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He's a Minor!

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  • He's a Minor!

    Reading all these stories here I consider myself pretty lucky. I haven't had any real nasty incidences I can remember in the 1 1/2 years I've been working in retail but yesterday was probably the first one.

    I work in the Home Entertainment Department of a large retail chain. In our section we also sell all kinds of games (PC, Xbox, PS2, etc). To understand this story i might also need to explain the ratings here in Australia

    G - General
    PG - Parental Guidance
    M - Mature

    The above are RECOMMENDATIONS meaning they can be sold to any age.


    These are RESTRICTED; i.e. I need to see ID when in doubt or for MA if underaged needs to be accompanied by a parent.

    Ok lets to get to the story. This kid walks up to the counter and tells me he wants to buy a game for his own money (as I later found out he was 6 years old though he was QUITE big for six). He proceeds to show me the content of his wallet and asking me how much money he has; it's filled with 1$ and 2$ coins so I take a rough estimate of about $30.
    He finally finds a game - Spiderman which is rated PG - and starts counting up his money on my counter (Game costs $30 AUD which is around $23 US)

    Now I have to say at this point that there are unaccompanied children in the department quite often. Granted that most are accompanied by their parents when they purchase something, parents often like to dump them in our section while to they do their shopping and let the kids watch the movie running on our TV's or play with the Xbox/Nintendo

    Anyway, Kid finishes counting his money but before I take it I ask him (just to confirm)
    "Is your mum alright with that?"
    "Yes" he replies.

    I finalise the sale, give him the game in a bag with docket and he walks off.

    10 minutes later a woman walks up to the Counter.

    "Did you sell this game?" *holding Spiderman Game and docket in hand"
    "Yes" I reply

    She starts screaming (as I later found out so loud that she could be heard in many other departments of the store) " HE'S A MINOR!!!!!!!!!" ..repeatedly
    HE's ONLY SIX!!!!!

    At this point I didn't really know if she was pissed about wether I sold this game to her son unaccompanied or that she thought it was some "gory violent" kind of game.
    I calmy try to explain that the game is rated PG and that I asked her son if he was allowed to buy it. I then tell her that she can go down to the Refund Desk and get a refund there.

    Her reply (in same volume as before) "NO YOU GO DOWN THERE NOW AND GET ME THE MONEY"

    Since I had a 2nd co-worker at the counter I decided to follow her "orders" to defuse the situation. As I'm walking passed her she shouts something along the lines that I would even sell cigarettes to him...could have been smart-ass and said that we didn't sell any but at this stage I was a bit shellshocked.

    As I get back with the money two managers are already up there and have calmed the woman down with her still insisting but that I shouldn't have sold it.

    To end this story on a positive note: both managers told me that I did nothing wrong and so did the other customers at the counter

    Sorry to drag it out so long
    Last edited by Sabbo; 07-30-2006, 12:40 PM.

  • #2
    Probably, she was defensive because SHE had done something wrong...leave a 6 year old alone in a store.

    She's lucky the worst that happened was that he bought something she didn't want him to have.


    • #3
      Quoth Sabbo
      She starts screaming (as I later found out so loud that she could be heard in many other departments of the store) " HE'S A MINOR!!!!!!!!!" ..repeatedly
      HE's ONLY SIX!!!!!
      "Then perhaps you shouldn't be letting him wander around a store unsupervised, ma'am."

      Oh, those "what we should have said" situations.....


      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        Uh, that's really smart of her. She leaves her 6 year old alone in a department store where he could have been abducted by some sick pervert and she's upset with you for selling him a video game.

        Not to tell you what to do, I would have told her to go down to the desk herself. Of course you have to gather that I don't really care about getting into trouble if it's defending me.

        Stupid woman, we'll probably see him in the ER when she lets him drive her car while she balances her check book. I think that a large amount of our patients/customers could have avoided a trip to the ER if they exercised a bit of old fashioned supervision


        • #5
          Sabbo, you did absolutely nothing wrong. The child was unaccompanied by an adult (!), you asked if he had permission to buy the game, and you confirmed that the rating was appropriate to his age . . . If Mommie Dearest didn't want her boy to buy that game, she should have taken care of it herself by supervising her child.

          When I was a bookstore clerk, I had several run-ins with parents who were irate about their widdle diddums buying something Mom or Dad didn't feel was appropriate. I remember one incident where a 10 year old had bought a book in the Goosebumps series by R.L. Stine--totally okay for that age group, and fairly innocuous (yeah, I read 'em clerks get BORED!). The child had been dumped in the store by her parents, who tended to use us as a free babysitting service. Well the kid's mom got in my face, spittle flying as she screamed at me for corrupting her baby's morals. I'd had a bad day and gave her attitude right back at her, but more politely of course


          • #6
            Out of curiosity, Sabbo, could you give us examples of each rating? Here in the US, our ratings are like this -

            CA - Children/All (I think that's the letters used)
            E - Everybody (Sly Cooper and other platformers)
            T - Teen (Most RPGs, Spider-Man, X-Men)
            M - Mature (Resident Evil 4)
            AO - Adults Only (I've never seen one, not made for platforms so far as I know)
            Last edited by ForestDragon; 07-30-2006, 04:24 PM.
            Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
            - Robert E. Howard


            • #7
              Quoth 0oAmericanGirl
              She leaves her 6 year old alone in a department store where he could have been abducted by some sick pervert and she's upset with you for selling him a video game.
              I'm wondering who the sicko is here...Mum, no doubt. Sounds like projecting to me.
              The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


              • #8
                Uh, Spiderman? Really? I've played that... there's nothing wrong with that game...


                • #9
                  mom's mental goo has gone haywire in more than one way; why people like her breed...nuts. i already know the answer to that one.

                  more likely, she felt a twinge of guilt over leaving him unsupervised, then was angry over that twinge and decided to take her freaky complex out on you.

                  another favorite cs type.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth CanadaGirl
                    Uh, Spiderman? Really? I've played that... there's nothing wrong with that game...
                    Uh yes there is. Now he is going try to get bitten by radio active spiders and it's all thanks to Sabbo.
                    KAHN: I thought being smart person in Texas set her apart.

                    KAHN: If my girl doesn't wrestle, I'll show you who put the sue in Souphanousinphone!


                    • #11
                      I totally agree - when she yelled "HE's ONLY 6..." You should have just yelled back "then why did you leave him alone?" "I don't know why you are so upset about the game but I'm more upset that you left a 6 year old to wander in a store himself - if the worst thing that happend to him is that he bought a video game - you should consider yourself very lucky"

                      My gosh - a 6 year old? Sounds like the kid is left alone a lot too - it sounds like he acted pretty independent - going straight up to the counter to talk with you and asking for help and then bringing the game up and paying for it - I mean, a lot of 6 year olds would grab the game and run to show it to their mom or something - not even realizing they need to pay.............. it's so sad when the children are more "grown up" than the parents........


                      • #12
                        C'mon Sabbo don't you know you are supposed to read the mom's mind to know it was inappropriate? What a dink! If you don't like wnat your kids but buy stuff for them for god's sake,


                        • #13
                          Quoth Think Blue
                          Uh yes there is. Now he is going try to get bitten by radio active spiders and it's all thanks to Sabbo.
                          He just better hope that it isn't a radioactive dung bettle; can you imagine the supper powers that he might have
                          And the sky was full of stars... and every star, an exploding ship, one of ours...


                          • #14
                            Quoth 0oAmericanGirl
                            Stupid woman, we'll probably see him in the ER when she lets him drive her car while she balances her check book.

                            What I don't understand is why that moron woman thought Spiderman was so bad, I mean it's no worse that TMNT and it's definitely nothing to throw a shit-fit about


                            • #15
                              Quoth garth1
                              He just better hope that it isn't a radioactive dung bettle; can you imagine the supper powers that he might have
                              Rolling giant balls of poo?

                              Oh, wait, we already kind of have a hero like that, and I have the utmost respect for him, but the joke is just too obvious now...
                              Katamari Damacy.
                              "I call murder on that!"

