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She Wanted To Have A Word With Me.....Literally

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  • She Wanted To Have A Word With Me.....Literally

    Here's a lovely call I got today

    Me: Good Evening, Hotel California. TruthHurts speaking. How may I help you this evening
    SC: Reservation
    Me: I'm sorry....
    SC: Reservation.
    Me: Would you like to make a reservation?
    SC: Yes

    I know some hotels have a separate line that reservations are transferred to and I believe that's what she was trying to do. Still what's so hard about saying "Hello I would like to make a reservation"
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    Had a customer like that once.

    SC "Computer."

    Me "Query: requirements"

    The guy got the message and started talking in more than one sylable
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #3
      Man, I HATE that. Why do people DO that???

      Used to get them all the time at Kinko's, like I had time to play charades with these people.

      They'd come in and grunt their name at me. That does not tell me what they want. Are they picking up? Are they placing an order? Are they checking on an order? Proofing? What?


      • #4
        Lots of people seem to think that we're recorded messages that can be interrupted or ignored at will.

        Me: Hi, welcome to Hollywood Video, how are -
        Them: Gimme Family Stone.


        • #5
          The following conversation has happened at virtually every restaurant I have ever worked at:

          ME: "Hi, folks, how are you doing, tod..."
          SC: "Iced tea."

          Or water or soda or whatever. Point being they don't listen, don't care, and are treating the server like their personal lackey. You know....being an SC!

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6

            This drives me mad.

            My phone rings all day, non-stop, so I only have to say "Good morning/afternoon Company-name"

            I sometimes can't even get the "G" out before someone is snapping rudely at me.

            Or they interrupt the greeting and rudely snap the person's name.

            Or....I get rudely spoken to because I answered the phone with the corporate office name, and not the store name (we have several different banners under our company name).

            People are idiots...

            I reject your reality and substitute my own


            • #7
              Usually happens with office supplies in my store, customer comes up and just says a word. I've decided to have fun with it.

              Me:"I love the green ones. I should get some. BIC makes really nice pens don't you think?"

              Sentences are hard for some people.
              "They have the internet on computers now?"
              ~Homer Simpson

              Another day at work, another broken desk


              • #8
                I truly do not understand what makes people think its okay to dispense with the smallest courtesies, like saying, Excuse me, where are the _______?, I would even be okay with, Where are the ________? if they're not barking at me. But people who come at me with "Broccoli?" usually while making some sort of annoyed hand gesture( the 2 usually go together) either get .... a random answer, any of which would answer a question, but not necessarily the one they asked...ignored (they obviously weren't talking to me, they were simply making a comment about broccoli)....or I call them out on it, Sir, if you want an answer, you're going to have to form a complete sentence.


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
                  They'd come in and grunt their name at me. That does not tell me what they want. Are they picking up? Are they placing an order? Are they checking on an order? Proofing? What?

                  Ooo! Ooo! *grunting at them*
                  Me... Tarzan...?
                  *grunt more*
                  You... Jane?
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    I'm even fine with "Item/Dept, Please".

                    I tend to do that when I'm the one making the call, as I don't want to waste the time of the person on the other end when they have other calls coming in or other things to do.


                    • #11
                      When I'm by myself up here, I get to have all the fun I want.

                      Me: "Newsroom."
                      Them: "PHOTOGRAPHY!"
                      Me: "Oh yeah, I'm pretty good at landscapes, and I can do some interesting studio shots..."

                      Me: "Newsroom."
                      Them: "Editor!"
                      Me: "No, I'm not."
                      Them: "..."
                      Me: "Try again?"

                      Me: "Newsroom."
                      Them: "Obituaries!"
                      Me: "No, thanks, I don't want any more."

                      About then is when my boss wanders in and smacks me in the head with a rolled-up newspaper. I'm not sure why...
                      "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                      • #12
                        TruthHurts: Perhaps she thought you were one of those voice-recognition computer systems some businesses use. Y'know, like if you call your bank, you can listen to the automated greeting and say "account balance" or "transfer funds" and it knows what to do. I know I had enough people do that to me when I worked the call center job, even though I ALWAYS introduced myself by my name. I guess some think we name our computer systems now.

                        Comp_geek and Mongo: I've done that a couple times, too.

                        SC: Routers.
                        Me: Yes.
                        SC: *confused stare*
                        Me: *pleasant smile*

                        SC: iPods.
                        Me: *standing close and pointing upward like a father showing his kid the constellations in the night sky* Under that big sign there.

                        And my favorite...
                        SC: Mice!
                        Me: *trying to keep both feet off the ground at the same time* Where?! Where?! I hate mice!
                        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                        - Bill Watterson

                        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                        - IPF


                        • #13
                          Quoth MystyGlyttyr
                          About then is when my boss wanders in and smacks me in the head with a rolled-up newspaper. I'm not sure why...
                          You didn't go to the bathroom on his rug again, did you?
                          I AM the evil bastard!
                          A+ Certified IT Technician


                          • #14
                            SC: Bathroom
                            Me: Kitchen
                            Me: I thought we were playing "name random rooms in your house"
                            SC: No, I need to know where the bathroom is
                            Me: OH...over there
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15
                              Quoth HawaiianShirts
                              TruthHurts: Perhaps she thought you were one of those voice-recognition computer systems some businesses use.
                              I hate those things with a passion. I tried to call verizon the other day to set up new phone service for my new apartment (I currenntly don't have a number). So I call and the automated thing goes

                              Auto: "Thank you for valling verizon. What number are you calling in regards to?"
                              Me (speaking to myself): I don't have one, that's why I'm calling. What the heck am I supposed to say?
                              Auto: "I'm sorry, I didn't understand. What number are you calling in regards to?"

                              I figured there was a seperate number for new accounts so I spend a few minutes searching for a new number. But no, I had the right one. So I figure that maybe if I didn't say anything, it would kick over to a menu or something.

                              Auto: "[...] What number are you calling in regards to?"
                              Me: ....
                              Auto:"[...] What number are you calling in regards to?"
                              Me ....
                              Auto: "[...] What number are you calling in regards to?"
                              Me *presses 0 in a vain attempt to talk to an actual person or get a menu*
                              Auto: "[...] What number are you calling in regards to?"

                              I finally figured it out. You have to say "New Service". My theory is they do stuff like this to weed out customers. You can only get their service if you're intelligent enough to get passed the initial automation. But at least by the time I got through they were nice.
                              Last edited by trunks2k; 07-27-2006, 04:48 PM.

