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Mines better than yours

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  • Mines better than yours

    From the time I started delivering pizzas to now, I drive a 93' Geo Prism.. She's been a good car, never needed a major repair, I'm a firm believer of if you take good care of your car, she'll take good care of you.

    I pulled up at SC's house and he comes to the door, looks past me (As he has done the last 100 times I delivered to him)

    SC: What's that your driving?

    Me: Geo Prism

    SC: Huh, what year?

    Me: 93

    SC: That's old (everyone has their own opinion on what old is.. Some think a 4 year old car is old while others think a 30 year old car is old)

    Me: I guess so

    SC: I have a 2007 BWM.. (He rattles off something, I don't remember)

    Me: That's nice (Me speak for "I don't care.")

    SC: Mines better than yours

    Me: That's nice

    SC: I probably paid more than 10 times what you drive cost

    Me: I wouldn't doubt it.. Now let's see if you can beat all my other customers by tipping me 10 times what they did.

    SC isn't listening, he never does, he likes to brag on all the expensive crap he has.. This guy has to be in his 40's, but acts like a teenager. The manager knows him, kinda, says he has never had or known love.

    SC: Do you have any other cars?

    Lucky I didn't have any other pizzas in my car

    Me: I have a 2005, Jeep Grand Cherokee

    SC: Why don't you drive on the job?

    Me: It's horrible on gas

    SC: Why don't you bring it by later and let me check it out

    Alright.. Time to cue uncomfortable woman things

    Me: No.. I can't, I'm ovulating tonight so my husband and I are going to try to make a baby later.. I bet none of your cars and gadgets can do that.

    I normally don't talk that way to any customer, but this guy is just annoying.. All the other drivers beg me to take his pizza to him, I will sometimes, depends on my mood.

    My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

  • #2
    Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
    Me: No.. I can't, I'm ovulating tonight so my husband and I are going to try to make a baby later.. I bet none of your cars and gadgets can do that.

    I normally don't talk that way to any customer, but this guy is just annoying.. All the other drivers beg me to take his pizza to him, I will sometimes, depends on my mood.
    I can only hope this guy does not tape his conversations with you. That was good, but I'm not sure I would have said something like that.

    I had a neighbor who did something like that, recording a conversation. We were butting heads, and she came over to be all nice, with a tape recorder in her coat pocket, unbeknownst to me, of course. I said nothing incriminating, but it woke me up to believe I need to watch what I say around people.


    • #3
      Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post

      Me: That's nice (Me speak for "I don't care.")
      Oooh, I speak the same language.. often accompanied with this look:


      • #4
        Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
        Me: No.. I can't, I'm ovulating tonight so my husband and I are going to try to make a baby later.. I bet none of your cars and gadgets can do that.
        ::Bites her tongue to keep from snorting out loud in class::


        • #5
          Quoth greensinestro View Post
          I can only hope this guy does not tape his conversations with you. That was good, but I'm not sure I would have said something like that.

          I had a neighbor who did something like that, recording a conversation. We were butting heads, and she came over to be all nice, with a tape recorder in her coat pocket, unbeknownst to me, of course. I said nothing incriminating, but it woke me up to believe I need to watch what I say around people.
          That's also illegal, depending on the state it varies but essentially without a court order you cannot tape a conversation without all parties knowing about it.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            "Me: No.. I can't, I'm ovulating tonight so my husband and I are going to try to make a baby later.. I bet none of your cars and gadgets can do that."

            You are AWESOME!!! I had some issues with my fertility a few years back so I totally get this. I wish I was that quick with the comebacks!!
            Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-10-2007, 05:36 PM. Reason: use quote funtion


            • #7
              Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
              SC: I have a 2007 BWM.. (He rattles off something, I don't remember)

              Me: That's nice (Me speak for "I don't care.")

              SC: Mines better than yours

              Me: That's nice

              SC: I probably paid more than 10 times what you drive cost.
              Boy, someone's got a raging case of TPS!

              BTW, Prizms rock. Great mileage, surprisingly good pickup, compact without being claustrophobia-inducing, generally a well-made car. I wish they still made them, I'd get another one. We've got a 1998 Chevy Prism and only now is it showing any serious wear. So don't let Mr. BMW put down your car!
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                I would have paid to see the look on his face.

                Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                That's also illegal, depending on the state it varies but essentially without a court order you cannot tape a conversation without all parties knowing about it.
                In NJ, as long as one party knows, it's legal. Which means you can tape any conversation that you are a part of. Scary, no?
                NPCing: the ancient art of acting out your multiple personality disorder in a setting where someone else might think there's nothing wrong with you.


                • #9
                  Wow. Worst loser trying to pick up chicks EVAR.
                  My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                  Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                  • #10
                    "I"m Awesome because I drive a BMW!"

                    "Well, that's as may be, but my frozen dairy confection brings all the young suitors to the patch of grass directly in front of my domicile, and to a man they inform passersby that it is indeed a superior product to whatever they may own, the devil take you should you have the temerity to disagree. I would instruct you, but I would be required to levy a fee."


                    • #11
                      @Record Store Tough Guy:

                      Hahahhahahahahaha I'm dancing around to that song now


                      • #12
                        Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                        That's also illegal, depending on the state it varies but essentially without a court order you cannot tape a conversation without all parties knowing about it.
                        Oh, I know it is being she then contacted the attorney general on myself and my wife, being she also taped the two of them talking, while we were yelling at her to get off our lawn and what to do with herself. She even went to one of the other neighbors, who was a former cop, and they all said the same thing to her. What she did was illegal, and even if her recording was admissible in court, it would prove she was trespassing on our property, and yelling obscene insults is not against the law.

                        It makes me wonder also if this rule appliest to people with cellular phones, the ones that can record conversations and take pictures when you are not aware. It's like I say. You have to watch what you do and say any more.


                        • #13
                          Sounds like a midlife crisis.

                          Seriously, there is nothing wrong with waking up one day realizing you're 35, 40, 45, 50...and just accepting it. And being yourself. Makeup, skincare, hairdye that's one thing. Still playing sports, hanging out with the kids, being active...there's absolutely nothing wrong with loving life at every stage.

                          I don't know what scares me more. Women who spend the equivalent of my yearly salary on plastic surgery trying to look younger, or men who spend the equivalent of my life insurance policy on a sports car, Tommy Hilfiger jeans, a Fonzie jacket, and enough hair gel on top of their grey or balding heads to put Ty Peddington out of business.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Ah the BMW idiots. I think they're still pissed that a certain car magazine said that the Mazda Protege had "BMW verve for half the price" BMWs are nice cars, but I'd never get one. Although, a 2002 or early 3-series might be nice. A 507 would be awesome though

                            But seriously, it sounds like the guy has a case of "little dick syndrome" or LDS. It's rather pathetic to show off like that...

                            And yes, I do know I talk about the MG from time to time. However, I didn't start restoring that car to attract women, nor do I use it to impress people. To me, it's just a *reward* for working hard the past 10 years. When it's running again, it's going to get enjoyed during the summer, and put away for the winter.
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #15
                              I've had a few old Bimmers; I miss them.

                              I recently drove my boss's new 3 series. It was fun.

                              My boss is so cool.

                              The backstory: Her cab to the airport didn't show, last minute I rode with her to the airport (she enjoys her car's performance), I take the car back to the office. I'm about six inches taller than she is.

                              I get back to the office, call her on her cell as she's waiting to board, "Three things, your seat's fucked up, the mirrors are fucked up, and I kicked it up to 90 once."

                              She laughed! She said, "Well, three for three. I'll see you in a few days."

                              Woo hoo! 1,000 posts. Wait, that's kinda scary.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                              Document everything
                              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

