- 1/2 a can of mayo because it "smells" funny after you had it open for 2 months
- A used pregnancy test
- A half open can on tuna with the can opener attached (because you are too weak to open it yourself)
- A used man's vibrating "ring" (it's found in the condom aisle for those who don't know what I mean)
- 8 month old sneakers because "they have bad smell"
- Rugs because - you dog pooped on it, your brat threw up on it, you didn't feel like cleaning it.
- Video games that you had for a month because " you didn't like how the game ended"
- A printer because it ran out of ink.
- A shirt (or any clothes) that you wore out to a club last night, and as a result smells like a mix of beer, smoke,and whatever loser you brought home with you.
- A cell phone from last year, that you want to return because your little angel promised he would get good grades and now you got his report card and found him failing.
- No I can't adjust the price on a bra you bought 4 months ago for the sale price today.
- Keep your tags on your clothes or I will not take them back, you wore them you keep.
- And don’t try to return your used and stained underwear, that is just gross.
- If you take of the safety tag on a swimsuit then consider that suit to be yours, we won't take it back. I don't know what diseases you have so I will not touch it.
- used razors becasue you said your leg hair is too long to shave with that kind.
- Chirstmas lights in june/july, guess they finally got around to taking the lights off their house.
- dvd's/cd's once they are open for the reason "i didn't like the movie/songs"
- a fish tank becasue you killed all your fish.
- bedding that contains "little hair" ewww!
The sad part is they are all true stories that have happened to me personally in the last 5 months that I have been on the service desk in a major retail chain (not wally-world). Sadly my mangers suck and when called on they will cave to customer everytime so most of these got the refund they demanded
. I have a lot more which I will add when I have more time.
Add your own "YOU CAN'T RETURN THAT" stories!
- 1/2 a can of mayo because it "smells" funny after you had it open for 2 months
- A used pregnancy test
- A half open can on tuna with the can opener attached (because you are too weak to open it yourself)
- A used man's vibrating "ring" (it's found in the condom aisle for those who don't know what I mean)
- 8 month old sneakers because "they have bad smell"
- Rugs because - you dog pooped on it, your brat threw up on it, you didn't feel like cleaning it.
- Video games that you had for a month because " you didn't like how the game ended"
- A printer because it ran out of ink.
- A shirt (or any clothes) that you wore out to a club last night, and as a result smells like a mix of beer, smoke,and whatever loser you brought home with you.
- A cell phone from last year, that you want to return because your little angel promised he would get good grades and now you got his report card and found him failing.
- No I can't adjust the price on a bra you bought 4 months ago for the sale price today.
- Keep your tags on your clothes or I will not take them back, you wore them you keep.
- And don’t try to return your used and stained underwear, that is just gross.
- If you take of the safety tag on a swimsuit then consider that suit to be yours, we won't take it back. I don't know what diseases you have so I will not touch it.
- used razors becasue you said your leg hair is too long to shave with that kind.
- Chirstmas lights in june/july, guess they finally got around to taking the lights off their house.
- dvd's/cd's once they are open for the reason "i didn't like the movie/songs"
- a fish tank becasue you killed all your fish.
- bedding that contains "little hair" ewww!
The sad part is they are all true stories that have happened to me personally in the last 5 months that I have been on the service desk in a major retail chain (not wally-world). Sadly my mangers suck and when called on they will cave to customer everytime so most of these got the refund they demanded

Add your own "YOU CAN'T RETURN THAT" stories!
