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My McD's experience...I was mad but not sucky

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  • My McD's experience...I was mad but not sucky least I don't think so.

    At our new store, we are kind of limited in choices for our lunch.
    It really sucks, because we used to have at least 5 places within walking distance of the store.

    Now, we have a McDonald's right beside us, or a KFC on the other side of that.
    There are a couple of places across the highway, but that means an even longer walk and waiting for traffic lights, or tking a chance on not getting hit by a car.

    I should bring my lunch, I know, and many times, I do, if my hubby makes one for me, but I am actually too lazy to make one for myself.

    In the past 3 weeks, I ended up eating at McD's 3 times.
    Every single time, despite the fact that I had a grill slip on my package showing my special request of no cheese and ketchup only, they got it wrong, and there was cheese on it.

    I only get 30 minutes for lunch, and by the time I have punched out, gone upstairs to the breakroom to grab my wallet from my locker, and gone back down and through the store and across the lot to the restaurant, I have already wasted a good chunk of time. Then I end up standing in line for a bit, because it's located on a major highway, and it's lunchtime.

    The first time, I figured it was just a fluke. Mistakes happen.
    The second time, I thought, well, it was really busy, so they were probably rushing.
    The third time, I was ticked.
    I had seriously considering opening the bag while I was there, but as I said, they were really busy, all the tables were full, and I didn't want to hold up the line while I stood at the counter, looking through my order with everyone gawking at me and sighing behind me, so I figured I would give them the benefit of the doubt.

    When I got back to the breakroom and opened the package and saw the cheese, despite the grill slip saying there was none, I was mad.

    I called them, and I was really polite.
    I explained that I work next door, get only 30 minutes for lunch, and so I go there a lot, and that 3 times in as many weeks, my order had been wrong, despite a grill slip on the box to the contrary.
    I said that I was only telling them about the error, because if it was happening to me, then how many other customers were getting their orders wrong?
    I explained that I know mistakes happen, and I was even willing to let the first two go as flukes, but the thirid time was enough.

    The took my name and said to mention that I was in the "customer care" book, and I would get a free meal. I told them that I did not expect a free meal, and that I was only trying to make them aware of a quality control issue.

    I went there today, mentioned the customer care thing, and she got the manager. I ordered my usual, which was exactly what I ordered before.
    She asked me what I wanted to drink. I told her I didn't need a drink, and she said, "It comes with the meal, and besides, it's free."
    I said, "I'm not trying to take advantage of you guys."
    I did get the drink, and the manager himself checked to make sure the order was right.

    One of the other clerks said that he was in after I was, and they seemed to be making an effort to wait on people who were obviously employees on a lunch break, and get them out as quickly as possible. They have never done that before. I am wondering if my explaining that we only have 30 minutes has anything to so with it.

    So, do you think the next time I go in, they will say, "There's that chick who complained. Better get it right or she'll whine."?
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    No, most MickyD's managers actually care. I pity them, they got a hard job weeding out slackers. 3 times in a row is a problem, you were nice and called the shop directly. The "free" meal is standard corporate answer when you have a legitimate complaint. I've gotten a few before. While I've only griped once (a story I posted before the hack), the rest the managers threw in because of a screwed up order.

    I'm a MickyD habitual eater, after 10+ years of working with MickyD nearby for lunch. Not that it's your fate as well If you order the same thing every time you visit, they'll start to remember your order. Yes, that's from personal experience :hang head in shame:
    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


    • #3
      Actually, Ree, your post should be put into pamphlet form and handed out to every single McDonald's customer as a lesson on How to Complain Properly.

      You didn't raise a scene, you didn't get personal or confrontational, you were calm but firm, you stated your issue up front, you didn't troll for freebies...and you may have even changed the way that particular store does business during its busy lunchtimes, for the benefit of all customers.

      I'd have to say that you just rock, lady.
      Not all who wander are lost.


      • #4
        I wonder if your management can strike up a deal with the fast food places

        when I worked in the mall, the maccas would deliver at set times noon, 12:30, 1pm to the places within the mall.

        You went buy in the morning, placed your order and it got brought into you. The cafe's did it to. It meant your break was extended.

        Another thing you can do is keep your money in your pocket instead of your wallet (just enough to by lunch) that way you cut out a good 5 minutes of your wasted time.

        And check your burger in store

        If you went in, they would take you to a seperate line (the front end manager opened it up and served us) we didnt ask for this they just started doing it because they got SO MUCH business from the mall workers.

        but you laid a complaint in just the right way, polite, you just want what you paid for and you were polite well done.

        now you stop being a naughty girl and take your lunch from now on. It will save you money and time and be much healthier. I spoon out 2 portions of dinner into gladware as im serving it up, and wah lah, lunch for the next day.
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          I don't like to keep money on me, since it eliminates any chance of being accused of theft if there's no money in my pocket.
          I'm not on cash any more, but there are times, in my quest to actually find a computer to do my job (since they still haven't given me one after 4 months, despite promises), where I am working near a cash drawer at the front service desk.

          As I said, I would have checked it before leaving, and I know full well that I should have, but by that point, I only had less than 10 minutes to get back to the store and eat, and there were no empty tables where I could set it down to check. I didn't want to further hold things up at the counter by checking it there.

          And, yes, I am naughty for choosing the expensive fast food. I do sometimes make a plate of leftovers, and often, my hubby will bring me home a plate he has made up for me at the restaurant.
          It's just sometimes I will forget it in the fridge at home. Other times, I am just too darn lazy to make something for myself.

          Also, this is a very small McD's.
          They only have 2 registers, and a lot of the time, only one of them is running.
          The front waiting area is very small and cramped, and it's very hard to tell who was waiting first, as people will just cut in right in front of you.

          Because I am wearing my uniform shirt with my name and company clearly displayed, unfortunately, I have to be on my best behaviour, or risk having someone complain about me to management.
          Yes, even off duty, if I'm in uniform, the way I act is seen to represent the company I work for. Not fair, but that's the reality.
          Last edited by Ree; 08-17-2006, 11:57 PM.
          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


          • #6
            I dont blame you though

            cheeseburgers are SOOOO good

            mmm damn it Ree, I want one now!
            I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


            • #7
              OK you've got me hungry for their fries. i love their fries.

              The idea of keeping some money on your person is a good one to cut some time out of your break in order to boogie over there.

              I know this isn't all McDonald's, but where I used to work, they had a fax machine, you could fax in your order, and all you had to do was come in at the time you wanted it ready and it would be there. I liked that one. hehe

              You were very polite about your complaint. I absolutely hate it when they get my order wrong (two plain hamburgers, large fries usually). I'd either get hamburger with everything on it, or I'd get a large SPRITE (how the heck do you mix fries and sprite up? UGH even enunciating it they'd get it wrong). I am very nitpicky about my burger cuz I put my own ketchup on so I get it plain (hate mustard and hate onions). so if its a first time visit to X mcD's I'll check, even if I have to hold up the drive thru or the line inside, doesn't take long though... also sux when I go to one I always go to and they get it wrong.

              ah well. i feel for ya, esp the lunch length.


              • #8
                Usually I have no problems at McDonald's, but one time does spring to mind, where I was kinda sucky, but not really. At the one location I went to all the time I would always order the same thing, 20 nuggets, large fries, large coke or sprite. Always got what I wanted.

                Until one day they give me a medium fries. I complained, and they gave me some BS about how their naming system works, they didn't actually have a size called large on the menu, it went small, medium, extra-large. I explained, in a fairly patronizing tone, that if I had wanted medium, I would have said medium. And in the rest of the world (paraphrasing, I was more polite, but this was a while ago) the size above medium is considered large, even if it's not called that, and only when you have more than three sizes, then you can get picky about nomenclature.

                I also told her she should start asking people who say large which they want. (I think this was the manager too, so they weren't on till much. And I was doubly annoyed because I had to wait while they cooked more fries to make me my large and I was kinda in a hurry as I was on my way to work.)
                I think that was the last time I ever went in there too.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  I'm having a similar problem with Wendy's. I don't eat fast food a lot, but when I do, I typically go to Wendy's.

                  I get the spicy chicken sandwhich plain. (With a side salad) I see it on the order tracker, but when I get home, it has lettuce, tomato and worst of all mayo. I hate mayo. Yuck!! It's happened a few times now, next time I'll make the call.

                  I know fast food places get busy and you're trying to get the customer out the door as fast as possible, but sometimes, you have to slow down just enough to read and double check.
                  When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


                  • #10
                    You didn't do anything wrong. Stuff happens and I only wish people would speak up as politely as you did. I worked in the food business for a long time (waiting tables, tending bar) and if someone genuinely had an issue and explained the problem in a manner as you have described, I appreciated that SOOOO much compared to the ones that flat out looked at me with that look - you know - like they were looking at someone who just kicked their dog while they speak down to me as if I am a dog. Then there are the ones that call you back and explain their problem in a slow monotone voice using small hand gestures as if they thought the mistake was due to a possible learning disability I had.

                    Why be an a** to someone who serves you food? I just don't get it.
                    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                    • #11
                      Nah, that's a pretty standard thing. My mother got ahold of a manager who was in fact one of those owners of a few stores or something. Anyway, she complained that our orders were constantly messed up and the manager gave her like 2 free meals and said thanks and all. Things changed a little.


                      • #12
                        Ree, your approach is spot on. If you offer a little respect and courtesy, most people will respond. Honey instead of vinegar, yes?


                        • #13
                          When I worked for McD's, before the original owner of the store died (WalGreens killed him, and that's another story) the place was great to work for. He had family members that worked in the store, and none of them had the entitlement attitude that you'd normally find. (he and his family were black and were from a poorer side of town, and while they were spanking rich after they got their 2 McD's franchises, they'd started out poor)

                          The employees were all nice to work for, we hardly ever had disagreements. And our store was the most successful, and made the most money in the area.

                          Then, the owner died. His wife tried to keep the stores for about 6 months, and then she decided to retire. She didnt want to do it anymore without her husband. So, she sold both stores.

                          Sold them to the biggest asshat I've ever had to work for. His family came from money, were white, and most of them, to me, appeared to be seriously racist. They were rude to regular customers, and were very unpleasant to work for.

                          Some of the regular customers told me that they were going to switch to Burger King or one of the other fast food restaurants nearby because of how the quality of the food went down. This was when McD's switched over to the "que-ing ovens" (really powerful microwaves), and the special cabinets to hold the cooked meat, and they no longer cooked stuff fresh on the grill anymore.

                          There is a definite difference in the taste of McD's food when it's zapped in the microwave after the meats been sitting in the holding cabinet for 10 mins from the taste it used to have when they cooked the food the "old" way. (back when they cooked it fresh)

                          I quit in frustration (managers were told to harrass me to make me quit. One of them told me that after he quit) about 4 days before Christmas in 1996.

                          I still like to eat at McD's, but it just doesnt taste the same as it used to. And the people at the McD's down the street from my house (not one that I ever worked for) are so f-ing rude to me. They're also "condiment Nazis". I love McD's french fries if I can dip them in sweet & sour sauce and barbeque sauce. They refuse to give me any, wont give me more than 3 packets of catsup, and if it's breakfast time, they'll only give me one syrup and they'll have a hissy fit if I ask for more. (they actually charge for extra condiments!)

                          I go to Burger King instead now. At least they'll give barbeque and sweet & sour sauce. (doesnt taste the same...damn)


                          • #14
                            Quoth Ree View Post
                            Every single time, despite the fact that I had a grill slip on my package showing my special request of no cheese and ketchup only, they got it wrong, and there was cheese on it.
                            I order mine the same way, and the same thing seems to happen a lot. Once in awhile is OK, mistakes happen. But they seem to happen at McDonald's than at all the other fast food places put together. I've also had a few instances where the "correction" was also wrong.

                            Besides the ones with cheese where I asked for no cheese, I've had a few other interesting ones.

                            I got one with everything except ketchup.

                            Another time, I got one with mustard and pickles.

                            And my favorite one of all -- I got one with no meat.
                            Last edited by MadMike; 08-18-2006, 08:01 PM. Reason: quote tags
                            Sometimes life is altered.
                            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                            Uneasy with confrontation.
                            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                            • #15
                              I remember somehow accidentally serving someone a meatless hamburger or two...

                              Usually it was because the meat wasnt centered and slid off the bun when the person wrapping them picked it up and just didnt notice it, (that happened if you were wrapping them quickly) or someone was just sloppy when they laid the meat down on the bun crowns and the meat ended up one another burger (someone ends up getting a double cheeseburger then)

                              We'd giggle our asses off about it, but then we'd remake the customer's sandwich and I'd throw in an apple pie or two because the order got screwed up.

