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You know you're a retail zobie when...

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  • #31
    I must admit that I am guilty of covering someone's shift after my last day... but it was the day after my last day at work so I'm not sure if that really counts.
    from working in hotel reservation
    ... if you have ever answered your phone "reservation desk"... double bonus points if the person actually tries to make a reservation
    ... when you can be checking into the hotel and you know more about the property than the people at the hotel
    ... when you are on an employee rate and the person at the front desk has to ask you what qualifies as proof of employment

    from car rental
    ... when you can still tell which cars are from your company a year after you left
    ...when you miss long term parking because you forgot you can't use employee parking anymore... damn have to drive the whole way around the airport again (i wish I was joking on that)
    ... worse you have actually pulled into employee parking and one of your old coworkers asks if you are trying to get your old job back (no way in hell)
    ... you hand wash your car not because you know how to do it better than the automatic (which you can) but out of habit.

    from parking enforcement
    ... you have ever gotten a parking ticket because you forgot you no longer had employee privilages
    ... you still remember which lots are monitered by the company, remember their lot number, and remember exactly how much they charge. (for the record, U013 was my favorite lot to check because the manager at the burger king next door gave us free drinks).

    from movie theatres bothers you to this day when people at the concession stand put butter only on the top (ugh, you are supposed to also put butter halfway through)
    ... you know enough about projectors that you pick theatres not because of price, location, or time of show, but because of what projector they use
    ... same goes for sound systems

    from retail
    ... yes I still straighten shelves

    from fast food
    ... you hate going through the drive through
    ... you actually clean your own table
    ... you order in the order that you know the employee has to put stuff into the computer
    ... you try to catch glimpses at the employees screen to 1. make sure they put your order in right 2. see if they have changed systems since you worked there.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #32
      not retail, but...working 2 (or more) jobs, and having a coworker from one call to the other (NOT for you) but recognizing you from the WAY you give your phone spiel.

      I freaked out one veterinarian when she called my other job looking for another coworker. She did not know I worked the other place also, and she thought she had called the animal hospital instead of her client's work number! (She was also calling from a different animal clinic than the one we worked at together.)
      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


      • #33
        Quoth Primer View Post
        not retail, but...working 2 (or more) jobs, and having a coworker from one call to the other (NOT for you) but recognizing you from the WAY you give your phone spiel.

        I freaked out one veterinarian when she called my other job looking for another coworker. She did not know I worked the other place also, and she thought she had called the animal hospital instead of her client's work number! (She was also calling from a different animal clinic than the one we worked at together.)
        I get a variation of that, since I "am" the in house reservation agent for the hotels that forward their calls I must keep a credible presence at the hotel... it is funny because I've had a few high school friends who have called in and recognized me and did the "smileyeagle is that you, I never knew you moved to san diego, I thought you were in salt lake, when did you move there?" line...
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #34
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          from fast food
          ... you hate going through the drive through
          ... you actually clean your own table
          ... you order in the order that you know the employee has to put stuff into the computer
          ... you try to catch glimpses at the employees screen to 1. make sure they put your order in right 2. see if they have changed systems since you worked there.
          I've done all that, but I have to add:

          ... you actually press the button on the register that the cashier is searching for, because you know the keyboard better upside down better than they do normally

          Bonus points if you actually ring your entire order.... (fortunately i've never gone that far...)
          "I'm sorry, but I don't speak customer." - Me, after a particularly mangled drive-thru order


          • #35
   see an item out of place while shopping, and take the time to go to the other side of the store to put it where it belongs.
            ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


            • #36
              Instead of browsing for CDs you spend ten minutes pushing them all back to look smart and dead heading the header cards...
              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


              • #37
                When you automatically drive to work on your day off, even when you are supposed to be going the other way.
                "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                • #38
                  when walking in the store, you automatically patrol the 'red routes' whilst moving from A-B

                  *Red routes are vulnerable areas of the store
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                  • #39
                    From my various phone jobs over the years:

                    Whenever I have to talk to a call center for any reason, I sit down in a comfortable place with my wallet, pen and paper, something to read/look at/play with while on hold, any paperwork related to what I am calling about and anything else I think I may need. I will not call the number until all of this is gathered and within reach.

                    I am infinitely patient when a CSR needs to put me on hold multiple times in one call, I don't blabber peripheral info while they are looking up/notating/updating my account (I keep quiet so they can think), I recite all information slowly and clearly and give the 'b as in boy' for confusing letters.

                    I will end the call by saying 'Thank you and have a great day, Sir!' unconsciously before the CSR gets a chance to say it to me.

                    I have to do all of these things during a call, otherwise I have an anxiety attack.

                    Oh yes, and in stores, if I have to put anything back, I will make sure to put it back in the correct place; I will also find things out of place and take them back to where they belong. But that may be my OCD.
                    Last edited by ThePhoneGoddess; 01-19-2008, 03:06 PM.
                    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                    • #40
                      - You're in another store in the chain, realize what time it is & head for the cash registers because it's time to do the daily report.
                      - People recognize you & call you "The Piece Goods Lady" a decade later

                      (& the cart thing, I do that because that's something that my mom taught me to do, every time I go in a store)
                      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                      • #41
                        Quoth Forensic Waitress View Post
                        ... when a new employee at your old store makes a mistake with your transaction and you can talk them through fixing it up.'
                        I have to show the R$ associates who take my CC payment how to do it. I haven't worked there in 2 years now.

