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Some people are unbelievable

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  • #16
    Quoth skeptic53
    See the Vitamin Grades thread. (I tried and failed to create a link, not sure why it does not create a link, just the HTML for it written out)

    here you go


    • #17
      Our credit/debit machines always go down...

      ... when there is a storm or when it's really hot. A few weeks ago we had a few bad storms and several customers were using their cards to pay. Guess what happen? This week it's been really hot and hazy so we had few problems with people paying. You guys understand that most of these machines are on satelites and so when bad whether hits its always going to mess it up. They always blame it in on you and you have to explain it to them about what's going on.

      On the subject of 9/11, I can't beleive that someone actually didn't know what was going on that day and how clueless someone can be. I mean even if you didn't have a TV or radio, people were talking about it and newspapers were handing out special editions by that afternoon (I know my local one was but I'm not sure if others were). I mean how can anyone not realize that something awful was going on and figure out that there somethings more important then buying something.
      Last edited by rdp78; 08-03-2006, 02:58 AM.
      Yours truly, Robyn unless your an SC
      My space


      • #18
        Expecting employees to risk their lives for them.

        When I worked at DirecTV, I used to have to listen to absolute rediculous complaints about our satellite dish installers. A number of times during hurricane season, we'd get calls from people angry that their installation appointments were canceled because of the hurricanes and would whine things like "the storm is not that bad yet, the installer has at least a half hour before the bad stuff happens". I also would get numerous call during the winter because our "lazy" installers wouldn't go on ice covered rooftops to install the dishes. One guy was mad because he offered to tie a rope to the installer so if the installer fell off the roof, the rope would catch him.

        Also, one time at the call center, the fire alarm went off and the customer I was talking to demanded that I stay on the phone and finish up with his problem before I evacuated the buiilding.


        • #19
          Quoth FastFoodFlunky
          "Caller stated that a sign posted on the door warned of possible closures due to tropical storm. Customer stated this is a very bad business practice."
          So, not being able to control the weather is a "bad business practice"? God forbid you don't get a taco or whatever when roofs are flying off of people's houses.


          • #20
            The former manager of one of our local movie theaters told me about one time when there had been a huge snowstorm, and basically the whole town was shut down. He happened to live very close to the theater, so he figured that he could go to the theater and get some work done as long as everything was closed.

            So, he working, and he hears a knock on the door. He goes to the door and find two people wondering why the theater was closed. The really stupid thing. These people were on skis!!

            Yep, they had to cross-country skied to the theater, and then were surprised to find out that the theater was not open.


            • #21
              If they need food that bad, point them to the Chinese Restraunt. Those guys never close. Sorry if that offended anybody but it is true around here.


              • #22
                Quoth rdp78
                On the subject of 9/11, I can't beleive that someone actually didn't know what was going on that day and how clueless someone can be. I mean even if you didn't have a TV or radio, people were talking about it and newspapers were handing out special editions by that afternoon (I know my local one was but I'm not sure if others were). I mean how can anyone not realize that something awful was going on and figure out that there somethings more important then buying something.
                Check this out.. my best friend was one of those types. He was a substitute teacher at the time. He got up, went to work, and iirc he listened to a CD on the way to work. He didn't have a TV or computer (or at least he didn't have access to it) in the class he was working in that day. He ate lunch in class, etc.

                He didn't find out about the whole 9/11 thing until he got home from work.


                • #23
                  Quoth ladodger34
                  Check this out.. my best friend was one of those types. He was a substitute teacher at the time. He got up, went to work, and iirc he listened to a CD on the way to work. He didn't have a TV or computer (or at least he didn't have access to it) in the class he was working in that day. He ate lunch in class, etc.

                  He didn't find out about the whole 9/11 thing until he got home from work.

                  I'm kind of one of those types.

                  I slept late that morning (worked a late shift at WalMart the night before) and didnt get up till around 1030 or 11am (central time). My habit back then was to immediately turn on the tv when I got up in the morning (now I just leave it on all night...I'm a news junkie) Very first thing I saw was a replay of the plane crashing into the second tower, followed by video of both of the towers falling. I stared at it for a few minutes before I read the crawl on the bottom of the screen. That's the point where I freaked out.

                  My mom had been up since before the attack happened...with the tv on...she never once came upstairs to tell me about it.


                  • #24
                    I would wake up to NPR's Morning Edition, so I woke up to newscasts about the Trade Center Towers that morning. Granted, at 8AM Pacific time, it was pretty much over already, but oh well. There was only one person in class that day that hadn't heard about it yet.

                    Our fire alarms went off about a year and a half ago because the air conditioner overheated. I don't know if it sparked or what, but everyone had to evacuate the store. There was still old farts coming through the drivethru and BANGING on the windows, or people trying to push past employees to get inside to get their rx's or tchotskies or whatever.
                    For the love of God, you can wait half of a second.


                    • #25
                      Yes, in case of a hurricane they do expect you to remain open!!! I've experienced that first hand by working in a restuarant and having a hurricane coming straight for you, it was actually so busy that we were on a wait! Hey, there's a hurricane coming for us so let's go out to eat!!! What idiots!!


                      • #26
                        Quoth rdp78
                        On the subject of 9/11, I can't beleive that someone actually didn't know what was going on that day and how clueless someone can be.
                        I can't remember if I've posted this before or not, but its worth telling.

                        This is slightly more understandable since he was in a different country, but a friend of mine was hiking in Wales that week. He didn't get back until the Sunday after, and obviously, hadn't seen any TV or radio, or spoken to anyone that week. He plays CDs in his car, so was basically completely incommunicado.

                        When he got home, he switched on his answerphone to listen for messages, and found it was jammed full. He works (well, worked) in the WTC. Every single person he worked with in the New York office had, tragically, not been able to escape in time. It was awful. I spoke to him a couple of days later and he was still deeply shocked, as you might imagine. He's still with the same firm, but he's based in London now.
                        A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                        - Dave Barry


                        • #27
                          Even London's not safe... an old mate of mine from school was killed in the July bomb blast. I hate those people.

                          Back on topic, I detailed it in one of the blackout threads; the garden centre had to close at 2 one day cuz of a power cut and people were being really stupid.
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #28
                            Quoth Lace Neil Singer
                            Even London's not safe... an old mate of mine from school was killed in the July bomb blast. I hate those people.
                            Still off-topic, but I'm sorry to hear about your friend.
                            A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                            - Dave Barry


                            • #29
                              I can imagine what people would say if you actually remained open during the Hurricane.
                              "Your employees had the nerve to get seriously injured/die in the Hurricane. That's bad business practices!"

                              I worked for a newspaper on 9/11. It was an afternoon edition, so I always got to sleep late. I get an irrate call from my boss at 11 wondering why I wasn't at work yet (I don't have to be in at 1, when 2nd Edition came out). I didn't know what was going on at that time, but he also thought that I would just automatically come in early because it was a big story. Im not a writer, I just work in circulation dammit!


                              • #30
                                Thanks, Barefootgirl. I still try to think of him sometimes, just so he'll not be forgotten.
                                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                                My DeviantArt.

