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Damnit, that hurt!

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  • Damnit, that hurt!

    Okay, this just happened, I'm pissed off and could literally kill this customer if they ever walk back in, forgive the language and incoherentness of this post, I'm in alot of pain right now

    I was browsing the site when a woman and her kid came in, kid was about five years old, old enough to know better.

    We have alot of clearance furniture in the back and some of it is very heavy and very damaged. There's piece of a sectional standing up on end witht he bottom fabric ripped up and torn so the frame is exposed.

    I'm talking with the woman. I didn't see what was going on until I hear the kid scream.

    I look and he was climbing the sofa by climbing up the frame that was exposed, if that makes sense. One end of the sectional had a recliner in it and he fell flat on the ground from about six feet up

    The mom and I just stand there stunned for a second when the thing starts to topple over, and this piece weights about 200 lbs, I run over to where the thing is right as it falls over and I have no choice but to catch it with my shoulder, all 200 lbs of it to keep it from falling on the kid

    My shoulder gets nailed by metal, it rips clear through my shirt and now I've got a bleeding welt but three of the staples holding the fabric in place that were damaged went straight down into the flesh between my neck and shoulder, about three quarters of an inch from the blood on the staples

    The kid scrambles out from under me when he hears me yell "FUCK!" at the top of my lungs when the thing hits me and mom grabs him and they run out of the store while I have this fucking heavy sofa digging into my arm and shoulder

    My entire left arm feels like its dead like I slept on it and all I can do is bath the punctures with peroxide from the first aid kit and pump antibiotics for a few days. I can move it just fine so I don't think anything is broken but holy shit it hurts, there's a huge bruise forming there right now.

    I'm up to date on my tetnus shots so I need to watch it for the next few days to see if there's any infection, I'm heading to the hospital if anything happens.

    If that customer ever comes back in here I'll pick up a sofa and throw it at her, bad arm and all, I'm so pissed off right now
    "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."

  • #2
    In case you need to be told, that's a serious workman's comp claim you have there. Make sure the paperwork gets filed as soon as you can think straight.


    • #3
      Yeah, my concern is to wait for my coworker to get here so she can verify sin the kid and mother didn't stick around.

      It's starting to hurt less but the puncture wounds keep oozing blood, I have a huge welt on my arm where the frame hit me and ripped throught he shirt and cut me, basically soaked the ruin shirt in peroxide and an holding it against my scraped up shoulder
      "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


      • #4
        I hope it gets better. You should really go get it seen about, especially the fact that your arm feels numb, that sounds bad. That lady was a fucking bitch to just bail like that without making sure you were okay first, especially after you had just saved her child from a potential serious injury.
        My Myspace, add me!


        • #5
          Coworker should be here, the bleeding is down to just oozing a little bit, at least it was relatively clean.

          Yeah, I'l have to keep stuff on file for workmans comp when my coworker gets here, she should be here in a half hour

          My arm feels like someone punched it really really hard
          "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


          • #6
            Ouch. I really hope karma comes back to bite them.


            • #7
              But my precious little angel was offended by the employee's language


              And that will put an end to any justice whatsoever.

              Stupid parents usually equals stupid kids.

              I am so sorry this happened to you. Just running and bailing like that. Stupid bitch.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                I agree with Rammsteingirl...I'd get it looked at if I were you. Especially since there were puncture wounds...they can be hard to clean out, plus if your arm feels numb...I wouldn't take chances with that...

                Hope you feel better soon
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  The fact that your arm is numb might indicate some nerve damage as well. I would get yourself to the nearest E.R. ASAP.
                  This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                  • #10
                    Also, for workman's comp, it's easier to make a case if you have medical documentation. I think.


                    • #11
                      regardless if its feeling better, you should have it looked at just in case. Especially if your job will pay for it.

                      I hope you feel better.


                      • #12
                        Heaven forbid the woman might help you instead of running away to protect her precious precious kid from foul language. It's her fault for not keeping a closer eye on her kid.


                        • #13
                          Quoth bigjimaz View Post
                          The fact that your arm is numb might indicate some nerve damage as well. I would get yourself to the nearest E.R. ASAP.
                          Don't scare the man, Bigjimaz, he just had a huge sofa drop and hit him square on the top of his shoulder. That's the point you're supposed to nail someone to make their arm go numb. Odds are it's just the normal results of getting a nerve-cluster struck.

                          Still, that abso-fucking-lutely SUCKS that that mother did that... though I bet she was more worried about being held liable for for Kus's injuries than about the swearing.
                          ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                          • #14
                            I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the mother filed a lawsuit. Because that's what idiots do.
                            "Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings"-Dr. Perry Cox


                            • #15
                              Quoth blas87 View Post
                              But my precious little angel was offended by the employee's language


                              And that will put an end to any justice whatsoever.
                              Is it bad that this was my first thought as well? That I was expecting the story to end with her coming back in and screaming to a manager about his obscene language, the unsafe envrons, lawsuit lawsuit compensation free stuff free stuff bitch whine have your job?

                              I hope you're feeling better sun Kusanagi. Bet you'll have an interesting pattern of bruises along your shoulder and arm when this is done. Get it looked at, but I doubt it's serious, just given that you're in good shape (From what I've heard) and are probably more resilient than most of us.

                              And who knows, maybe some good will come of this? Maybe this will scare Mom into watching her kid a little more carefully, and teaching them some common sense.
                              Check out my webcomic!

