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Everyone Hates Me Nobody Likes Me- Worst Jobs re: Public Loathing?

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  • Everyone Hates Me Nobody Likes Me- Worst Jobs re: Public Loathing?

    Have you had a job that is the stuff of late night comedy, high school pranks, movie theater derision, and overall loathing? Misanthropical's thread and the visceral responses to bad memories of bill collectors made me think of this topic. Share your stories of being the person nobody likes to hear from!

    Here's mine-

    I was a door to door canvasser for a small, entirely citizen funded environmental group seeking to use citizen pressure to stop industrial polluters from spewing toxic chemicals into the air and getting away with it. Good group, good mission, and it was working for them, but I only lasted three months because I just couldn't handle the people who hate anyone knocking on their door no matter how polite the person is or how good the cause they're there for is. Some memorable lines:

    "I hate you Communists! Don't step on my walk, I don't let Communists on my lawn!"

    (Man answers door in his boxers)

    "Well, come in, and I'll see what I've got..." (leer, wink)

    ....Hmm, seems I just remembered the person next door asked me to come back at exactly 5:26, and gee look at the time!

    Policy was that if nobody was home, after we went to all the other houses on our turf, we were to give the not-home houses another knock to see if anyone had come home from work.

    "I SAW YOU THE FIRST TIME AND I DIDN'T ANSWER! I don't want to be bothered at home! I don't want you to bother me! Don't bother me! How am I SUPPOSED TO GET YOU TO LEAVE???!"

    ....Try, "I'm not interested," or "I don't agree with the cause." Or a 'no fundraising' sign on the door? Hiding inside and pretending not to be home, gee, maybe that'll make me think you WEREN'T HOME!? Consider that one, smartpants? Gee whilickers!

    "If I'm in my yard, go ahead and talk to me, but don't ever come to my door again. Make a note of that."

    ...Yes, because I'm carrying a database of personal information about every address we've ever been to across the entire state on my person, and I can just whip it out and make a note for next year- we come ONCE A YEAR.

    "You were just here last week!"

    Thank you, Ma'am, for reminding me that my memory of being 50 miles SOUTH of here last week is flawed! I'm sure you're correct and apologize for my hallucination.

    "Sorry, I'm not a registered voter."

    Please point out to me where I asked you to VOTE for something?

    "I don't believe in restricting pollution. I think the Earth is there for us to use how we see fit. It's in the Bible."

    Thanks for that moment of ridiculous, brought to you by ACME Rednecks, Incorporated!

    "I drive a Prius."

    Congrats. My job still requires me to ask you to help out with a signature, by writing a letter, or by making a donation. Preferably all three. I am not selling cars, I am working for a non-profit organization.

    "Didn't you see the mat outside the door that says 'Go Away?'"

    Sure did. Made the mistake of thinking that meant you had a sense of humor, too. Last time I do that- my sincerest apologies.


    Again, because I have a list of every address we come to in my pocket and can just make a note not to knock next year, and we'll just be glad to spend the unpaid time checking to see if you've moved away next year, rather than knocking as we're paid to do...

    "I don't like people from Boulder."

    You're in luck, sir, I'm from Lakewood, but please explain the relevance to my cause?

    "I can't help. I have kids."

    So procreation makes you sign a waiver saying you'll never help to provide clean air for them to grow up with again? More and more reasons for me not to reproduce!

    "Don't come here, I ride a motorcycle."

    Given that most motorcycles get excellent gas mileage and have very low emissions, I really fail to see the issue. Maybe if you drove a Humvee, I would think twice.


    Please, sir, make my goddamned day. If I get stopped by police for my perfectly legal FUNDRAISING, which does not require a license in this county, I will be compensated at my hourly rate for the time I spend answering their questions rather than dealing with arsebags like yourself. In fact, would you like to use my cell phone? See, I haven't had a break all afternoon. I'd really, truly, enjoy a ride in an air conditioned police car, should they choose to offer one, and I bet the station even has a soda machine- I'm parched!
    My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

    Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.

  • #2
    I got one for ya, before I was in the Navy, I used to scrape up road kill for the county. I had worked with animals at a vet's so handling dead animals wasn't anything really new for me. I actually liked the job as it was outdoors and the hours were pretty good (like all county jobs, a lot it involved sleeping the morning off in a truck). I got to meet people from all over the county and learned the backroads really well. The only thing I hated was they gave us orange jumpsuits. Four times in six months, somebody would spot us working and think that we were a prisoner road crew missing the sheriff with a shotgun so they would call the police. It would blow my mind when some rookie cop would take the radio call, drive up to us at 80 mph, do a crazy 180 spin stop in the middle of the road, and proceed to order us to ground like Barney Fife. One time, this tool had me and my supervisor in the back of his cruiser before he noticed the loud laughter coming from his radio. I guess they liked messing with their rookies but name one other job were you can pull a gun on someone and not get in trouble. I really dislike police...
    "Beatings will continue until morale improves!"


    • #3
      Quoth Saydrah View Post
      . I'd really, truly, enjoy a ride in an air conditioned police car, should they choose to offer one

      So much to say, so little time to say it!
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        I work for the Police. Sadly I've heard and seen it all...


        • #5
          Name one other job were you can pull a gun on someone and not get in trouble
          I dunno, the military?


          • #6
            Quoth Slayergrrl View Post
            I work for the Police. Sadly I've heard and seen it all...
            The band, or the force?
            My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

            Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


            • #7
              Quoth Saydrah View Post
              The band, or the force?

              The force.. I'd love to work for the band though!


              • #8
                I have to say selling cars is among the most looked-down-upon jobs out there. Even though I was working at a dealership retailer of cars that was known for a different approach to selling cars, often times people would come in expecting us to take it to them sans lube. Some people would be outright rude because they didn't want to be bothered (that's why we're closed Sundays, and we don't block off our lot like the dealerships down the street), some people would treat us as if we were the scum of the earth, and some people would actively try to avoid us because they were convinced we were out to get them.
                "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


                • #9
                  Quoth Diablo View Post
                  Four times in six months, somebody would spot us working and think that we were a prisoner road crew missing the sheriff with a shotgun so they would call the police. It would blow my mind when some rookie cop would take the radio call, drive up to us at 80 mph, do a crazy 180 spin stop in the middle of the road, and proceed to order us to ground like Barney Fife.
                  I'm in tears. Seriously here.

                  And Chops, I see your point about car retailers/dealerships/etc. When I was looking for a newly used car, one dealership basically ignored me and then told me prices were non-negotiable. Afterwards, I decided they felt I wasn't worth the effort to try making a sale. I'm sure I seemed like a newby idiot, with computer printouts from surfing the net, etc. But I really did want to negotiate and buy a car.

                  Finally, I went to Hertz and bought a former-rental. Hertz clearly posts that prices are non-negotiable, which takes away so much of the fear of haggling. He was also very friendly, professional, and I had his full attention. I got the car I wanted and left very happy. All said and done, it boiled down to the guy I dealt with and his professionalism. I don't treat people like crap unless I feel I'm being treated that way myself.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    "I don't believe in restricting pollution. I think the Earth is there for us to use how we see fit. It's in the Bible."
                    Umm....I think that the Earth was intended for us to respect and take care of! That's why our environment is screwed up now. People like that who think they can pollute and gas guzzle all they want because they believe the Good Lord gave them the right to do so!
                    I had to do telemarketing for AT&T many moons ago, and it was horrible! I got cursed out, hung up on, flirted with, you name it! I was also pregnant at the time, so some of those calls would have me in tears!

                    Btw, I'd sign up if you came to my door!
                    Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-10-2007, 06:35 PM. Reason: use quote function


                    • #11
                      Dishwashing for a popular local resteraunt. Getting screamed at by the chiefs and dealing with their power trips when the owner came down on them for not having food ready in a reasonable amount of time. Walked out finally.


                      • #12
                        teaching qualifies as this.... read some of my earlier posts... i have more...


                        • #13
                          Quoth bainsidhe
                          And Chops, I see your point about car retailers/dealerships/etc. When I was looking for a newly used car, one dealership basically ignored me and then told me prices were non-negotiable. Afterwards, I decided they felt I wasn't worth the effort to try making a sale. I'm sure I seemed like a newby idiot, with computer printouts from surfing the net, etc. But I really did want to negotiate and buy a car.
                          See, I was at one of those places where pricing actually was non-negotiable. All of the places that sell this particular brand of car are; however, we usually make an effort to explain why, and help you understand that you actually aren't paying too much for a particular car. We're not supposed to brush people off like that.

                          It sounds like just like you said...they didn't want to make the effort at the time, and maybe they tried to bully you into thinking you couldn't negotiate when you could just to try to head you off at the pass. When my dad and I went car shopping almost four years ago, we got that treatment from another dealer, and they refused to evaluate my dad's truck for trade until we committed to buying the car. Needless to say, we hightailed it out of there.
                          "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


                          • #14
                            Quoth Can I Help Your A$$? View Post
                            I dunno, the military?

                            Does Gang Member count as a job
                            My Karma ran over your dogma.


                            • #15
                              Quoth digilight View Post
                              Does Gang Member count as a job
                              It pays pretty well.
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

