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Wii Zappers will get me killed.

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  • Wii Zappers will get me killed.

    We got six in. Everyone wanted to buy them all because apparently everyone around here can't stop procreating so everyone with a damn Wii has, oh, I don't know, around 52 kids. I'm having to hide the damn things under the counter so we can only sell each person one so the first six people asking will at least get one. One lady starts to yell because she saw us get our box in and saw that we had gotten more than one in, pissed off because I was only going to sell her one. Every parent in line behind her begins to raise their hands to strangle her...and I think she noticed because she shut up.

    Geez people, tell your kids to share!

    Oh, and Nintendo...I'm going to frikkin' murder you.
    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    I've played the Wii...and yeah, it's fun..but I don't understand the craziness surrounding it.

    Up until last week, there were plenty around here. Now everbody is sold out and people are FREAKING.

    I'm not even a real serious gamer anymore, and I just got a PS3, cause it does a whole hell of a lot more than a Wii. And my DVD player and PS2 both bit the dust within a week of each other, and I wanted to get a Blu Ray/HD DVD player anyway. And even though I don't play games that often (don't shoot me) I still wanted to have a gaming console.
    If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


    • #3
      I finished my Christmas shopping this morning at Zellers.

      While in the electronics department looking for a gift for my niece, I noticed a handwritten sign saying "No Wiis"

      I told the employee ringing me up, that I didn't care about the sign, after all I've had mine since June.

      But it shows unlike most customers I read signs, again not that the sign matters to me.


      • #4
        The way I see it, everyone who wants one for a present couldn't fathom planning ahead--maybe buying it in, say, June when the prices were still reasonable on the secondary market.

        The frenzy is a bit understandable though since most return policies are 30 days...but still, it's obvious that if you've had one since May that the kids don't want, it's still resellable and there's a good chance of getting more than your initial investment back.

        I'm waiting until I can actually find one for a reasonable price, myself. As far as holiday gamer toys go, I'm happy with my DS for now...then again, I learned when I was a kid to save up and wait for expensive stuff
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          I distinctly remember, the day after it was announced that stores could do presales on PS3s, I walked into a GameStop (to turn in an application), noticed a handwritten sign by the door that said "We can't do any more reserves on PS3s." So I commented on it to the guy who took my application, "So, how many people have asked anyway?"
          The guy looked at me like I was crazy. "None have asked me."
          The very next customer to walk in the door not only interrupted our little discussion, but also asked to reserve a PS3. I walked out, laughing.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            I got to eb games last night and I almost got a wii. The guy in front of me bought the last one and had I not been standing there like a moron deciding if I should go for it or not, it would have been mine.

            Its okay though. I bought the hubs an used ps2 (he has a ton of games but left the console to his little brother as a 'remember me present' when we got married) and a bunch of games for the same price a wii would have cost.

            For a very, very brief moment I thought about buying one of the wii display boxes to house the ps2 in for Christmas, just so to be mean. I opted out of it due to my mom's tv box with clothes thing.
            "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


            • #7
              I lucked out and got a Wii. I played one a while back and liked it but I'm waiting till Christmas to surprise my friends. I am considering a PS3 as I have plenty of PS2 games and I want to play Assassin's Creed (Very badly).
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #8
                Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                I lucked out and got a Wii. I played one a while back and liked it but I'm waiting till Christmas to surprise my friends. I am considering a PS3 as I have plenty of PS2 games and I want to play Assassin's Creed (Very badly).
                Dude. Go with a 360. Unless you're dead set on that blue-ray, go with a 360. Much better games for it (including Assassin's Creed!), and although the graphics are supposedly much better than anything ever oh my god shit my pants on the PS3 (note that sarcasm), you'd be missing out on the best games of the year (Bioshock, Mass Effect, in my opinion Halo 3, probably because I'm a fangirl...)

                Edit: That and unless you buy the 80 gig at 500 bucks, you're not getting any backwards compatability with your PS2 games. 80 gig has about 70% backwards compatability, you're better off just keeping your PS2. That is, unless, you're a HUGE fan of Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy, which Sony managed to hold onto as far as being exclusive goes..but those won't come out for another two years probably anyways.
                Last edited by marty; 12-18-2007, 05:37 PM.
                Would you like a Stummies?


                • #9
                  My parents didn;t allow any gaming consoles in the house when I was kids, we had to use our imagination and play outside or play bord games. I have tried to install the same standards in my kids, but I plan on buying a Wii maybe middle of next year since they have the games you need to move around with.

                  I bought a gamecube played it once or twice and then it sat collecting dust so I sold it. I guess I am not a gamer.


                  • #10
                    Quoth marty View Post
                    Dude. Go with a 360. Unless you're dead set on that blue-ray, go with a 360. Much better games for it (including Assassin's Creed!), and although the graphics are supposedly much better than anything ever oh my god shit my pants on the PS3 (note that sarcasm), you'd be missing out on the best games of the year (Bioshock, Mass Effect, in my opinion Halo 3, probably because I'm a fangirl...)

                    Edit: That and unless you buy the 80 gig at 500 bucks, you're not getting any backwards compatability with your PS2 games. 80 gig has about 70% backwards compatability, you're better off just keeping your PS2. That is, unless, you're a HUGE fan of Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy, which Sony managed to hold onto as far as being exclusive goes..but those won't come out for another two years probably anyways.
                    Ackcherly, if you know where to look, you can get the 60 gig for a little over $400, which is 100% backwards compatible. And Folklore is pretty fab.
                    My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                    Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, but unless you really know where you're looking, then you can't easily find the 60gig.
                      Would you like a Stummies?


                      • #12
                        While I owe allegiance to Nintendo, I'd also say go with a 360 if you're looking for a serious gaming machine. PS3 is still overpriced meh and Sony's CEOs *still* can't stop opening their mouths and acting like dicks every time the media comes anywhere near them. >< The 360 is really in its stride at the moment and did everything that the PS3 should have done from the get go.

                        As for the craze surrounding the Wii, its similar to the DS in that its appeal transcends age and gender. Plus its actually affordable and within "Impulse Buy" price range. Which is why it'll probably continue to stay on top for a while yet. There's more people that will buy it and more people that can afford it, simple as that.

                        Course none of the 3 top owning a good gaming PC ;p

                        If you want me I'll be learning Yoga off my DS...


                        • #13
                          ZOMG! You've got Wii Zappers?! Can I have one? CanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICa nICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanI CanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICa nICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanI CanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICa nICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanI CanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICa nICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanI CanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICanICa nICanICanI?

                          Just kidding...I don't even have a Wii yet.
                          You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                          • #14
                            Gunsage: I will kill you.
                            Would you like a Stummies?


                            • #15
                              What's sad is I've been trying to find games for my N64 that don't suck and aren't completely demolished.
                              Most places I've been to have like five games and they all look like they've been run through a washing machine.
                              I know I'm not going to get new N64 games, but something that doesn't look like someone threw it against a wall would be nice.
                              Oh, and Tiger Woods golf crap isn't fun for anyone.
                              Though my brother expressed to me that he found a store with a huge stash of them, and methinks I'll be getting a few for Christmas.

                              So that's my Nintendo hate.
                              The Wii, while something I would love to have, doesn't make sense to me.
                              It's JUST a video game, people!
                              And sheesh, wait until after Christmas. Stored will always get more shipments and after the holidays there won't be as much as a mad rush for them.
                              I know kids don't like the idea of an "IOU one Wii contoller" gift, but a promise of one is better than a disappointed child in my books.

