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You ungrateful bitch

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  • You ungrateful bitch

    Quite a lot of background before the SC shows up.

    A nice quiet day shift at the pub. A co-worker looks out the window.

    CW: Oh my God. There's a little dog in the middle of the road!

    CW ran out the pub. Sure enough, there was a little chihuahua running around, narrowly missing all the traffic. CW went over to the dog and managed to call it over, picking it up and carrying it out of harms way. She looked around for an owner, but there was no one to be seen. She carried the small dog through the pub and into the beer garden. We also had an off duty co-worker in the pub who was having breakfast. Off duty co-worker left the pub and started walking up and down the street, asking passers by if they were looking for the dog.

    The dog was very friendly and playful. CW checked the dog and found no collar or ID tag. She wasn't sure what to do. Fortunately there is a vet near the pub, so we all decided that the best course of action would be to take the dog to the vet where they could look after it and put word around that we had found the missing dog.

    Off duty co-worker walked down the street to the local pet shop. Out of her own money she bought a collar and a lead for the dog. She also told the pet shop owner that the pub staff had found the dog and that we were going to take it to the vet where it could be looked after. OFDW returned to the pub, put the collar on the dog and took it for a walk to the vet.

    Upon getting to the vet, they discovered that the dog was not chipped or anything, so there was no way they could find the owner. The only choice they had was to try through social media, so the vet and all of us at the pub uploaded a photograph of the dog, encouraging everyone to share so we could find the owner.

    End of background.

    So we go about our day. CW is upset as she is wondering if the dog is OK and if it's owner found it again. A few hours later a woman walks into the pub. She immediately goes to the end of the bar and starts tapping on it.

    SC: I want to speak to the manager please!!
    Me: OK, sure I'll go get her.
    SC: And I'd also like to speak to the scumbag that thought they could take my dog for a walk without permission!
    Me: Dog? Are you the owner of that dog?
    SC: "That dog"?? Yes I am. I want to speak to the manager!!

    I got M. I could tell from the look of SC that her dog was probably just a handbag accessory to her.

    M: Can I help you?
    SC: Who walked my dog??!!
    M: OK, stop yelling and tell me exactly what you are mad at.
    SC: Well, where to begin!! My poor dog got away from me today! For hours I have been panicked, wondering where he was! I then go to the pet shop, and they tell me YOU had my dog! Not only did you have my dog, but you were buying it things from the shop so your staff could take it for a walk!
    M: What? I think you're misunderstanding where we took your dog. Did the shop explain where we had taken the dog?
    SC: Oh they did! But I'm sure your staff enjoyed wandering around town with him! Rather than you know, actually putting an effort into finding their distraught owner!!
    M: That is not the case at all.
    SC: Oh it is! The only reason the staff would be buying things for MY DOG is because they were planning on keeping him for themselves!

    M absolutely lost it.

    M: HOW DARE YOU?!?!
    SC: Excuse me??
    M: Would you like to know exactly what happened today??
    SC: *shocked and struggling to speak* Well I-
    M: A member of staff saw YOUR DOG running around in the middle of the road. Rather than allowing YOUR DOG to be killed, she brought him in here where it was safe. Unfortunately YOU did not have a tag on YOUR DOG so we couldn't get in touch with you. One of my staff then went to the pet shop, SPENDING THEIR OWN MONEY getting a collar and lead so they could safely take the dog to the vet where he would be safe.
    SC: But-
    M: Staff members took time out of their day asking people in the streets if they were the owner. Do you realise that no one had to do that? We could have easily called the dog warden and left him running around outside.
    SC: *silence*
    M: And THEN, you come in here and create all this drama! Why? Why have you done this? Rather than come in and thank us, you come in and accuse us.
    SC: Well...I did come in here and ask the staff...
    M: YOU DID NOT! I have been here ALL DAY. No one has asked about a dog. Don't lie to me!
    SC: Well...try and see things from my point of view...
    M: What? That you're a neglectful owner? That you need to get your dog chipped?
    SC: I...I didn't think...

    She turned around to leave.

    M: EXCUSE ME??
    SC: What?
    M: I have an employee who is £5 down buying your dog a lead. Are you going to pay for it???
    SC: Oh...

    She paid and turned around to leave again.


    She left and didn't look back.

    M was so angry. She is an avid animal lover and the woman made her see red.

    We also learned that the SC works in the building next door. She has just set up a business there. I don't think she'll be popping in for a drink when she finishes work somehow.

  • #2
    That manager is a gem!
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


    • #3
      I'm so glad you have an awesome manager! That poor dog deserves a better human.
      At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


      • #4
        I have only one, well three, responses for your manager:

        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


        • #5
          Your title says it all! Instead of being grateful, or at least learning the truth about what happened first, she immediately starts making wild accusations!

          Well, with no ID and no chip how the he!! was anybody supposed to find you, you moron? Coupled with your doubtful claims of looking for your pet and accusing other people of trying to steal him you have no business even having a pet as you are obviously completely incapable of taking care of one!

          Is there anyone you can complain to that this animal may be in danger? And thanks to your coworker for their actions, hopefully this jackass won't poison them on never helping again...


          • #6
            Wow. Let's hope that lady never reproduces.


            • #7
              I... I think I'm in love with your manager.

              And I'm so glad the Chihuahua is safe. It also sounds like maybe (a big maybe) that the owner got a big dose of humble pie because of the stern words your manager gave her. We can only hope that she'll take better care of her dog and not be so quick to judge others.


              • #8
                I feel bad for the dog for having to put up with an owner that selfish and ignorant.
                Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                • #9
                  How long do you think it will be before someone else has to rescue this poor dog as he makes a break for freedom from this bitch?


                  • #10
                    Your manager is awesome XD. That poor little dog though. If my dog had somehow gotten loose and people had been kind enough to keep him safe, and try and find me? I'd be buying them all boxes of chocolates as a massive thank you!


                    • #11
                      I knew this was gonna be bad. It always is whenever someone has to swear in the OP title. And if that person is CRML? Eee gods.

                      But it was indeed a very apt description of that woman. Ungrateful, overly dramatic, jumping to conclusions, unsuited for pet ownership, vile bitch.

                      Your manager is awesome, of course.
                      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                      • #12
                        This strikes me as the kind of woman who would start screaming for the police if her unsupervised kid wandered away and starting walking into traffic...not to see if the kid was okay, but to accuse the good Samaritan who picked up the kid and prevented him from becoming street pizza of "molesting" their precious child.


                        • #13
                          The title was misleading. I'm sure the bitch was grateful to be rescued from traffic and taken into the vet for care. Oh, you were talking about its owner, weren't you?
                          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                          • #14
                            Managers willing to tell customers like it is are all too rare. Does M have similar spine when you merely have horrible actual customers?


                            • #15
                              As the did not order anything, I would not call her a customer. Still I'm glad she was banned.
                              I have the sense that M does not take crap from SC's.
                              I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                              Who is John Galt?
                              -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

