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Tales from the Dorkside

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  • Tales from the Dorkside

    I always felt like "special" customers were getting routed directly to me. Last night after work, my team went out to dinner and I was sharing some of my daily stories with them. My Lead rep announced that never in all his 10 years with the company had he ever seen anyone consistently get the kinds of calls I do. Lucky me, huh?

    SW = Sucky Woman
    SM = Sucky Man
    ME = Not you

    Nice attitude

    ME: If I could just have your mobile phone number please?
    ME: Hmm, I don't have an account with that number. If this for a prepaid phone?
    SW: No, that's my home phone number.
    ME: Could I have your MOBILE number please?
    SW: Cause that's what what you said. Do you want my mobile number?
    ME *twitch*: Yes, that would be lovely.
    ME: And how can I help you today?
    SW: What? Speak up, for crying out loud! You're mumbling and your words are running together!

    If your hearing is that bad, why do you possess a phone?

    Thank you, drive through

    SW: Can you tell me when my contract is up?
    ME: Sure, I can get that information for you.
    SW: Okay, thanks, bye. *click*

    So, you just wanted to know...what? If it was within my power to be able to answer a question in the event that you someday may need to ask it for real? Or were you practicing your skills as an inquisitor? Glad I could be of assistance, I guess.

    A fool and his money

    SM: I want to cancel my service because I broke my phone.
    ME: That's too bad. Fortunately, I see you are enrolled in insurance, so even if the phone is damaged it can be replaced.
    SM: Yeah, but the insurance company wants me to pay for it. If I have to buy a phone anyway, I might as well just cancel and start up a new service with someone else.
    ME: But, the insurance deductible is only $70. If you cancel, your Termination Fee will be $200.
    SM: Yeah, but what's the point of insurance if you have to pay for it?

    That is the point of insurance. You pay money every month just in case something happens to your property at some point. If it does, you pay a deductible and the insurance company fixes or replaces the item. What's the point in not paying $70 to replace a $250 piece of equipment rather than a $200 termination fee (plus the cost of a new phone activated with someone else)?

    Customer's sucky husband

    Customer (nice lady): I need to get a new phone. My old one is broke.
    ME: Sorry to hear that. Is there a particular phone you were looking for?
    Customer: Something close to my old one. My husband broke it in half because I called his ex-wife a b*tch.
    ME: Oh, uh... Oh my.
    Customer: It's nothing to worry about. His mangy a$$ is out of here!

    You go, girl!

    Kind of stupid, but kind of done right

    SW: I need to suspend my phone cause I lost it.
    ME: Well, I hope it turns up soon. In the meantime, we can suspend it for awhile in case someone else finds it first.
    SW: You know what? Can you hold for a minute?
    *1 minute later*
    SW: Never mind! I found it!

    Sounds kind of silly, but then I realized she actually did things right. She called the moment she lost her phone. Most people assume they'll find it and spend a few days searching for it (or they have the bright idea to keep calling it in the hopes that the person who has will give the phone back), and by the time they do call, there are hundreds of dollars in charges to Pakistan. And though I know as well as the customer did they didn't make the calls, the Terms of Service state that the customer is responsible for all charges until the point at which the phone is reported as lost or stolen.

    Almost too stupid to believe

    SW: I need to change my credit card number you have on file, because I lost my old card.
    ME: Okay, lets get that updated. Could I have the new card number please?
    SW: Sure. Wait... where is...? Did I leave it at the restaurant? Damn. I'll have to call you back.

    Ok, things get misplaced. But you just got a new card because you lost the old one. I would think you'd at least try to use even a little more caution from now on!


    Nice Man: Can I speak to your supervisor?
    ME: Uh, sure.
    Nice Man: I'm not mad or anything. It's just that I really appreciate everything you've done for me. No one has ever gone so far to try to help me out and provide so many useful options. You're one of the few people out there who really care about the customer. I want to make sure your boss knows about it.

    It's kind of sad that I'm so used to people screaming at me, calling me names, insulting my family, trying to tear me down, and just being downright mean and nasty, that the only time I feel like crying is when someone wants to tell me or my superiors how wonderful I am. Not that I'm the CSR from Hell or anything. I give the same treatment to all my customers. Some of them are decent people and know how to calm down and listen to reason.

    On the other hand

    SW: Why should I have to pay for a phone? I've been a customer for 12 years!
    ME: But I've offered the phone you want for free.
    SW: Yeah, with a 2 year contract! And new customers get it free also! Why shouldn't I get better treatment?
    ME: I can only give you the best deal I have. Yes, that phone is free for new customers, but I can't possibly get you a lower price than free.
    SW: Then give me something better!
    ME: We can look at other phones, but this is the one you really want. I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing what it is you want me to do.
    SW: Well you'd better think of something, or I'll just go sign up with another company.
    ME: With a 2 year contract. You would be committing yourself to 2 years with a company you have no experience with, don't know where the coverage does and does not meet your needs, and would have to pay $20 more a month for the same amount of minutes because of the old promotional plan you still have.

    Needless to say, she didn't want to talk about how wonderful I am.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Kara_CS View Post
    A fool and his money

    SM: I want to cancel my service because I broke my phone.
    ME: That's too bad. Fortunately, I see you are enrolled in insurance, so even if the phone is damaged it can be replaced.
    SM: Yeah, but what's the point of insurance if you have to pay for it?

    That is the point of insurance. What's the point in not paying $70 to replace a $250 piece of equipment rather than a $200 termination fee (plus the cost of a new phone activated with someone else)?
    I laughed when the manager trained me on cells & the paperwork, because we actually have a form the customer signs if they decline insurance.

    I don't find that funny any more.

    Lady Kara, if it makes you feel any better I don't think I could handle your job. You seem to have an awfully deep well of patience.

    Want me to maul your shifty co-workers?
    "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."


    • #3
      Quoth Kara_CS View Post
      ME: I can only give you the best deal I have. Yes, that phone is free for new customers, but I can't possibly get you a lower price than free.
      SW: Then give me something better!
      ME: We can look at other phones, but this is the one you really want. I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing what it is you want me to do.
      SW: Well you'd better think of something, or I'll just go sign up with another company.
      Huh?? Proof that you can't GIVE SC's free crap either!

      You know, if you knew anything about customer service, you'd give him the free phone, pay his bill for a year AND give him a cookie.
      Well fiddle dee dee!!


      • #4
        You'd be amazed. I went through something similar with a customer the other day...

        SG= Stupid Guy
        Me=...well me

        SG: I want to buy the blackberry pearl. How much does it cost without a contract?

        Me:Well sir, it will be $500 without a contract. Are you sure you aren't eligible for an upgrade? If you are, the price would be much cheaper.

        SG: Well, I could always just cancel my service and then sign up for a new one, and get the phone cheaper.

        Me: Sir, if you did that, you would pay the $200 cancellation fee, need to change your number, AND pay the $250+ even after rebate! So, you wouldn't be saving anything at all....

        <round in circle before I could get him to understand this- or so I thought>

        Me: Sir, you are eligible for upgrade in August. That is just a few months. You have two options- you can buy it outright for $500 (although actually I played with numbers and offered it to him for a little less) or you can just wait until August, renew your 2 year contract, get to keep your number and STILL get the discount.

        SG: Well, I have to think about it. I think my brother would make fun of me for paying $500 dollars for the, I guess I can cancel and then get it cheaper...

        Me: Or, you can just renew your contract in August, keep your number, and pay the rebate price for the phone... (explain again that termination fee + cost after rebate is more expensive than outright price)

        SG: OH. Yea, I guess so. Well, I have to wait then. Sorry to waste your time...

        A lot of the phone reps I've dealt with should be sainted...
        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


        • #5
          I'm really starting to think a few of our callers overlap. ;p

          As for being sainted, no thanks. By this point I'd probably burst into flames if I stepped on hallowed ground. Well, maybe not flames exactly....but it'd probably give me a cramp or something.


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            I'm really starting to think a few of our callers overlap. ;p
            Now, I've never done the whole Karma-girl thing, but we're totally linked somehow. I'd like to think I'm destined for more than customer service, but maybe this is it.
            "You are loved" - Plaidman.


            • #7
              Quoth Kara_CS View Post
              Now, I've never done the whole Karma-girl thing, but we're totally linked somehow. I'd like to think I'm destined for more than customer service, but maybe this is it.
              Six degrees of sufferation. -.-

              Don't look at me, I wanted to be an artist when I was a kid.


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Six degrees of sufferation. -.-

                Too funny! Does that mean Kevin Bacon is part of this somehow?
                "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                • #9
                  I hope not, he creeps me out.... ><


                  • #10
                    Me too. Oh wait, that connects him to us then, through shared ick factor.

                    "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                    • #11
                      And just think: in a mere two months, you get to deal with customers demanding iPhones at rediculous prices, too.


                      • #12
                        Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
                        Huh?? Proof that you can't GIVE SC's free crap either!

                        You know, if you knew anything about customer service, you'd give him the free phone, pay his bill for a year AND give him a cookie.
                        You know what, next time I feel like being an SC I think I'm going to DEMAND a cookie! I'd just get a big laugh out of the store clerk's face...... and hopefully they would laugh with me and I wouldn't really end up being an SC.....

                        Ooh ooh or maybe I can do that the next time a person is an SC in front of me - I can then walk up to the counter/grocery line, etc.... and say "I demand a free cookie and I want it now and it better be chocolate chip!" and just see what they do....


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                          Customer's sucky husband

                          Customer (nice lady): I need to get a new phone. My old one is broke.
                          ME: Sorry to hear that. Is there a particular phone you were looking for?
                          Customer: Something close to my old one. My husband broke it in half because I called his ex-wife a b*tch.
                          ME: Oh, uh... Oh my.
                          Customer: It's nothing to worry about. His mangy a$$ is out of here!

                          You go, girl!
                          March of 2006 my ex-finace smashed my brand new laptop (with my term paper on it) that I had recieved for Christmas.
                          I called toshiba, and tried to see what could be done about it (It was demolished..but I was hoping) ..
                          The guy asked me what happened and i started to cry as i told him ..
                          he was so remorseful that he couldn't help me .. he sounded like he was going to cry too..
                          Best customer service person I've ever had the pleasure to talk to..

                          even if you can't help someone, just saying "sorry" and meaning it may be help enough
                          ((granted the person isn't a SC!!))

                          .m.a.k.e. .i.t. .b.e.t.t.e.r.
                          Lil' Miss Nightmare


                          • #14
                            I've been with my cell phone provider since they were another provider and bought up, so going on six years now. One reason I stayed with them was the quality of the customer service they provide. Once, after a particularly long 15 minutes of going through my bill to find the error that had caused me to be over charged for my data plan (which only happened that once mind you), the rep was STILL helpful. I wasn't acting SC either, but I knew that something was wrong, and the rep said it looked wrong to her too, so she kept trying to figure it out on her own while we were waiting for her supervisor to become available. She wasn't able to, and the supervisor had to call tech to find the issue (long and convoluted), credited me the difference, and passed me back to the rep.

                            I thanked the rep for all she had done and tried to do, then (surprise surprise) asked her to pass me back to her supervisor. She sounded shocked and a little hurt, so I told her that she had done such a fantastic job of handling the situation that I wanted to thank her and also commend her to her supervisor (which I did). I hope after all the SC's that she must see on a daily basis that I helped improve her day a little (vain, I know).

                            The moral is, credit where credit is due.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                              I always felt like "special" customers were getting routed directly to me. Last night after work, my team went out to dinner and I was sharing some of my daily stories with them. My Lead rep announced that never in all his 10 years with the company had he ever seen anyone consistently get the kinds of calls I do. Lucky me, huh?

                              I feel your pain!! One day I was at work and my supervisor came up to my desk :

                              Sup: "you on a call?"
                              Me: "No."
                              Sup: "You are a doofus magnet."
                              Me: "I'm...sorry?"
                              Sup: "You're a doofus magnet!! I'm monitoring some of your calls and every person you get is a doofus!!"
                              Me: "Oh! Hah... yeah really..."
                              Sup: "No.. seriously... I have never seen anyone else get as many stupid people as you have!! Its rediculous! I just wanted to compliment you, because I wouldn't be able to take it if it was me!"
                              "I've come to realize that ever since I started working, everyday is a little bit worse then the day that means every day is the worst day of my life..."
                              - Office Space

