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Things you CANNOT return.....

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  • Things you CANNOT return.....

    Things you CANNOT RETURN

    - 1/2 a can of mayo because it "smells" funny after you had it open for 2 months
    - A used pregnancy test
    - A half open can on tuna with the can opener attached (because you are too weak to open it yourself)
    - A used man's vibrating "ring" (it's found in the condom aisle for those who don't know what I mean)
    - 8 month old sneakers because "they have bad smell"
    - Rugs because - you dog pooped on it, your brat threw up on it, you didn't feel like cleaning it.
    - Video games that you had for a month because " you didn't like how the game ended"
    - A printer because it ran out of ink.
    - A shirt (or any clothes) that you wore out to a club last night, and as a result smells like a mix of beer, smoke,and whatever loser you brought home with you.
    - A cell phone from last year, that you want to return because your little angel promised he would get good grades and now you got his report card and found him failing.
    - No I can't adjust the price on a bra you bought 4 months ago for the sale price today.
    - Keep your tags on your clothes or I will not take them back, you wore them you keep.
    - And don’t try to return your used and stained underwear, that is just gross.
    - If you take of the safety tag on a swimsuit then consider that suit to be yours, we won't take it back. I don't know what diseases you have so I will not touch it.
    - used razors becasue you said your leg hair is too long to shave with that kind.
    - Chirstmas lights in june/july, guess they finally got around to taking the lights off their house.
    - dvd's/cd's once they are open for the reason "i didn't like the movie/songs"
    - a fish tank becasue you killed all your fish.
    - bedding that contains "little hair" ewww!

    The sad part is they are all true stories that have happened to me personally in the last 5 months that I have been on the service desk in a major retail chain (not wally-world). Sadly my mangers suck and when called on they will cave to customer everytime so most of these got the refund they demanded . I have a lot more which I will add when I have more time.

    Add your own "YOU CAN'T RETURN THAT" stories!

  • #2
    a friend of mine worked for a mall store where people would try to return STAINED UNDERWEAR all the time. i still don't know how she didn't gag and barf in their faces.
    "we're forced to bed, but we're free to dream." TTH


    • #3
      Time for another Code Pink story!

      When she's not screaming at her mother or whatever loser boyfriend she drags into the store with her, Code Pink likes to purchase items of clothing, remove all the tags, wear them once or twice, wash them, and then return them.

      We used to have to take them back, even though we couldn't re-sell them because the tags were gone, because she had her receipt. Now she is barred from returning any previously-worn clothing items.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        SC brings in items, and when asked for their receipt points to the price tag - theres my **** receipt.

        "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."


        • #5
          I'm going to add to this one:

          - An empty bottle of Strip detox cleanser because you didn't pass your drug test. I never told you it'd work for a drug test. I just told you it cleans TOXINS out of your body, not WEED!!!!

          - A 3/4 empty bottle of protein powder because you "didn't like the flavor" If you didn't like the flavor, you should have brought it back after the FIRST shake!!

          - A gold card. You bought it, you agreed to be a GNC member. Unfortunately I can't do a thing about it. I don't care how badly you need your $15 back, I can't give it back. Company policy. Don't argue with me. Either make good use of it, give it to someone else, or waste your money and throw the card away. Sorry I don't make up the rules.

          - An empty protein shake can because you "didn't like the flavor or taste" Apparently you liked it enough to guzzle the entire damn thing!!!!!!!!!!


          I'm sure I'll think of more to add later


          • #6
            Quoth mrsjfreak View Post
            I'm going to add to this one:

            - An empty bottle of Strip detox cleanser because you didn't pass your drug test. I never told you it'd work for a drug test. I just told you it cleans TOXINS out of your body, not WEED!!!!
            Okay, I'm trying very hard not to burst out laughing here. I suppose it's my cold and the cough medicine I just took that are doing the talking here, but this sounds hilarious.
            my favourite author is neil gaiman. - me
            it is? I don't like potatoes much. - the chatbot I was talking to


            • #7
              Oh yeah, we get that one a lot. It's annoying as hell


              • #8
                --the plate or wrapper for your food.

                I can't make this stuff up!


                • #9
                  Quoth mrsjfreak View Post
                  - A 3/4 empty bottle of protein powder because you "didn't like the flavor" If you didn't like the flavor, you should have brought it back after the FIRST shake!!

                  -- An empty protein shake can because you "didn't like the flavor or taste" Apparently you liked it enough to guzzle the entire damn thing!!!!!!!!!!
                  Okay, although I would never try to return either item like this myself - but in some folks' defense...protein powder - maybe they thought it was okay the first time they tried it and thought they'd try it again...I know, no excuse...but I understand how that could"hmm...I don't know if I like this?" then try it again a few more times and say "Nope, sir, I don't like it!"

                  Then on the protein shake friend drinks those nasty things in one gulp! I don't even know how he tastes it at all...
                  "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                  • #10
                    Hairy Cakes.
                    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                    • #11
                      A USED pregnancy test???
                      Someone peed on that! Did they not get a positive so they just didn't want it? It can't be used again! I hope your manager didn't accept that one, did he?
                      "I am the me I choose to be"
                      -Sydney Poitier
                      I (love) "The Office"
                      "This month we're having a special on cardstock."
                      -Jim Halpert


                      • #12
                        Gross/stupid things we've taken back:
                        -used breast pumps
                        - worn clothing of all sorts, especially nasty are used underwear and worn bras
                        - food that expired 2 years ago, before our store even opened, because he had insisted he got them there and he had a receipt
                        - a ceiling fan. Never been used, but it had chewed gum and baby puke inside the box.
                        -10 year old sweatpants. They still had the tags on them and the guy kept trying to haggle so the clothing manager finally said she's return them for $2. *headdesk*
                        -DVD player we don't even sell. I blame electronics for this one. I didn't want to return it and they gave the ok while I was on break.

                        Things I've said no to recently:
                        -Christmas ornaments
                        -ipods with no receipt, we looked up the serial number and found they were from a different store chain.
                        -dirty scratched up DVD player and phone that were way old, guy said he'd only had them a month.


                        • #13
                          We had a fellow try and return a bag of pet food because "my dog doesn't like it." Cashier looked at the bag and said "That's because it's for cats."

                          We also had someone try to return an empty, shredded bag because they'd left it outside and a raccoon had gotten into it.


                          • #14
                            Ok, how about these two, both of which were accepted as returns by the wimpy manager of the white goods store where I was AM.

                            A bagless vacuum cleaner, which was so full of dust and long strands of rotten carpet that when I emptied it the contents fell out as a solid lump, like an adobe brick. ("But it doesn't work!")

                            A large stainless steel combi microwave/oven/grill, returned by an Asian family who ran a takeaway restaurant, the insides of which oven were so filthy that it looked like it had been enamelled in burnt umber colour, and two sides of which had been BURNED THROUGH, by the effect of having carbon baked to it. Yes, there were large holes in the inside walls of the microwave! ("But it doesn't work!")

                            She would accept anything, at any time, so long as you had a receipt. And our profits were so bad that they closed the store down about a year after I left due to the stress of trying to meet our targets.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Cole View Post
                              - A shirt (or any clothes) that you wore out to a club last night, and as a result smells like a mix of beer, smoke,and whatever loser you brought home with you.
                              I have a cousin who refers to what she does as "borrowing from the store". Her mother (my aunt) did this all the time too. She will buy a dress she cannot afford, wear it to some function, reaffix the tags (she actually bought some device that does this) then return the dress the next day. She believes she is justified in doing this since it is the only way she can wear nice clothing and "the stores make so much money anyway."

                              I am waiting for the day she spills red wine or something else that stains onto one of these "borrowed" dresses.
                              "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                              .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman

