or screwed up. they advertize and advertize but don't make enough consoles, therefore giving SC's a reason to tread all over the game business employees....
                      its the same with a popular product, large corp did not see the mass amounts that people would want and did not make enough....

                      hopefully it should be over soon

                      Wasn't this a bigger problem for Sony and Microsoft?


                      • #12
                        I used to ask every time I went into an electronics store too- but when they said no, I just said "ok" and left. Whining isn't going to make a Wii magically appear!
                        I have one now and I never had to insult anybody once.
                        It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                        -Helen Keller

                        I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                        • #13
                          We sold our soul to Bill Gates for awhile with a 360...but we will get a Wii soon. I need to play Zelda.


                          • #14
                            OT here, butt still nice to know.

                            The reason for the backlog of the Wii...(you know, I'm not sure if that's singular or plural?) is because of a major design change being made to them.

                            Currently, the Wii does not support DVD. Nintendo had basically said "Hey, everyone has a DVD player already, why should we put one in the Wii? Well the masses have spoken, people wanting DVD capability, so Nintendo shrugged and said ok. So, they've pulled everything off their lines and retooled just a bit to pump out the new Wii with DVD reader built in. Ideally, they're expected to hit shelves again around May or June.
                            Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                            • #15
                              Quoth ShootMePlease View Post
                              Does anybody else have these problems ?
                              Do you have to ask?

                              I get people screaming at me to get a Wii for them because they know that we "have some stashed away for staff to buy." Yeah, sure, I'm gonna refuse to sell to you so I can sell to some shmuck that I can't stand and make zero profit for my department. Sorry, no. My SM has even blacklisted staff from buying them until there are substantial amounts.
                              I AM the evil bastard!
                              A+ Certified IT Technician

