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Does this annoy anyone else or is it just me?

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  • Does this annoy anyone else or is it just me?

    I have worked for TB off and on for 8 1/2 years and in 21 stores over the past 15 years. Out of all my years with them the one thing that makes me madder then anything is people that steal. Either by trying to scam food or stealing drinks (this one makes me want to rip out my hair). Here are just a couple of the people I dealt with this week...

    4 high schoolers come in. Order like 2 tacos or whatever else is cheap. Order water cups. Pay with twentys, tens or mommy's credit card. Then go to the drink machine and get whatever their little heart desires(the cups are clear so like we aren't gonna notice). I go over and take the cups. One actually has the nerve to ask me why. I tell her..."Because you ordered WATER and it's stealing". This little snot had the nerve to tell me..."Well we bought food so it should be free!" Uh...yeah cuz you spent sooooo much money (a whopping $2-$3 each) we'll just bend over backwards for ya.

    The next is this lady who actually has had company emails written about her from the main office for scamming. She goes to different stores and tries to use different names and says we messed up her $20+ order up. She has been to our store like 4 times in the past month cuz she got us once. Well she starts screaming at my cashier because we know it's her and refuse to replace anything. The minute she starts swearing I stepped in and told her to get out and under no terms step foot in the store again or I will call the police. She of course wants to talk to the manager. I explain that I'm the highest ranking manager in the store with the exception of the GM and that I have received 6 emails about her from corporate in the past couple weeks. When she didn't belive me I started naming off the stores she has been to and her fake names. I suggested that she find another food chain to harass cuz our franchise owns ALL 37 TB's in the area. After that she finally shut up and high tailed it out of the store. I called my DM and filled him in. Hopefully we have finally seen the end of her.

    The last is the people who go thru drive. Order, pay, get food, leave....then call 20 mins later to tell me we missed your mexican pizza, nacho bell grande, and a bean burritto. Uh your telling me you left with a bag that had 3 taco supremes in it and didn't notice? packed the order myself, I handed it to you and I know I gave you 2 bags. There is NO way possible that I gave you 2 bags and there were only 3 taco supremes in them. (If we were a busy store it could happen....but our store is the slowest in the district. So I am usually bagging and handing out the orders myself at night) Most of these people are either stoned, drunk or in high school. I can always tell when it's a scammer cuz they will say we missed most of their order but they don't feel like coming to get it and just wanna pick it up next time. So your gonna feed those 4 starving people on 3 tacos? hmmmm....

    Am I the only person who would love to smack people like this?

  • #2
    Wow...scamming Taco Bell has to be the all-time lowest thing a person could do. I mean, half of the reason I eat there is because it's CHEAP! (And yummy!) Those kids were paying with 20's and couldn't cough up a buck for a small drink, which they could then refill to their hearts' content? They and your scammer lady need a good smacking.
    Certifiable Interior Designer
    (Passed the NCIDQ Exam - Summer 2008)

    It's hard to shoot zombies with a cat on your lap!


    • #3
      Quoth traylk View Post
      I have worked for TB off and on for 8 1/2 years and in 21 stores over the past 15 years...
      Credit to you for being able to do it for this long, especially at a place that probably deals with all the late night drunks and idiots who have nowhere else to go. I did several years of fast food service (cashier, drive, trainer) and don't think I could ever go back now.

      Quoth Interior Desecrator View Post
      Wow...scamming Taco Bell has to be the all-time lowest thing a person could do. I mean, half of the reason I eat there is because it's CHEAP! (And yummy!) Those kids were paying with 20's and couldn't cough up a buck for a small drink, which they could then refill to their hearts' content? They and your scammer lady need a good smacking.
      Yeah, I love Taco Bell too. Hits the spot. The problem is that, like beer, you don't buy Taco Bell: you just rent it.
      Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


      • #4
        You must have amazing stamina and tolerance; I lasted two months in fast food!
        Enslaved by WhSmith's since 2005


        • #5
          Those are great stories. Where exactly is this happening at, as in what city and state? In South Florida, areas of Palm Beach and Broward counties, this happens frequently. While I have no particular race in mind, it does turn out to most of the time be the high schoolers who do these type of things.

          On the other hand, it's not just teens at Taco Bell. An earlier thread of mine talked about Sweet Tomatoes in Boca Raton. They have clear glasses for the water drinkers, and blue for soda. Yet, almost every time I've been there, I will see that rich senior citizen with buttloads of money pull a scam like this, and when they're caught, they always say, "Oh, I forgot what I was doing!" Yeah, right.

          Thankfully, some fast food places do not leave sauces and other things out in the open. I think BK now has it where they charge an additional twenty-five cents for extra BBQ sauces.


          • #6
            Quoth piratemonkey View Post
            You must have amazing stamina and tolerance; I lasted two months in fast food!
            That, or you're just smarter then both of us.

            Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


            • #7
              As someone who has been stuck behind a retail counter at WhSmith's for two years, I'm pretty sure that can't be it
              Enslaved by WhSmith's since 2005


              • #8
                Am I the only person who would love to smack people like this?
                Possibly. I'd rather them.

                But then again there are several things wrong with me.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Quoth traylk View Post
                  ...I go over and take the cups. One actually has the nerve to ask me why. I tell her..."Because you ordered WATER and it's stealing". This little snot had the nerve to tell me..."Well we bought food so it should be free!"
                  Wow. Entitled much? I can't stand when people basically show you that they have the money to pay for it, but then try to steal it anyways.

                  Quoth traylk View Post
                  ...The minute she starts swearing I stepped in and told her to get out and under no terms step foot in the store again or I will call the police... I explain [...] that I have received 6 emails about her from corporate in the past couple weeks. When she didn't belive me I started naming off the stores she has been to and her fake names. I suggested that she find another food chain to harass cuz our franchise owns ALL 37 TB's in the area. After that she finally shut up and high tailed it out of the store.
                  Um... Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

                  Quoth traylk View Post
                  The last is the people who go thru drive. Order, pay, get food, leave....then call 20 mins later to tell me we missed your mexican pizza, nacho bell grande, and a bean burritto... I can always tell when it's a scammer cuz they will say we missed most of their order but they don't feel like coming to get it and just wanna pick it up next time. So your gonna feed those 4 starving people on 3 tacos?
                  I have to put in a defense here, as someone who has had something like that happen. If I order a lot, I may not notice if a bag is missing (I try to always check, but everyone misses something once in a while!). If I drive 15 minutes or more home from the restaurant, even if half my food is missing, I probably don't want to waste another half hour while the rest of my food gets cold. I'm not arguing that some of those people aren't scammers, but not all of us are!

                  Quoth traylk View Post
                  Am I the only person who would love to smack people like this?
                  Nope. You are definitely not alone.

                  And let me say, I try to be a good TB customer, as I often drive through VERY late at night (between midnight and 4am) to get food when I get out of work. I'm always sweet and polite, and hoping they don't think I'm drunk!
                  "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                  “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                  • #10
                    Quoth myswtghst View Post
                    If I order a lot, I may not notice if a bag is missing
                    And therein lies the difference, you still had a big order, and got most of it. Traylk said she's had people claim they got three taco supremes, and none of the rest of their order for four people.
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Too bad you can't pre-fill the water cups and hand them over to the teenagers. That way they shouldn't be anywhere near that foutain machine (although you always know they'll have an excuse).

                      I'm glad you don't let them get away with it (even if you do have to throw the soda away after getting it from them). Even as a lowly employee at a pizza restaurant, I still had to pay for soda from the fountain (although it was heavily discounted and refills all you want).
                      This area is left blank for a reason.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Interior Desecrator View Post
                        Wow...scamming Taco Bell has to be the all-time lowest thing a person could do. I mean, half of the reason I eat there is because it's CHEAP! (And yummy!) Those kids were paying with 20's and couldn't cough up a buck for a small drink, which they could then refill to their hearts' content? They and your scammer lady need a good smacking.
                        Isn't it though. On a regular basis it is 2 soft tacos and the 1/2 lb beef and bean burrito for $3.50 for me, to go because I have my own drinks at home.

                        TB should do like some fast food joints and keep their drinks behind the coutner so the brats have to ask for a refill.


                        • #13
                          There's a McDonald's between my campus and our paintball team's home field. This McDonalds sees a lot of business from our team, and it always amuses us that there is the need for a sign over the drinks fountain that says (as accurately as I can remember):


                          Which means that they, at one time or at present, have had trouble with people bringing outside cups into their restaurant (perhaps even the same cup they bought earlier in the day, or days before) to get as much soda from the fountain as they wanted.

                          "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                          • #14
                            Quoth myswtghst View Post
                            I often drive through VERY late at night (between midnight and 4am) to get food when I get out of work. I'm always sweet and polite, and hoping they don't think I'm drunk!
                            Um, what's wrong with being drunk at Taco Bell? Hell, to me that is the best time to GET Taco Bell. Sadly, the Taco Bell here closes at about 11pm, whereas the bars can stay open as late as 4am, and many do. Meaning when you get out of the bars, TB is closed. But I digress....why do you care what the TB employees think of you? And what's wrong with being drunk at TB? Besides the obvious fact that you are talking about going through the drive through.......

                            Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                            Even as a lowly employee at a pizza restaurant, I still had to pay for soda from the fountain (although it was heavily discounted and refills all you want).
                            SERIOUSLY?!?!? At every dining establishment I've worked at for the last 21 years, staff always gets soft drinks for free. I can't think of any place I've worked at that didn't have that policy in place, from Denny's to fine dining establishments. I must say, I am shocked! (Seriously. I am.)

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              If corporate's been emailing about her scam, it's time to have her arrested. the next time she tries to work her scam, one employee ought to play along while another calls the cops.

                              Let her leave the store in handcuffs. They probably won't do much but knowing the stores are on to her scam may be enough for her to quit trying, at least with your stores.

