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Turn the music off!

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  • Turn the music off!

    My wife and I ate at Applebee's the other day, and we arrived shortly before the lunch crowds arrived. About ten minutes after we sat down, a foursome of loud elderly women came in, and they were seated at the table next to us. Not five minutes later, one of them complained to the manager that the music playing on the speakers overhead was too loud, demanding she either turn it down, or completely off. The Beach Boys "Surfin' USA" was playing at that moment, and it was not playing to a point where you had to talk over it to be heard. Nonetheless, this manager had to give in to this woman and turn down the music.

    Later, I overheard the manager saying that on the previous day, an 81 year old woman (because she stated her age five times to her) demanded she turn the music off because it was bothering her, even though there was a full crowd in there at the moment. Do people like this also demand the other patrons lower their voices when speaking? What do these people do when they eat during a football game? Do they tell the manager to shut the TV off and have everyone else go home?

    If you don't like the atmosphere, eat somewhere else!

  • #2
    Well see, i blame this on spineless management. I would have told the old biddies, no i wasn't gonna turn down the music. it's there for everyone's enjoyment. If you don't wanna hear it either block it out, leave, or turn off your damn hearing aid.
    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


    • #3
      Some people complain for the sake of complaining. When I worked for Quizno's we had a stereo (until the offices upstairs complained.) and an older woman came in and while she was eating she asked me "where the music was coming from". I told her, and she asked me to please turn it off.

      So I told the corporate guy (we had just opened) and while he did it, even he was annoyed. He started randomlly singing to piss her off.

      She was nuts anway. She walked around the restaurant open gaping mouth and kept putting her hands to her mouth like you would do if you were shocked.


      • #4
        It never occured to me to have the balls people like this have. Whenever I shop at Publix, they're always playing music, which I enjoy while doing this chore. Years ago, it was elevator music, and now they have the decency to play real music. Maybe that's what this lady's issue was. She hates music with lyrics attached and would prefer her old boring music.


        • #5
          .... im so with the 'if you don't like the atmosphere..' thing. I would personally would just get it to go if i liked the food but didnt want to sit through a game or soemthing. People who choice to eat in places like that should deal with the enviroment the establishment is offering, and not demand to have it catered to their will. damn SCs


          • #6
            So complain to the management that the music's been turned off?
            ludo ergo sum


            • #7
              Quoth rvdammit View Post
              So complain to the management that the music's been turned off?
              And stoop to their level? Wouldn't dream of it.


              • #8
                She was complaining about the Beach Boys?

                Screw that, someone should have blasted some Slayer for the old bat.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  I wonder if she's the type of person that would go to the Hard Rock Cafe..and bitch about the music
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #10
                    Quoth protege View Post
                    I wonder if she's the type of person that would go to the Hard Rock Cafe..and bitch about the music
                    I'm sure she is. A place in Palm Beach called Respectables would be out of the question for her. That place really blasts the music.


                    • #11
                      I gotta admit even though I'm only 25, I hate going places where you have to scream over music to be heard. I like the Hard Rock Cafe's food, but I don't go b/c I hate having to scream to be heard - or asking the waiter to repeat themselves a million times b/c I can't hear a word they're saying. I don't mind music - I just wish it wasn't THAT loud.....

                      So am I an old biddie then


                      • #12
                        I do recall at the honkey tonk truck stop, some tourists from out of state had no idea what they were getting themselves into, came into the restaurant and asked if we could change the station from country to something else. I always smiled and said "I really wish I could, but it would start a riot, I'm really sorry..."

                        Do you think anyone would have turned the music UP for a crowd of younger adults? NOPE. So why would they turn it down for a table of old bitties who were only going to tip $1 each and run the server's ass off for pot upon pot of coffee and thousands of napkins? I'd rather not go out of my way to please elderly tightwads and cheapskates. They'll complain about ANYTHING and everything under the sun.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          Quoth air914 View Post
                          I don't mind music - I just wish it wasn't THAT loud.....
                          Maybe it's just the location--Cleveland's Hard Rock wasn't loud at all. Boston's was though. What's sad though, is that Pittsburgh has one...and I haven't been there yet
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            Sounds like they were related to the asshat I encountered last night.

                            Music and books both have their own CD players and books usually plays music a little bit mellower. Unless you're in exactly the right spot, there's really no bleed over. And, as long as there's no parental advisory, we can play whatever used CDs we want.

                            So this jackass comes up to me at the music desk and asks me to put on more "appropriate" music, whatever the hell that means. I'm so dumbfounded that I just blinked at him and he walks over to books. I look over there later. Not only is he in an area where he can't really hear Music's music, he's has his boots off and is asleep! So I go tell the GSM and he says and says turn it back up. Sorry Charlie, but I'm not here to facilitate your beauty sleep. Plus, he never buys anything and drinks cup after cup of free coffee. Yeah, go ahead and complain. What are they gonna do? Fire me? I've already quit!

                            I have decided that the music dept. is Musicland and it is not a democracy. I am the ruling goddess and I play whatever the hell I want!
                            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                            • #15
                              Nice one pegan. I bow to the goddess ^_^

