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And how obscure can we get today?

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  • #31
    Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
    Roomie: Oh. (long pause) Wait. They're not married? How did she get pregnant if they're not married?
    Me: ..., uh, they had sex.
    Roomie: Oh. (long pause) Wait. What do you mean by sex? Different people have different definitions of sex.
    Me: (tries to explain it using common euphemisms, trying to avoid being graphic)
    Roomie: Ohhhh! You mean, he laid on top of her?!
    Me: Yes. Yes, that's it.

    He went on, at that point, to ask me if I thought it was okay for married couples to "dance naked together."

    He was 23.
    I'm torn between "Awwwww, baby kitten cute!" And "Awww, lives-under-rock sad."


    • #32
      Quoth BaristaGirl View Post
      I'm torn between "Awwwww, baby kitten cute!" And "Awww, lives-under-rock sad."
      I'd say that kind of ignorance is sad with a side of dangerous. Not knowing the birds and the bees is a good way to end up with an unwanted pregnancy. There's no excuse for it, though. Did he sleep through sex ed? Or did he come from an abstinence only and "you don't need to know nothin'!" school? Because I went to Catholic school, and I still started sex ed in the fourth grade!


      • #33
        Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post

        Sounds like an old roommate of mine.

        Me: (reading a letter) Oh. My friend, C, is pregnant.
        Roomie: Hey, that's cool. Good for her.
        Me: No, not cool. She's still in high school, and the boyfriend who fathered the baby has disappeared.
        Roomie: Oh. (long pause) Wait. They're not married? How did she get pregnant if they're not married?
        Me: ..., uh, they had sex.
        Roomie: Oh. (long pause) Wait. What do you mean by sex? Different people have different definitions of sex.
        Me: (tries to explain it using common euphemisms, trying to avoid being graphic)
        Roomie: Ohhhh! You mean, he laid on top of her?!
        Me: Yes. Yes, that's it.

        He went on, at that point, to ask me if I thought it was okay for married couples to "dance naked together."

        He was 23.
        Ow, my brain. I feel bad for the dude's girlfriend or wife just on the lack of knowledge of anything.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #34
          Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
          He went on, at that point, to ask me if I thought it was okay for married couples to "dance naked together."

          He was 23.
          That guy's parents need to be smacked upside the head, hard.

          Ignorance is no way to deal with anything.

          Most likely, his parents had the school not put him through the sex ed classes. It's not incredibly uncommon, but to fail to give him the information in some other manner is unforgivable.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

