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Proof that Customers do not listen.

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  • Proof that Customers do not listen.

    My coworker and I have noticed that customers don't listen to the actual words coming out of your mouth.

    Example 1:

    Me: "Is that all?"
    Customer: "No."

    So, of course, I wait, thinking maybe after 'no' they would follow it up with a "I'd also like this..."

    Silly me. They just take their time putting their food in their cart and wander off.

    Example 2:

    Me: "Would you like anything else?"
    Customer: "No. I want a pound of...."

    No pause and a "Oh, i forgot, I need *this* as well...

    Example 3:

    This one is my favorite. It usually ends up with me having to raise my voice to talk over the dimwit to get my point across.

    Me: "What would you like sir/ma'am?"
    Customer: "Potato Salad."
    Me: *waits a second or two* "...How much?"
    Customer: "Potato Salad"
    Me: "How much?"
    Customer: " POTATO SA-"
    Me: "Yes I know potato salad, how MUCH?"
    Customer: "..oh. *says size*"
    Me: *dreading the next question now.* Which kind would you like?
    Customer: Potato salad.
    Me: Sir/Ma'am, we have 5 different kinds.....

    **Now, to put you at ease, I'm not talking about the elderly that have hearing problems. I'm talking about perfectly capable, young to middle aged people that heard every word I said before hand just fine.
    Last edited by Kyree; 12-14-2007, 05:01 PM. Reason: Forgot a sentence.
    Pit bull-

    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.

  • #2
    I didn't need proof customers didn't do anything other than interrupt my glorious afternoons and piss me off.

    That happened to me before at the gas station. I asked a customer "Did you have gas today?" and they responded "No, 10 bucks" or if I rang up an item and then asked "Anything else?" they'd say "Nope, that's it.......and a pack of Marboreds!"
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      I have so many of those situations!

      Just yesterday: "hi there! how are you today?"
      "NO! I'm just looking!"

      "What size do you need?"
      "Yes." ....yes what?

      Me: "Can I get the name that appears on the credit/debit card you'll be using today?"
      SC: "Visa." .... not the answer I was going for...

      And, my signature below.
      "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
      "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


      • #4
        Ahhh I have this happen to me often also...

        Me: "And would you like a French baguette or a Whole Grain baguette as your side?"
        SC: "A baguette."
        Umm...Yeah, got that part.

        Me: "For here or to go?"
        SC: "Yes."

        Me: "Anything else?"
        SC: "Yes."
        *waits* SC stares blankly, says nothing.


        • #5
          And we have the main reason I cannot work retail ever again. I'd call everyone of them on not listening and tell them they need to leave the store as they are too stupid to shop. And probably get sent home early until I got fired.


          • #6
            My contribution to this dabbles with tech support. As a result...

            Powercycle - a basic step-by-step process wherein everything is powered off, given time to "cool down," then one by one, each device is turned back on in a specific order, typically starting with an external modem and ending with a computer you intend to continue troubleshooting on.

            Example: You have an external modem, a router, and three computers attached to the router. You have disconnected the power cables from the modem and router. You have turned off all computers. After waiting 30 seconds, plug back in the modem, wait until the lights are solid. Plug in the router, ditto. Turn on ONE computer. Resume testing.

            This is one of the most basic steps in troubleshooting and you'd be surprised how many times this is all that's necessary to fix a simple connectivity problem. Anyway...

            Me: "Okay, ma'am, what we're going to need to do now is powercycle. First, turn everything off."
            Cust: "Okay."
            * At this point, I notice the modem looks like it was reset. *
            Me: "Ma'am, did you turn that modem off?"
            Cust: "It's back on."
            Me: "No, sorry, we need to keep it off for now."
            Cust: "Well, but...but...Windows is coming back up."
            Me: "..."

            OFF does not mean RESTART you $*#&#*&@$&%&*$*#$&*%&*%&*. Es muy frustrado.
            You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


            • #7
              Quoth Custard Chick View Post
              Me: "For here or to go?"
              SC: "Yes."
              We would get this at times when I worked at Burger King. From time to time I would just bag the order and then put the bag on a tray Well they did say yes didn't they....

              Don't think that Customers are the only one who get stricken by the tard fairy at times though. It wasn't uncommon for an employee working drive thru to ask a customer if their order was for "here or to go". Yeah somedays you feel like a nut, somedays you work with 'em!.
              My Karma ran over your dogma.


              • #8
                Quoth Kyree View Post
                Example 2:

                Me: "Would you like anything else?"
                Customer: "No. I want a pound of...."
                I get this one quite a bit ...

                Me: "Can I help you with anything?"
                SC: "No, just looking ... can I look at this???" all in the same breath ... sometimes I can't help but laugh at them.
                This area is left blank for a reason.


                • #9
                  I get this a lot....

                  Me: Are you calling to place an order?
                  SC: No. I'd like to place an order.


                  Me: Are you calling to place an order?
                  SC: Yes.
                  Me: *go thru getting info and ask what they want to order*
                  SC: I'm not placing an order, I want to *check on an order/cancel and order/ask some other question*.
                  You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


                  • #10
                    when i ask a


                    • #11
                      I have to admit to once in awhile answering a question that I didn't listen to when it comes to things like this, but I get incredibly embarrassed and apologize when I realize I didn't mean to answer that way...


                      • #12
                        I was in Starbucks the other day and the guy ordered a "whatever". I'm not hip enough to know all the crap that people order. Anyway, the girl behind the counter asked him what size. He repeats his long ass order again. The girl asks him again for the size. Yep you guessed it, he repeated the order. She just sighs and gets him a venti.


                        • #13
                          I have so many examples...

                          when working at the theatre

                          me- would you like butter on your popcorn?
                          sc- yes
                          *puts butter on popcorn
                          sc- why did you just put butter on my popcorn?
                          me- ... because you asked for it...

                          me- that will be in the last theatre to your right
                          *sc goes to the left

                          In parking enforcement (these were rare as I almost never ran into our "customers")

                          sc- is it ok to park here for the library
                          me- no sir, this parking is for Burger King customers only, the library parking garage entrance is across the street, right there, you see where the green arrow on the road is.
                          sc- oh, ok (then proceeds to walk away and across the street to the library)
                          me- what a moron... oh well, at least this will be an easy day to make quota on.
                          *writes ticket, places it on their windshield, then continues to check license plates to make sure no one is over the time limit*
                          sc- *coming back across the street* why the hell did you give me a ticket?
                          me- this parking lot is for burger king only, parking and leaving the property is subject to a $25 ticket, which is clearly stated by the sign at the entrance.
                          sc- well, why the hell didn't you tell me I couldn't park here?

                          car rental was fun also

                          me- did you have a good trip
                          sc- no damage on the car

                          ok, glad to hear that is the only thing that qualifies a good trip now.

                          and hotel reservations has caused the most gems

                          sc- do you have any rooms available tonight?
                          me- I'm sorry, but we have no availability tonight, would you like me to see where the nearest sister property with availability would be?
                          sc- well, do you have any suites
                          me- no, I have nothing available, would you like me to check to see if any of our sister properties have availability?
                          sc- no, I'll just call (sister property).

                          I have more, but i'm at work right now and can't get too long winded between calls.
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                          • #14
                            Me: Hi, do you have a WD card?

                            SC: Nnnnooooo. But I have a WD card!

                            The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                            • #15
                              Me: Now, before I leave, is there anything else you need me to look at?

                              Customer: WHY are you leaving???!?! You HAVEN'T FIXXED EVERYTHING YET!!!

                              Me: You are in violation of the "Idiots Existance " law. Please report to the nearest self terminations unit citizen!

                              yeah.. I know.. but I THOUGHT IT...

